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  1. MindDoser
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Compatible Interface Mods:

    Green Light
    (You're good to go):

    StarUI HUD
    StarUI Inventory
    StarUI Workbench
    *StarUI Configurator 
    Icon Sorting Tags Starfield Edition
    Scanner Encumbrance Display With Time
    Compact Series
    P.O.R (Plague's Optics Reimagined)
    Simple Reticles
    Better Scopes
    Spicy Clean Ship HUD
    Quest Patch Arrow Recolor
    Smooth Interface 60 FPS 
    Smooth Ship Reticle (120 FPS)
    Show Star Names
    Resource Junk

    *Notice regarding StarUI Configurator:
    Colorizing Right Meters (HP/Weapons), affects Weapons Icons,
    since Configuration is meant for vanilla (white icons) usage.
    Tested & added an appealing color such as 253244165, weapons looks good.

    +every other HUD mod that not touching weaponicons.gfx / weaponicons.swf. 

    Red Light (Conflicts):

     60 FPS - Smooth UI
     120FPS Smooth UI
    Customizable HUD
    (as per report, v2 affects Weapon Icons, reverting everything back to White)

  2. MindDoser
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Check my other weird things as well if you interest:
    (click at each icon for Nexus links)

  3. MindDoser
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
  4. Keelo6969
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Have the SBWI+SBAI with ATIL and the icons and numbers and detail of ammo and weapon show but they are white, using StarUI,  it was working before then came the update and now cant get the pic to show, just white.  There are not any other mods that I have that I know of that change either weapon file.  And the file sizes in the directorys are thw same size as the downloads..any idea?

    Edit: With StarUI, make sure that in StarUi HUD default color (First selection to chose under UI Configurator) has an X in it, no colors,even white...mine was white, so...I edited the .INI file and deleted the number entry for default color and BOOM, works fine.  Hope this helps anyone.
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Hey there. Sorry for the very late response. I took a break from SF, since lot of issues after latest update. Thanks a lot for reporting it. Indeed issue coming from latest StarUi version as you mentioned, since messing up with almost everything regarding Interface parts now. Posted it at StarUi page months ago, yet no response from their author. I'll make your post sticky here in any case.
  5. MindDoser
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    I have to take a break from anything related to gaming at the moment, since i'm in urgent search for a new job unfortunately. Have to pay rent, bills and such, and i'm running really low on cash. I will rejoin SF modding again after (unknow when) i settled up everything, My mods are up to date with 1.12.32+.  In case of any issues, check sticky posts here for solutions. Thank you for understanding people and have a great Summer with your families.
  6. IM3KONI
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Is there no version with just the weapon and ammo icon in the new version? I was just using ATIL alone but came across your mod, seen the image with the coloured weapon and ammo but can't seem to find it in the install options.
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Weapons are not using ATIL in version 3. They will have issues in-game, due to Bethesda changed lot of files/id's, and added 2 weapons from paid Tracker's Alliance mod (which many people including my self, refused to buy), after 1.11.36. Hence why i just made either just Weapon icons, or Weapons as text+ammo (static ammo type). At next version i will add Ammo type next to Weapon icons.
    2. IM3KONI
      • supporter
      • 8 kudos
      Thank you for the reply and explanation.
  7. JaxWolf
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a way to merge or patch this mode so it works with this one?

  8. AbelothTheQueen
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Could you add the hard target for the Ambian Phase Rifle (Hard Target)

    and the razorback LL30 LL30 (razorback)
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Sorry for late response, but i just uploaded the version you requested with Hard Target as Amban Rifle & Razorback as LL-30 Blaster :)
    2. AbelothTheQueen
      • member
      • 2 kudos
  9. Dadditude
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    You list Customizable HUD as being compatible, but when I have it installed alongside SBWI, my icons are white. If I disable Customizable HUD, I get the full-color weapon icons. Is there a particular setting in Customizable HUD that I need to change?
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Just saw Customizable HUD v2 ( new version), sadly affects more hud elements now. Thanks for the heads up also. I will it add at incompatible mods then. I see the new version, including some color changing options too.

      "Using the included JSON, customise your in-game HUD! Change the colour of in-game HUD elements, hide the scanner vignette, add warning colour thresholds to health, O2, boost ect"

      My bets goes there, because same happens now with StarUI Configurator. Coloring affects everything, even compass map icons etc, but i tried Configurator with specific color (253, 244, 165), and weapon Icons was ok.
      Regarding what settings to change, i don't have a clue, since i'm using only StarUI series. But i'm pretty sure it's at colors, since was the same with StarUi Configurator.
    2. Dadditude
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks for getting back to me. I hate that it won't work together now. Oh, well...
  10. Elioplasma
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    I'm trying to figure out what each of the file descriptions mean and I'm having a hard time. It would be helpful if the files showed an image of what they do. Using the "img" tag like so:
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      You can check here at ATIL page. I just combined my mod, with ATIL, and nothing else. It's pretty straight forward regarding details. ATIL adding ammo Icons/descriptions, and i just merged both mods, and i added my version of Better Weapon & Ammo Icons. 
      If you want just the Weapons & Ammo Icons, get "v2.1 without SBAI+ATIL" from files section.
    2. LuxDragon
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Grenade launcher ammo image is still a shotgun shell. XD
  11. Akopian
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    Thanks to the file I made combining everything, thanks to the instructions on how to do that, I was not aware of the nice updates and such.  I have run into one possible incompatibility that I do not know if you can fix since they use the new esm file format.  The mod is ResourceJunk.  Anyway, it appears that its informational changes do not come through.  I do not know if I care about that anyway, but I thought you might want to add that to your lists.  Also it would be nice to know how to tinker with and maybe combine esm files. 
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Thanks for the heads up. I'm not using said mod, and actually i don't wanna fiddle with esm/esp files (yet), before CK arrives. Added it to red list  =)
    2. Akopian
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      Well, guess what!  It actually is working with many of the esm filews anyway.
    3. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Aha.. Roger that. Adding it into the Green Zone then as well. Thanks for the confirmation.
  12. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Just wanted to give you a heads up to make sure you get it... my husband and I donated to you through your donate button on your About page here. It didn't let me put a note in it so it's from me and lokix1.
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      Thank you very much SigynX1 :-)
    2. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 67 kudos
      You're welcome and thank YOU for the incredible mods. :)
  13. SigynX1
    • premium
    • 67 kudos
    Just tried v3.3 and it looks fantastic. You do great work. Thank you!

    (I'm also downloading ATIL so I can give an endorsement there also.)
    1. MindDoser
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
      I'm glad you like it. And sorry for late response. I had to play SF a bit, because i bought the game at 3th of October, and spending more time modding it, than to actually playing the game :-p
    2. SigynX1
      • premium
      • 67 kudos
      No apologies necessary! I'm glad you are finally playing it more. You did a ton of work on the icons. I'm still in awe of them every time I see them in-game, both these and the map ones.
  14. dmcjr22
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I really like your mod but i use 60 fps ui trim. I do see smooth interface 60 fps is compatible. Do you know if that does that do the same as 60 fps ui if so i will happily switch to use your mod.

    Nvm figured it out myself