When first announced, everyone thought it was ingenious...having dot codes on cards causing Games to be playable with them. Long Barcodes are said to be able to store 6 Kilobytes of data and the small one is said to store 2.4 Kilobytes. Now it is used with many things: Animal Crossing, About 16 NES Games, Game & Watch Games, Mario Party and...most importantly and predominantly, Pok�mon.

With Pok�mon, there are two different uses of the cards, The Pok�mon-E+ set, which activates new stuff in Ruby & Sapphire, and Dex Info and games in the ordinary TCG. Here you will find information on all the different Cards and What They Do;

Set Picture Cards Description
54 Battle Trainer E (Pok�mon E+)

Scan Cards for Trainers to battle in Mossdeep and the Battle Tower aswell as adding some brand new berries to the game:

  • Set One List & Details
  • Promos List & Details
  • 24 Pok�mon Colossum

    Scan Cards into Colosseum to add new trainers with Dark Pok�mon that you can steal aswell as a New Stage:

  • Main information
  • E-Card Info
  • 3 Pok�mon Channel

    Scan Cards into Pok�mon Channel with the GCN-GBA link cable to unlock new pictures and other goodies:

  • Main information
  • E-Card Info
  • 3 Pok�mon Pinball R/S

    Scan Cards into Pinball R/S to increase the ratios of finding Pok�mon...and many more!:

  • Main information
  • E-Card Info
  • 165 Expedition

    The First Pok�mon Card Set with Dot Codes on, on all cards but holofoils, there is a small barcode containing card details and sometimes Pok�dex Info, on many others there are programs or part of Programs Including Mini-Games, Sounds and Animations:

  • Set List & Scans
  • 147 Aquapolis

    The Second Pok�mon Card Set with Dot Codes on, on all numbered cards, there is a small barcode containing card details and sometimes Pok�dex Info, on many others there are programs or part of Programs Including Mini-Games, Platform Game Blocks, Sounds and Hidden Attacks!:

  • Set List & Scans
  • 144 Skyridge

    The Third Pok�mon Card Set with Dot Codes on but the last made by Wizards of the Coast, on all numbered cards, there is a small barcode containing card details and sometimes Pok�dex Info, on many others there are programs or part of Programs Including Mini-Games, Platform Game Blocks, Sounds and Hidden Attacks!:

  • Set List & Scans
  • 109 Pok�mon EX: Ruby & Sapphire

    The First E-Card Set Made by Nintendo, unfortunately these cards are devoid of all the extra-stuff in the 3 Wizards sets, all the non-holographic cards have small barcodes on containing Dex Info and Card Information:

  • Set List & Scans
  • 100 Pok�mon EX: Sandstorm

    The Second of the sets released by Nintendo, these cards also only have Dex info and card information on the dot codes. There are 100 cards in this set:

  • Set List & Scans
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