Omdena Projects
Top Talent

Top performers in Omdena are chosen for Omdena’s Top Talent Program. To date,
our top talents have earned over $1M through Omdena’s paid projects.

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Top 2% of the Omdena Developer Talents

Omdena Top Talents are Developers from the Omdena Community who completed a Local Chapter or AI Innovation Challenge and stood out among their fellow collaborators in their respective project contributions.These top performers will be given paid opportunities to work with local and international companies!
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How to become a Top Talent?

The process. Be our best 2% vetted talent, and hidden gems.

Join Projects and Challenges to Grow your skills

Omdena top talent imagesYou can join an AI Innovation challenge or Local Chapter Challenges, this gives you a change to showcase your skills.

Become a Leader

Omdena top talent images Get a chance to work with other AI professionals both Locally and Internationally. Do your best to stand out in your project.

Get Paid as a Top Talent

Omdena top talent imagesOnce your skills has be recognized, we will invite you to the top talent program and you will get access to paid projects and opportunities that match your interest and skillset

Get a full time Job!

Omdena top talent images Leverage the Omdena Experience to get employed at leading organizations and companies.

Meet our Top Talents

Identifying and developing the best talent from over 20,000 yearly
graduates in Omdena Academy and our Local Chapters.
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Growth stories of Top Talents

By working with Omdena you can develop your career, earn money, get job opportunities, and make an impact.
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