Paul Rose (Mr Biffo)

creating Funny videos, podcasts, blog posts, and stuff.

  • 704 members
  • 1,249 posts


If you're here, you probably know who I am. Either you know me of old, or you've discovered me via one of my YouTube shows - Digitiser The Show and Mr Biffo's Found Footage, or the Digitiser Minis and Digitiser Deluxe. Or maybe my Marillion podcast, Between You And Me, which I make with my wife Sanja.

I have a day job where I write TV shows for children, but the rest of the time I'm making videos for YOU. Digitiser is the home of whatever the heck I feel like making. The bedrock are our Digi Minis, which usually take a bit of a headlong dive into some aspect of geek culture - old toys, gadgets, games, snacks, movies, TV shows - and treat it with utter disrespect. Silly characters, weird cutaways, lots of tangents. If you love it, you love it.

Usually when I'm in front of the camera I'll have a guest with me. Often I'm joined by my wife, Sanja, or Cheapshow's Paul Gannon. We've even had appearances on the channel from Eli Silverman, Ashens, Ash Frith, Larry Bundy Jr, Ashens, Octav1us and Sooz Kempner. You may not enjoy everything I do - I know I've got a weird sense of humour - but I promise that it's always interesting. I'm never just phoning it in, and it'll always be content that's uniquely 'me'.

Then there's the podcast, which gives me a chance to talk at length about my great love of the band Marillion. Given that I do it with Sanja, who is a relative Marillion novice, I think it's the sort of show you can listen to even if you're not a fan. And if you like my other stuff, I think there's plenty to like here too. You can here it here:

If you're here, you may even be considering to help support me while I create these things that I find funny or enjoyable. Think of it like a sort of virtual tip jar. 

I also run the Memory Assistant Twitter account, so I kind of consider the stuff I produce on there as part of my broader oeuvre. Sometimes I'll also write about video games on - these are all the things you can help pay for.

Like all of you, I've got bills to pay - and creating all this stuff is time-consuming, and obviously pulls me away from the day job which pays the bulk of my bills. Plus, it costs money - new equipment, editing software, plug-ins, licensing fees... I try to make stuff that's as shambolically professional-looking as possible, and I'm always seeking to push myself and learn new skills. 

If you don't want to support me... that's fine too. You'll still be able to read and watch most of what I offer. I don't want to hide too much behind a paywall; you just being part of the audience is encouragement enough. But if you do support me, you can get exclusive, in-depth blogs, videos, and more...

If you've made it this far - thanks for reading, and 'big-ups' to everyone who has supported me to date.


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