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  1. VolkerA4
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Current State of WIP Centered Camera :

    Happy to see people enjoying the mod.

    For now, further progress on the Centered Camera is at an Impasse. I've scoured the anim folder and console commands for ways to further adjust the camera offsets/pos, but I couldn't get any changes to apply. I think we'll have to wait until we can actually read the AF files. I'll be watching for updates on the Modding discord.
  2. VolkerA4
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    Additional Detail on how the WIP Centered Camera works:

    Alright, I'm in the process of packaging a WIP version of the centered camera. (I'll have to finish it tomorrow, but I'll add a preview image). I basically repurposed one of the sitting camera positions and edited the far camera distance in the INI. The Close Camera won't work because the camera defaults to the player origin (X,Y) (inside your head). And the far camera is great until you ADS or do certain other actions that default you back to the close camera.

    So, for the time being, I used another different camera angle that works OK when you ADS. It's not centered, but for MOST weapons (but definitely not all) the transition is pretty smooth. So, you can at least do some combat without ADS looking totally broken.

    If we/I can find a way to:
    A. Move the close camera back, like we can with the far camera (using fFarCameraDistanceOffset= ). (should be possible, pretty ideal.)
    B. Disable the close camera. (less likely)
    C. Move individual camera positions backwards. (decent chance)

    Then I should be able to make the centered camera work properly.

    Also, the INI / setgs commands don't seem to work at all. It looks like in F4 and F76 you could disable the camera anim files and manually adjust the camera with those settings, but in Starfield disabling the camera animations just breaks the camera completely.
  3. TheMercsAssassin
    • premium
    • 60 kudos
    Hey VolkerA4, so just wanted to post my custom settings that give me a over-the-shoulder aiming experience most-similar to a modern third-person-shooter.

    By default, the player's arm obstructs the view of most of or the entirety off two-handed weapons, like the Maelstrom.

    Here's what my game looks like now and the camera settings I used to do it with your mod installed and the tips from sticky post from Minimax94 on the Consistent Third Person Camera mod comment section. I'm not currently using that mod, though I don't think doing so would hurt these aiming settings unless the .ini settings or other values I list below are edited, of course. Hope this is helpful to you or anyone looking to actually see their guns while shooting in third person. Going for something similar to a Gears of War camera angle/tightness:

    What mine looks like (very important) w/Pistol Cam:


    1. Install OPTION 1 - PISTOL Camera from this mod. Do not select the "no zoom" file.

    2. Create a .txt file in the game's root folder where your Starfield.exe is. Add these lines to the .txt file. Save + close.

    Note - You can change the 1st-person FOV's to whatever you want. I'm not sure if changing the third person FOV's listed here will impact the end result or not. If it does, you simply would want to lower the f3rdPersonAimFOV:ThirdPersonCam value to something lower than what I have to pull the camera in closer so it's proportional to your desired look (assuming your third person FOV values are higher than mine).

    3. Add these lines under the "[General]" section (without the quotes) of your StarfieldCustom.ini (located at your ...Documents\My Games\Starfield\StatfieldCustom.ini)


    4. Profit?

    I believe this would be undone or interfered with in some way if you use VolkerA4's Real Third Person ADS mod, so don't. Or I mean, try it, but be prepared for additional tweaking. Definitely overwriting the files from the Read Third Person ADS mod undoes these changes.

    If this is helpful, I can try to create a CCR version of this process so steps 2 and 3 are automated through Console Command Runner. I've not made a CCR mod before, but looking at the CCR page, it seems simple enough that even an idiot like me can do it. I would also clean up the comments on the .txt file for the CCR version, the existing ones are from Minimax94's post and were helpful but aren't necessarily still relevant for the changes I made/tweaking from the values I have. I can add comments on how to tweak in the next file.

    Lemme know and I'll try my hand at it when I get home from work really late tonight (after midnight almost definitely). And would it be fine to release that CCR file as a standalone mod with only the instructions included here that send people to download your mod here (Unified Camera)? I don't think I would be stealing anything with just the CCR file with something like "Gears-of-War-Style ADS" as a mod name and just the CCR file, but I definitely don't want to step on any toes.

    Thanks for all your work btw!!! It's been a godsend!!!! 

    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Very Cool. Definitely feel free to post your settings and just list Unified Camera in the requirements section. I think that's going to be the best way to share them. Just make a fresh BAT with your own comments and copy over your modified commands. Then you can safely call it your own.

      I also have some advice given what I see here.

