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  • NEW FACTION: Death Cults

    Small spacer subfaction sometimes found in remote outposts. Basically, the isolation of space can make people go a bit funny sometimes. So sometimes you get cults. 

    Talk about joining the moonies, am I right? 




  • The Clutter Box

    All of your clutter needs in one box. Perfect for decorating. Can't remember where you saw that antique piggy bank but now you really need one? No problem with The Clutter Box. This box should contain every bit of clutter in the game that you can pick up. The box replenishes itself so if your setting a table for eight guests just keep hitting on the fork eight times. The box has an accompanying NPC corpse Brian, it would seem The Clutterbox was a bit too heavy for him and he's done himself a mischief. The slate he's carrying, that can also be found near the box, would appear to suggest that Cydonia Freight Services have not been too sympathetic to his untimely demise. When visiting Cydonia head to the right before walking down the ramp towards the main hub and ship services technician. You...

  • NEW FACTION: Crimson Insurgents

    So here's the thing about a lot of sci fi games: They're all total dystopias. Corporations own everything, the private sector IS the state sector, and any notion of civil rights, constitutional law, legal personhood or due process is thrown out the window as industrialists influence literally everything. 

    And I get it, corporations make video games, and they like to see themselves as the heroes of their own stories even if those stories have a genuinely horrifying subtext. For instance: You have to earn your citizenship through military service. Minors, people with disabilities, people who don't speak English very well, the elderly and just about anyone else who desperately needs a citizenship in order to safeguard a secure a dignified life are basically exempt... and let's n...

  • How Bethesda screwed up spaceship physics

    So one thing I corrected in this mod is Bethesda's take on handling a spaceship. I will give them credit for researching, but the problem is that they researched the wrong thing. 

    Namely, fighter jets. 

    I can see the logic there. Maybe they used flight simulators to get some idea of how to make space flight work, maybe they did research by reading some abstract study, or talk to fighter pilots to get some idea of what a dogfight is like and how to actually control the space ship.

    But there's one problem: Air. 

    The handling mechanic that gives you a "sweet spot" for handling the spaceship is basically accounting for the nominal amount of air resistance for wings on a fighter jet. 

    If you have too much acceleration then the...

  • Xeno catch whitelist

    This info is based off from one of my design documents:

    Catchable race groups (This is the whitelist of the critters you can catch):
    MantaARace (Uncatchable in beta for now, but I have plans to include this in later versions)

    Uncatchable race groups (with the reasons why they cannot be catchable):

  • Lore Thoughts: Xenos

    So here's the thing about me: I love spooky stuff. Most of my passion projects are usually horror. I like paranormal videos, I enjoy cryptids, haunted houses, folklore and anything involving creepy crawlies. Whether it's Bigfoot, Lisks, Area 51, the Browndoor Incident, UFO footage, the Gorefield tapes, government conspiracies, the West Kentucky Meatman, LOAB, the Green Children from the hollow earth or the Billy Spiderhands murders. I enjoy anything where horror meets the real world. 

    And xenos is a big opportunity there. Because we live in a vast universe governed by ambivalent laws of nature. Our own world, beautiful as it may be, is also the host to ancient and brutal viruses hidden deep below the melting polar ice caps waiting for the day when they get to visit us in our ...

  • Progress Update: 0.75b

    So it's been a while since you got an update, and that's because this next one is gonna be HUGE. 

    Featuring the following: 

    - New script overhaul to the starting quest with an optional sandbox mode that lets you play a free roam/space sim experience without a main quest and a bunch of handholding. 
    - 20+ new outfits that are part of a procedurally generated loadout you get based on your background/trait selection. 
    - Brand new starting ship with only the bare necessities for space travel, work your way up from the bottom. 
    - Improved mission consoles with more focus on nearby mission locations so you're not constantly forced to drop whatever you're doing just to get some extra credits. 
    - New and spooky enemies on the Gagarin planet, ...

  • Init Upload

    I tested but things always come up. Please report any bugs or issues and I'll do my best to address them as quickly as possible....

  • How to make a patch for Useful Brigs


    Brig Beds

    You can use the existing furniture added by Useful Brigs. If one you need doesn't exist, you can create your own variant for Useful Brigs. Beds must have the following changes to be used by Useful Brigs, notably:

    Ignored by Sandbox should be flagged.
    "MustPersist" keyword must be added to the Keyword tab.
    "UB_LCRT_BrigCell" location reference type must be added to the Forced Location Ref Types tab.

    Note: DO NOT EDIT THE BASE OBJECTS OF ANY VANILLA BED. If the bed doesn't already exist in Useful Brigs, make your own duplicate of the object with the specifications outlined above. If the bed is not persistent, it will not be counted when trying to register the beds if the bed isn't loaded. To confir...


    To install "The Other Starfield Radio" mod, follow these steps:
    Download and install the Starfield Galactic Radio mod, Baka disable my games folder, and, Starfield Script Extender *SFSE for short*, according to the instructions provided by the respective mod authors. 
    This will ensure you have the necessary framework for adding these custom radio stations to your game.
    Now, manually download the mod files for "The Other Starfield Radio" from nexus. IK manual download, but just trust me, it's worth it.
    Drag and drop the ' .toml ' File from "The Other Starfield Radio" into /Starfield main directory *where your .exe is located*/SFSE/Plugins. "Yes Replace"
    NOW: ...

