AccuRanker Review

  • Matthew Woodward
  • Updated on Jun 28, 2024
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An effective SEO campaign requires a tool that will help you to track all of your websites, keywords and rankings across desktop and mobile devices to see how your strategy is performing.

But finding an accurate and up-to-date tool to track keyword rankings is hard.


  • Most SEO rank tracker tools are queued and scheduled, so you won’t get any immediate results.
  • Other tools have complex user interfaces, so they’re not very user-friendly.

But what if I told you I found a rank tracker that’s super intuitive and easy to use?

It can give you on-demand ranking updates. And comes with a 14-day free trial, so you can see if it’s right for you.

Sounds too good to be true…right?

Let me introduce you to AccuRanker.

In this AccuRanker review I’ll show you how the rank tracking tool works, and whether it can live up to its 4.8-star reputation on Trustpilot.

What is AccuRanker?

AccuRanker is one of the best rank tracking tools on the market to track keywords in an instant.

It takes the guesswork out of tracking your results so you can save precious time and leverage the data to make informed decisions.


The result?

 See your keywords move up in the SERPs.

With AccuRanker, you’ll have the most reliable rank tracker on the market!

What Makes It Different?

There are many SEO tools out there.

But AccuRanker truly stands out when it comes to these three different areas.

#1: Accurate & Up-To-Date Data

Google updates and changes its algorithm all the time!

To combat this issue, AccuRanker’s keyword data automatically updates every 24-hours.

You can also access it on-demand by pressing the instant refresh button.

AccuRanker review instant refresh button

#2: Easy to Use and Setup

Unlike other SEO tools, AccuRanker’s user interface is intuitive and clean.

Their features are organized well, so it’s easy to use and navigate.

AccuRanker easy to use

It’s also simple to connect with third-party integrations.

Google Integrations

And I’ll be showing you some cool stuff that you can do with the Google Data Studio integration later!

#3: Customizable Reports

You can save time by automatically generating customizable reports.

Accuranker customizable reports

So how does it work?

  1. Add your company logo
  2. Set your schedule
  3. Get automated reports
 It’s that easy!

And if you have non-SEO’s in your team, you can also use the share of voice function.

Share of Voice Function

This metric combines monthly searches and your rankings, so you get an accurate view of your performance in the organic search market.

How to Start Tracking Your Rankings?

Don’t worry.

It’s super easy to setup.

It’ll take you less than 10 minutes to get started!

#1: Sign Up For a Free Trial

To begin, create an account by filling in your email address.

Create an account

Verify your email, by clicking to confirm your account.

AccuRanker Confirm your account

#2: Add Your Domain

Once you’ve logged in, scroll to the bottom of the page to add your domain.

Fill in the following information below.

Then hit save.

AccuRanker Add Domain

#3: Add Your Keyword

Click on Dashboard.

Click on Add Keywords next to the domain name.

Add keywords

AccuRanker Add Keyword Form

Start by entering a locale and location.

Once you select a location, you will see this.

AccuRanker Search Engines

Select your search engine of choice.

You can choose between mobile, desktop or select both.

Then, choose your location if you are doing local SEO.

AccuRanker Choose Location

Finally, select any Google Settings.

AccuRanker Add Locale

Then, click Add Locale.

AccuRanker Add Location

Now, let’s move on to adding your Keywords.

AccuRanker How to Add Keywords

As you type in your keywords, you can find some suggestions below.

Click on the suggestions if you want to add it to your list.

Once you’re finished, click Add keywords.

AccuRanker Add Keywords Complete

And there you have it!

 You’ve successfully added your keywords.

You can now view and track your keywords and their rankings on your AccuRanker dashboard.

How to Use AccuRanker

There are certain things you need to know when it comes to using AccuRanker.

We are going to go through it’s best features:

  • Share of Voice
  • Ranking Distribution
  • Average Rank
  • Keywords List
  • Keyword History
  • Create Ranking Dashboards in Google Data Studio

I’ll show you how to navigate the Dashboard.

By the end of this section, you can get started and gain valuable ranking data.

#1: Understanding the Dashboard

Once you’re on your dashboard, you should see this.

AccuRanker Dashboard Summary

The dashboard will display key information for each domain name.

This includes:

  • Number of Keywords (you’ve added to AccuRanker)
  • Average Rank
  • Share of Voice
  • Ranking Distribution

We’ll go into more detail for each of these terms below.

