
Report Tax Evasion or Tax Fraud


If you suspect an individual or a business may be evading taxes or committing tax fraud, please report the information to us. Our investigators will review your information, work to independently verify, and take the appropriate action.

Learn more about signs of potential tax evasion or tax fraud.

Things to Know Before You Report

Before you report, please read about remaining anonymous and helpful information to give us.


Report to Us

Report your information using one of these methods. Using the online form will allow us to process your information faster.

Reporting MethodContact Information
Online form (preferred method)Tax Evasion or Tax Fraud Report Form



  • 651-297-5195
  • 800-657-3500 (toll free)

Select a prompt or wait to leave a message. 
MailMinnesota Department of Revenue
Mail Station 6590
600 N. Robert St.
St. Paul, MN 55146-6590

Our Commitment to a Fair Tax System

The Minnesota Department of Revenue is committed to a fair state tax system. That means every taxpayer should pay what they owe—no more, no less. Most Minnesota taxpayers file their returns and pay their taxes as they are obligated to do. When taxpayers do not obey the law, we will investigate and seek criminal charges, if warranted. Restitution, financial penalties, or civil action may also be initiated.


Contact Info

Last Updated