      To start, you are correct that this would not be compatible with Real Third-Person ADS the tweaks you've made here would completely override "Part 2" of that mod.

      Also, in the second step of your instructions you mention potential variance based on the users TP FOV. Just FYI, AimFOV is independent from the base TP FOV. So, users with a higher TP FOV would want to use either the same or a higher AimFOV.

      And, in regards to the commands in your "autoexec" file. Just to make sure you're aware, those setini commands will overwrite the users StarfieldCutsom.ini settings on startup. Personally, I prefer to include those options as part of the StarfieldCustom.ini instead to avoid any issues related to that. (See the optional INI's in this mod for an example). That one is up to you though.

      For some other minor adjustments, I'd recommend you change the BAT to a unique name (replacing "Autoexec") to avoid overwriting any other mods with that generic name. (Dunno how that transfers to CCR). And, you'll want to include "Camera" or "Third Person" in your title, so that people can find the mod more easily.

      Finally, you have a few unnecessary lines:

      In Starfield.ini under the general section you only need the first line (with the bat). The other two are unrelated main menu changes.

      In Autoexec the "MouseZoomIncrement" command is already set to 1 by default. And, in my testing none of the "Display" FOV settings actually do anything. So, you should be able to remove those.

      , I realize that's kind of a lot. But, good luck! It's nice to see someone else building on the work here.
    2. Zakoriart
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Did you end up posting this I myself much prefer closer over the shoulder camera to a far away one 
  4. guerrower1337
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There is a mod to leave the close-up view of the crouching position, but standing like in gear of war?
    1. Zakoriart
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
  5. muhammadbilal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please is there anyway to make all 3rd person look like the "Pistol Camera"
    I hate how centered our character already is in Vanilla

    Please help 
  6. Osadam
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Any plans to improve centered camera now that the mod kit is out? Anything been found to raise it a bit so it doesn't overlap player head?
    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I can take a look. I'm doing a lot of traveling for work this summer, so it could take a while.
      I've also never used the proper tools before, but I'm sure there's something in there to make it work.

      I'll try and put out a better version before the DLC drops, if no one beats me to it.
  7. jerryh72
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    I was hoping this would fix the fact that my always there reticle is higher than my head , can't wait for mods like customizable camera to show up . 
  8. CosmicFate01
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Sad to see the centered camera won't properly work but is there any way to get that melee level camera for all types then? Maybe its just me reading the pictures wrong but it looks like its the closest to what I'm looking for. Thanks for the mod!
    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, I can add that.
    2. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      It's up. Looks really good. I should have tried this one earlier.
    3. AtmaDarkwolf
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      IDK if it will or can help but with the WIP centered camera, when using far third, if you swim the camera raises up but returns to ots view, I wonder if u could use the new angle (higher up) somehow(it also pulls out further than the far 3rd zoom does)
    4. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      The swim camera is actually the one used for ADS in the current WIP version. Like the sitting camera, it gets shifted when applied. There's likely some additional additive stuff happening when the originals are triggered.

      I'll probably take another crack at the animtextdata this week. I see some other people working with scripts and agx files. So, some modifications must be possible. I still doubt custom offsets will work, but a script that forces far camera seems possible. Maybe not during ADS, but atleast after using scopes and stuff.
  9. Helxas
    • premium
    • 18 kudos
    I basically repurposed one of the sitting camera positions and edited the far camera distance in the INI. The Close Camera won't work because the camera defaults to the player origin (X,Y) (inside your head).

    Obviously this doesn't work for third person play, but does it work at all for "immersive first person view"? Like what is currently Improved Camera for Skyrim. I know a lot of people want such a mod for Starfield. Could this be a stepping stone?
    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, it does produce a similar effect to that. Although, the clipping is very bad with most helmets and the camera is a little too high. If you equip a large helmet and look around 45 degrees upward though, you can get a feel for what an immersive FP camera would look like in Starfield.

      I'll go ahead and package that version with the broken ADS camera as a resource for anyone else trying to get camera stuff to work. It might be a decent jumping off point for someone.
  10. ThunderCAP
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    OMG someone trying to create a centered 3rd person camera mod... please complete that, I need it, I cannot play for more than an hour before feeling the need to look if someone managed to center the camera.

    I'll try to help in that regard. First, some image examples:

    Now, some info. Full INI settings list:

    A tip: I noticed that Starfield has a centered camera when sitting on a chair, it's very close to that in the photo (it would just need to position the crosshair a bit more upward). Maybe there is a way to copy/paste that (and slightly raise it).