If you click on the Domain Name, you will find a detailed overview of your website.

AccuRanker Dashboard Complete

Don’t worry.

If you’re feeling confused, I’ll help you understand your key metrics and graphs below.

Share of Voice

The ‘Share Of Voice’ (SoV) is one of the key metrics on AccuRanker.

AcuuRanker Share Of Voice Dashboard

You can find more information on the SoV in the line graph and pie charts that first appear in the detailed overview.

AccuRanker Share Of Voice Graph

Before we dive in, SOV is one of my favourite metrics on Accuranker.


 Because it indicates how your top keywords are performing.

Let me show you how AccuRanker calculates your SoV.

  • It takes the Click-Through-Rate (CTR) for ranks 1-20
  • It multiplies the CTR with monthly search volumes

For example:

  • If you ranked #1 (which is approximately 30% CTR) for a keyword
  • And the monthly search volume was 1000 for the keyword
  • Your SoV would be 30% x 1000 = 300

The SoV combines your ranking and monthly search volume in one.

That’s why it’s an accurate metric to assess performance in the organic search market.

It’s a quick way to see whether your high traffic keywords are losing or gaining ranks.

Here’s something to take into account.

AccuRanker calculates your SoV from the keywords you put into the system.

The SoV metric does not reflect your website’s overall performance.

Unless you’re adding every keyword your site ranks for.

Ranking Distribution

Your ‘Ranking Distribution’ is another key feature.

AccuRanker Ranking Distribution Summary

You can find your ‘ranking distribution’ as a graph in the detailed overview.

AccuRanker Ranking Distribution Graph

Here, AccuRanker takes all your rankings and splits them into 6 different groups.

The groups are keywords that range in ranks from:

AccuRanker Ranks

By splitting it into 6 different groups, you can see which keywords are moving up or down.

You also gain a broad overview of the performance of your keywords.

We recommend using ranking distribution to consistently track high-ranking words.

If you want to know which keywords are performing well, you can unclick the lower-ranking ranges.

For example:

If I want to see which keywords are ranking in positions 1-2 on Google and Bing, I’d select this option and exclude the other ranges.

This allows me to focus on the data I want to see.

AccuRanker Excluding Other Ranges

You can also see changes by date.

If you move the cursor of your mouse onto a specific date, AccuRanker will show you ‘ranking distribution’ data for the day.

AccuRanker Ranking Distribution Cursor

You can also click on a ranking segment to see some of the keywords within that range.

accuranker ranking segment

Average Rank

The final key metric I want to go over is the ‘Average Rank.’

AccuRanker Average Rank

The ‘Average Rank’ takes all of your keywords ranked in the system and calculates their average ranking over time.

You can find a detailed graph of your ‘Average Rank’ in the detailed overview.

AccuRanker Average Rank Graph

Here, you gain a broad overview of how your keywords are performing in general.

You can select which dates to compare by clicking “compare to” in the top right and adding in your select intervals.

AccuRanker Calendar Dates

How accurate is the ‘Average Ranking’ metric?

Average Ranking only takes into account the keywords you ranked for.

These include words that are in the top 100 in Google and Bing.

For example:

If you have two keywords.

  • Keyword 1 ranks #1.
  • Keyword 2 ranks ‘outside of the top 100.’

Your average ranking will be 1 since AccuRanker doesn’t have a rank for keyword 2.

If Keyword 2 is ranked #100 and keyword 1 stays at #1, your average ranking will shift from 1 to 50.

#2: Keywords List

In the tab next to your ‘Domain Overview,’ you can find a list of your Keywords.

Your Keywords list will contain key information on each keyword.

These include (from left to right):

  • Keyword
  • Device: Desktop or Mobile
  • Search Engine: Google or Bing
  • Location
  • Rank
  • Change in Rank
  • URL
  • Searches: Average monthly search volume
  • SOV: Share Of Voice for the keyword
  • SERP: Search Engine Results Page
  • Created On: Date you added the keyword
  • Age: When the data was last updated

Accuranker keywords view

Filtering is very easy on AccuRanker.

You can filter your keywords based on their key information.

For example:

If you want to filter a keyword, simply type in the keyword in the orange box below.

AccuRanker Keyword Filter

You can do the same for any other feature in their designated column.

rank filter

AccuRanker also allows you to filter multiple options as well.

