With most spin-off games, the capturing of Pok�mon has been relatively straight forward, without any additional features. However, Pok�mon Battle Trozei takes advantage of the Nintendo 3DS's clock, and has several Pok�mon appear on specific occasions.

Time of Day

First, there are a few levels where various Pok�mon will only appear between specific times in the day. This matches their appearances in both aesthetics and in-game so you can easily guess what Pok�mon is where. Day runs from 8am to 8pm and Night runs from 8pm to 8am

Stage Day Night
Zone 4: Sky-High Ruins
Stage 4
Solrock Lunatone
Zone 8: Distortion Island
Stage 1
Espeon Lunatone

Another instance is a daily change. After completing Zone 3, you will unlock the Safari Jungle. This Zone will unlock. As you progress through the game, after Zone 6 you will unlock the second stage and completion of the game unlocks the final stage. The stages increase in difficulty with Stage 1 being relatively easy, and Stage 3 sending multiple powerful Pok�mon at you.

The Pok�mon that you will find change on the passing of each day. Each of the seven days of the week has got a specific roster of Pok�mon for capture, requiring you to be sure to play each day in order to fill your Pok�dex. The Safari Jungle runs just like the other stages and has hidden Pok�mon that require high combos to access.

Click here for Safari Jungle Listings