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  1. radicalclownfriend
    • premium
    • 231 kudos
    Please read!

    Before you comment your issues with the mod I would like you to exhaust all possibilities. Be aware of where your game is installed and of what other mods you're already using. I purchased my game through Steam so if you have the Gamepass version I cannot help you. that version of the game is quite different in how it can load mods from what I understand.

    Download xedit to view and compare mods that may conflict with one another or try moving the ESM around in your plugin list. If this is your first time modding then your issue may be user error. That's fine. Modding can be difficult sometimes. Just read the comments and bugs section before reporting your issue. Someone has likely had the same issue.

    Currently the best method of loading ESM mods is through Plugins.txt Enabler. Make sure you read that mod pages description and that you install its requirements. Vortex currently doesn't know what to do with plugin.txt. you'll need to manually add that to AppData folder as the mod page describes. If it is still in your data folder delete it. Adding sTestFile Line in starfieldcustom.ini is also an option if you don't want to download script extender but it doesn't always work so I no longer support this method. It only allows you to have 10 ESM plugins anyways.
  2. radicalclownfriend
    • premium
    • 231 kudos
    Mods finally up. I had to redirect all the texture and Nif paths to make this work. Let me know if anythings different now or just broken.
    Update: im aware dropped headwear models are not updated. ill get back to those later.
  3. bensp12
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod with soem fantastic detail. Wish stormtrooper armor was just very slightly weathered/dirty. Think the uber white almost makes it look low res and kinda out of place. 
  4. Jujub3ans
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I launched a NG+ with this mod installed, all of the stormtroopers that are wearing the uniforms are but their helmets are still labeled UC Security and not the stormtrooper helmets. 

    Is there something I am missing?
  5. GBorge98
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    can we get changelogs so we actually know what we are dealing with when you update? 
    edit just realised you put the change logs on the file page haha
  6. Baliekluif
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello, I am unable to find the shadow trooper commander in game (picture that you used in images Is this in the pack? If so, which spacesuit does it replace?
    1. radicalclownfriend
      • premium
      • 231 kudos
      Its a quest reword. keep doing UC quests and youll find it
  7. saren101
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Beautiful mod! Any plans to add the Death Trooper or Purge Trooper in the future?
    1. Baliekluif
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      That would be dope.
  8. pierspiers
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Brill mod! I play on Xbox and seems to be working well. Is there anywhere we could obtain the outfits? Mainly the officer ones, worn by admirals/governors etc. Maybe a crate with all the outfits from the mod added in? Thanks!
    1. radicalclownfriend
      • premium
      • 231 kudos
      I have it set up so i can make the armors standalone now. I just have to stop being lazy and make a new mod for that now. but ide rather work on new projects like a follower mod i have in the works.
    2. Baliekluif
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Can you please make that stand alone armor? I really need that black trooper :O
  9. Autir
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Brilliant mod however was Karlson Endler missed out? the main security guy in  the well i have restarted on a new game, disabled and enabled him  and he syill has his standard uc defence uniform
  10. Nomad2230
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for tje beautiful work. Imperial navy replacer when?
    1. radicalclownfriend
      • premium
      • 231 kudos
      Define imperial navy. I already have deathstar troopers replacing the UC navy outfit.
    2. Nomad2230
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ships I mean. Like replace the phalanx with a star destroyer
    3. Gribensk771
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      UC vigilance would be a perfect ship to replace with a star destroyer lol
    4. Nomad2230
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yea but i want my own lol
    5. radicalclownfriend
      • premium
      • 231 kudos
      Oh i dont have any experience with ships. a star destroyer mod would be fucking insane to make though
  11. Nanu21
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Did Mimban armor etc, was integrated to te mod?
  12. skyrimsasuke
    • member
    • 28 kudos
    The changes to UC guards no longer show up anymore, using BSA file seems to make it not load anymore.