The Solvers Challenge

Creating solutions that untangle some of the world’s most complex problems, helping our stakeholders to build trust and deliver sustained outcomes.

To help bring PwC’s global strategy, The New Equation, to life we launched a bold new innovation challenge — The Solvers Challenge. Open to all partners and staff across the PwC network, teams shared their unique solutions to complex problems in four challenge categories. Whether solving a problem for clients, stakeholders or PwC itself, each solution was evaluated for recognition and an opportunity to receive funding to help grow the solution at scale. See below how people and technology can work hand in hand; how human ingenuity combines with technology to deliver faster, more intelligent outcomes.

The submissions focus on tackling the biggest challenges that our clients, PwC and society face. The challenge also represents an opportunity for our people to learn more about our business, and how we’re delivering on The New Equation.

Celebrating our champions of The Solvers Challenge 2023

These six human-led and tech-powered solutions untangle some of the world's most complex problems decided by our external judging panel and votes from our PwC global community of solvers.

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The 2023 challenge saw over 700 tech-powered solutions from across our global network. We’re excited to share the category champions and runners up.

The Solvers Challenge 2023 Honourable Mentions

Chow Town is next-gen education engagement utilising Metaverse platforms to reach hundreds of thousands of users across multiple devices.

A one-stop solution for overall IT Asset Management - Software Application Management (SAM) & Hardware Application Management (HAM).

Determining impact of climate change in soybean productivity.

Document Distillery: The AI-powered document review platform that helps domain specialists reach better conclusions faster.

Unlock Trust, Drive Value - PwC's Trust RADAR Quantifies the Drivers of Trust.

Regulatory Compliance Artificial Intelligence on demand.

Empowering refugee and underprivileged students in a digital world.

A dementia-prevention solution that leverages brain science to transform conventional dementia detection and treatment.

Redefining Aftersales Service in the New Energy Industry.

Delivering capital project success, by putting data at the centre, and leveraging its value.

Elevate your ESG strategy thanks to your People!

Infinite is a global offering designed by PwC, focused on digitally transforming businesses within financial services

Our A.I. solution analyzes the skills gap between a company's strategy and as-is, and aims to close this gap in key HR moments, by suggesting employee goals, interview questions, relevant learnings and more.

Tax Connector is a one stop shop for PwC’s tax services in the digital world.

PwC's Process Control Tower provides real-time insights and transparency to empower businesses in navigating constant change and maintaining performance excellence.

Government agencies often hold vast stores of valuable information. However, this information isn’t always easy to access and analyse.

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Steve Willcocks

Steve Willcocks

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 954166