For example:

If I wanted to search for all keywords that were in the top 50 ranks in the UK, my keywords filter would look like this.

combine accuranker filters

You can also filter your keywords by clicking on ‘Add Filter’ above the Keywords tab.

adding filters button

If there is a segment (a combination of filters) you’d like to save, you can click save segment to the right.

how to save segments

Segmenting is useful if there are a set of features you plan on using regularly.

With AccuRanker, you can filter for SERP features in the Ranks Column.

serp features filter

And if you want to refresh your keyword rankings, simply click this button on the right.

AccuRanker Instant Refresh Button

You can also stay up to date with your most important keywords via notifications.

AccuRanker Notifications

You’ll see a notification if:

  • The rank changes for starred keywords
  • There is a change or movement on highly ranked keywords
  • A once unranked keyword becomes ranked
  • A once ranked keyword becomes unranked

AccuRanker’s filtering options can help you find specific keywords.

They’re great when you’re undergoing keyword research and looking into trends and patterns.

#3: Keyword History

If you want to track the history of a specific keyword, simply click on the keyword of your choosing.

keyword overview

You will see something like this.

keyword ranking details

The popup will show you in graph format your:

  • Domain Ranking history
  • Your Domain history and Competitor Ranking history (if you choose to click on your competitors to the right)

Below, you will find a table that will give you information on:

  • Previous search dates
  • Previous ranks
  • URL
  • CPC: Cost-Per-Click
  • Estimated Visitors
  • SoV: Share of Voice
  • SoV$: Total Value of your SoV (CPC * SoV)
  • SERP
  • Option to View SERP

more details

Here, you gain an in-depth understanding of the performance of a keyword over time.

#4: Create Ranking Dashboards On Google Data Studio

With Google Data Studio, you can show complex data in a simple way.

Think visual graphs and tables that communicate your SEO results like this-

AccuRanker Data Studio

Best of all, you can directly connect AccuRanker to Google Data Studio. Your data will come directly from AccuRanker so there’s no room for error.


To connect to Google Data Studio, click on Integrations.

AccuRanker Integrations

Then click on Google Data Studio.

AccuRanker Google Data Studio

A popup will appear.

AccuRanker Google Data Studio Link

When you click on ‘link’ a new Google sign-in window will appear.

Once you sign in, you will enter Google Data Studio.

If this is your first time using Google Data Studio, you’ll need to go through the basic setup process.

Don’t worry.

The setup process is pretty quick.

I’ll go through it with you below.

First, you’ll need to authorise the use of the connector and data by logging in and confirming the action.

AccuRanker Authorise

Once you’ve authorised Google Data Studio, you need to give Data Studio permission to pull data from AccuRanker.

AccuRanker Authorisation Google

After authorising, you should see the words, ‘Welcome to the AccuRanker Google Data Studio Connector.’

You can select the domain below and click Connect to continue.

AccuRanker Google Data Domain

After connecting, you will see something like this.

All the fields are added by default.

accuranker google data studio setup

Create a Report

On the top right-hand corner, click Create Report.

Another pop up will appear.

Click on Create a Report to move forward.

AccuRanker Google Create Report

And Voila!

AccuRanker Data Studio

There you have it guys!

There’s your AccuRanker report from Data Studio.

You can use this data and include it in other reports as I have done here-

AccuRanker Data

Honestly, once you have Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Accuranker and any other important business data in Google Data Studio, the world is your oyster in the SEO dashboards you can create.

Wrapping it Up

As a paid user of AccuRanker for the last several years, I can say that the biggest strength of the tool it’s accuracy and speed of providing rankings. The user interface is very clean and easy to use to track a range of SEO metrics.

It’s a specialised tool designed to help anyone looking to move up in the SERPs.

But…enough with the praising.

AccuRanker is:

  • Super intuitive
  • User-friendly
  • Has a great interface

Plus, it’s one of the best mobile rank tracking tools on the market to this day!

It can give you ranking data on demand and also integrates with other tools, like Google Data Studio.

So if you want to get started with AccuRanker…

Click here to get an exclusive 100% free 14-day trial!

AccuRanker Review

  • Review Of: AccuRanker
  • Reviewed By: Matthew Woodward
  • Rating:
  • Updated On: Jun 28, 2024

AccuRanker is a super intuitive, user-friendly rank tracker with a great interface. It allows you to organise and track your keywords easily and connects with a ton of other tools to help you get a complete look at your search engine performance.

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