Wait But Why

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PATREON-EXCLUSIVE POSTS. Every Friday, I’ll share something I worked on that week or learned in my research, or a sneak peek at one of the dozens of topics in my “future posts” list. We’ll have fun. On the last Friday of the month, I’ll post a video where I’ll talk about various things and answer patron questions.

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Pledge $3 per month
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THREE'S A CROWD. Don't know what that means but it was a famous saying involving the number three so I ran with it. In any case, for the price of a cup of coffee (in New York at least) a month, your pledge will add up to a very meaningful amount over the course of a year.
Pledge $5 per month
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ALL CHINESE EMPERORS CAN READ WBW FOR FREE BECAUSE OF YOU. More than 1 million people visit WBW each month, and if each of them pledged just a penny, we'd hit our goal. None of the 494 emperors in China's history have pledged anything yet, but your monthly pledge has them all covered.
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YOU'RE KIND OF A HEROIC PERSON. Pledging $10 or more a month puts you in hero territory. We all have a handful of monthly $10 costs, and we seriously appreciate you carving out one of yours for us.
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I DON'T KNOW WHO YOU ARE, BUT I HAVE FEELINGS FOR YOU. After a year at this level, you'll have singlehandedly covered a full week of WBW hosting. Legit.
Pledge $100 per month
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I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS EVEN A TIER. No site should ever expect this level of generosity from any reader, and if anyone decides to donate at this above-and-beyond level (which single-handedly pays for a month of our hosting over the course of a year), just know that somewhere out there, we're drowning in an uncomfortable amount of gratitude.

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Wait But Why

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