Pok�mon Pinball Ruby & Sapphire

Bonus Levels...every Pinball game has them (well there are 2), and this game does not fall short of them. These Bonuses Increase in Difficulty and here is the way to beat them:

The Sealeo Bonus:

On Ruby BOard you get brought here by a Whiscash. On the Sapphire one you get brought here by Pelipper. Your task here is to get your Pok�ball and Spheals through the Basketball Hoop as many times as possible. To get Spheals through, as you see it trying to climb up the slide, Aim your Pok�ball and hit it and it should go through. To get it Normally with your Pok�ball just aim up the slide. You have 2 minutes to do this. You get 5,000,000 points for every Spheal through the hoop and 1,000,000 for every Pok�ball.

The Kecleon Bonus:

Only Found On the Ruby Board, Your Task is to find Kecleon and hit it. But he keeps camoflaguing himself so be watchful for the grass or flowers moving. Hit the large tree to make it easier to see Kecleon to hit him. All this has to be done within 2 minutes

You get 30,000,000 Points Minimum for beating this Bonus Stage

The Dusclops Bonus:

Only Found On the Sapphire Board, When this Bonus Stage Starts you will see Duskulls Flying around the graveyard in groups...you have to hit them. There are between 20 and 30 Duskulls so do it quickly. Once the Duskulls are taken card of, Dusclops appears. You have to hit Dusclops 5 times but do not go for a head on attack or he will consume your ball. Try to go behind him. You have 2 minutes to Do This

You get 30,000,000 Points Minimum for beating this Bonus Stage

The Groudon Bonus:

Only found on the Ruby Table, Groudon will drop out from the ceiling with several Rocks. These Rocks are breakable and take 3 hits to destroy. Quite quickly afterwards, he will use the Eruption Attack to push you to the edges and to create 4 Pillars of Fire to surround him. You need to attack these Pillars first, but it needs to be done quickly as Groudon will shoot fireballs at your ball, which if they hit will immobilise your ball for up to 10 seconds. He will also drop more rocks and then eruption again. He will keep doing this until you have hit him around 15 times. You have 3 Minutes to do this in

You get 50,000,000 points minimum for beating him, you also capture Groudon if this is your second time battling him without quitting or having a Game Over

The Kyogre Bonus:

Only found on the Sapphire Table, when Kyogre appears he will be dormant but will then do a Sheer Cold attack. This will freeze your ball and keep you immobile for several seconds. Kyogre, unlike Groudon, moves around and goes under water alot, keep your eye on bubbles in the water to get him as he comes up. Kyogre also sends out Whirlpools which will trap your Pok�ball for a couple of seconds and then send you back down. You need to hit Kyogre around 15 times to win. You have 3 Minutes to do this in

You get 50,000,000 points minimum for beating him, you also capture Kyogre if this is your second time battling him without quitting or having a Game Over

The Rayquaza Bonus:

Found on the tables after you have captured either Groudon or Kyogre, this Bonus is the hardest. Rayquaza moves around from the left to the right and so forth so be sure to get him as much as possible at first. He will occassionally bounce up and down and you may go under him so be sure to time it so that you hit him as he lands. After a short While he will use a Thunder attack, this keeps him motion-less so hit him quickly here but be sure to evade the thunder as it will paralyze your ball if it hits. After another short while, Rayquaza will fly up and then return on the screen zipping across using Extremespeed. This creates 2 tornados...be sure to miss them otherwise they will send your ball in the air for several seconds. You need to hit Rayquaza around 15 times to win and You have 3 Minutes to do this in.

You get 99,999,999 points minimum for beating him, you also capture Rayquaza if this is your second time battling him without quitting or having a Game Over