  • Useful Lawgiver

    If you are anything like me, and were excited to play a bounty hunting spacecowboy when you first landed on Akila and set your eyes on the futurustic beauty  that is the Lawgiver, you were probably pretty disappointed that it wasn't really better than that Equinox you picked up on your trip with Sarah. I know I was.

    It holds very few rounds, it fires slowly, so it should at least pack a punch, right? Nope. Not what the Bethesda cityfolk had in mind. All it's good for is looking good. I daresay that counts. But I am still of the mind that it should pack a punch. So that's what I did. I upped the damage a bit (slightly under 40% extra) and increased the effective range slightly. Now the space scoundrels oughta hide when you and your trusty widowmaker show up!...

  • MOD NEWS - Archive

    Still working on Dr. Rosie's update.  I've managed to get her name set correctly..her full name in 3rd person shows "Dr. Rosie Tannehill" and her inventory shows "Doc" Rosie.  Rosie has had a slight change made to her appearance...just to make her appear to be a bit younger by default.  I'm satisfied with that since I almost always end up customizing her appearance with SLM anyway.  I've also added a custom perk called "Field Medic" and am trying to get it working correctly.  I also had a look at her Medicine crew skill...surprise,'s literally BLANK from BGS.  It gives NOTHING AT ALL.  So, I'm trying different things to make that useful too.  My focus right now is trying to get her to heal in the field...or effectively do so.  I've got a few ideas of...

  • Best Practices with Loose Files


    This article is intended for both complete newcomers who haven't even gotten their copy of Starfield setup for loose files yet and have no idea what "loose files" are, as well as more experienced modders who are setup for loose files but might still stand to learn some ways to improve their habits for better results modding Starfield.  Feel free to skip any section that only contains information you already know.


    So called "loose files" in the context of Starfield are defined to be any file or asset used by Starfield that is placed loosely within the Starfield installation rather than being read from BA2 archives.  Your loose files will take priority over Starfield's archived files, and hence they are a great way to create o...

  • Lore Thoughts: Unity

    So I got a message from Univus about my thoughts on the Starborn, and they gave me an interesting reflection on it regarding the Starborn's experiences as a multiverse character being reborn into the same life over and over again. 

    And it reminded me of an existential play I watched when I was younger. Namely, Waiting For Godot. It's an interesting spin on the Greek legend of Sisyphus, the man who was punished by the Gods and was forced to roll a boulder up a mountain each day, only to see it roll back to the foot of the mountain come nightfall. Forced to repeat the same thing over and over again. 

    Waiting for Godot is a similar principle, except without the boulder and without the mountain. Rather you have two men trapped in a strange kind of limbo; A purgatorial...

  • Older Amelia in Creations

    She needed to look space worthy, She deserved to look space worthy... Now.. She is space worthy...

  • Old Atlantis

    New Atlantis hides a secret!

    This is a short Scavenger Hunt which may leads to something bigger...

    The first clue is in the lodge right next to your room. (Check the Gallery Picture)
    There are NO Questmarkers!!!
    You actually have to read the notes to find the next location!
    They are not too hard, you may have to think a bit on one clue.
    Some knowledge about the Starfield Locations may help aswell.

    Quest Difficulty:Riddles: Easy - Medium
    Combat: Hard - Extreme

    This is my first Starfield Mod and also my first Beth mod which includes world building.
    I tested some things with this mod and learned a lot.

    Hope you have a bit fun with it.


  • Lore Thoughts: Starborn

    So here's a funny thing about classical theatre: People like it more than they think. 

    For example, take one of the latest horror hits, namely The Backrooms. Pretty original, right? WRONG. It's simply a fresh paintjob on the Greek mythos of the Minotaur. 

    And I am by no means saying that as a bad thing, I just mean, Greek mythology and theatre was more than just a religion, its pantheon of deities inspired a great deal of art, poetry and literature, as well as epic stories of heroism and adventure. 

    In other words: Polytheism was kind of like comic books before comic books. 

    Not exclusively of course, but that was a big part of it. We even have a modern example of this, namely Hinduism. Obviously Hinduism is a lot more than just popular e...

  • Perk Up Released

    Alrighty, the mod is released both here and on Creations. I have no included the Well Rested booster files as there are probably plenty of them out by now, and my only aim was to recreate/update the "More is More" section anyways....

  • Call Your Ship Add on

    This add on contains an ESM and a script, that will allow the user to call their ship, once they have set up the original mod of Call your Ship.  Call Your Ship.   

    Please note, if you have any concerns with how long the ship takes to get to you, how it has to leave the ground and then land, or really anything to do with the ship from the time you call it, to the time it lands, please direct those comments to Call Your Ship mod.

    If you have been using the Call your ship mod, and then install this mod, you only have to go to any Industrial bench, and create the CYS Headphone Remote hat.  Once you have that, simply place the hat on your head, and it should spawn a menu, which you then choose how you wish to call your ship.   Simple as that....