    You probably knew all of it, but you never know, I hope something helped you out accelerating the creation process.
    1. RazielLewach
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Right now the centered camera that Volker did is working! The only downside is that it only works in the far zoom. And, like the bug we all know in Starfield, the far zoom is constantly and automatically being switched to the close zoom (for example when using a scope, or a workbench, or the pilot seat).

      It's totally usable. I'm using it. I prefer having it and constantly pressing the camera button to zoom out, than not having it. So another way to get it, is to research how to fix this zoom stuff! Below Volker pointed some possible guides but I don't know about this :C
    2. ThunderCAP
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm using it too! It's great, thank you VolkerA4!

      It seems exactly what I was talking about (the sitting camera). Now I'm trying to see if I can raise the crosshair slightly upward, so that's not in the head of my char, but I will play centered anyway from now on.
    3. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I'll just re-post the details from when I originally added the centered camera here. I might look into improving the ADS a bit with the stuff I learned making Real Third-Person ADS. But, it still can't be centered while using ADS without going inside of the player.

      Alright, I'm in the process of packaging a WIP version of the centered camera. (I'll have to finish it tomorrow, but I'll add a preview image). I basically repurposed one of the sitting camera positions and edited the far camera distance in the INI. The Close Camera won't work because the camera defaults to the player origin (X,Y) (inside your head). And the far camera is great until you ADS or do certain other actions that default you back to the close camera.

      So, for the time being, I used another different camera angle that works OK when you ADS. It's not centered, but for MOST weapons (but definitely not all) the transition is pretty smooth. So, you can at least do some combat without ADS looking totally broken.

      If we/I can find a way to:
      A. Move the close camera back, like we can with the far camera (using fFarCameraDistanceOffset= ). (should be possible, pretty ideal.)
      B. Disable the close camera. (less likely)
      C. Move individual camera positions backwards. (decent chance)

      Then I should be able to make the centered camera work properly.

      Also, the INI / setgs commands don't seem to work at all. It looks like in F4 and F76 you could disable the camera anim files and manually adjust the camera with those settings, but in Starfield disabling the camera animations just breaks the camera completely.
    4. ThunderCAP
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your work, I did more tests changing values around but didn't find anything new yet (just customized it a bit to my personal tastes, but not even by much).

      I would just give you a tip in advance for "next step", when you will manage to improve the centered 3rd person camera (probably when Bethesda will release the modding tools):   I had difficulties in finding this specific camera in the middle of this mod (I thought this just contained different versions of the side-camera). Several peoples look specifically for a centered camera each time a Bethesda's rpg comes out. Since this is the only playable version, it's strange that's got only 800 downloads when in previous games it had much more (and I couldn't find it via google and had difficulties also directly via Nexus).
      Therefore, when you get closer to completion, you may consider to re-post a new mod specifically for that (apart from the rest of this mod) properly naming it "centered 3rd person camera" or something like that.
    5. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Yeah, I'll definitely look into improving the SEO.
  11. Alvinsent
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you very much for your work, with your modification, third-person shooting now feels much better! I enjoy seeing my weapon when aiming with your modification, in the classic version the character's elbow covers everything. And also with a closer FoV when aiming, gun play becomes simply amazing.
    I play on controller (3rd person only) and when aiming I feel like I have high sensitivity. The in-game settings didn't do anything. The aiming sensitivity option only affects first-person play. If there are any possibilities to change sensitivity when aiming from a third person?
    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Sometimes you can fix settings not applying by deleting StarfieldPrefs.ini (Which will reset your settings) inside of MyGames/Starfield. (if that's the issue.) And, if you want to set a value that is lower than the in-game minimum, you can change:


      Inside of StarfieldPrefs.ini or through a  config tool like this one.

      The controller sensitivity setting should be effecting both first and third person. But, the acceleration curve can also make the aim feel off. So you might check out this mod. And the default deadzone could be screwing you up which is covered in this mod.
    2. Alvinsent
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you for your response. I'll try to do what you recommend. I also wanted to ask you if it is possible to turn off the FoV when sprinting, that is, when you are just running, the FoV is fixed as written in the command (fTPWorldFOV=90.0000), and when you toggle to sprint, the camera moves a little away. Is it possible to make it so that the camera does not move away when you toggle to sprint?
    3. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      It should be possible to remove the sprint camera movements, but I'm not sure if I'll get around to that one.
  12. RazielLewach
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Camera constantly swapping to third person close and breaking the centered-mode is driving me mad... I don't want to get rid of centered camera. But I can't play this way, toggling it constantly... Bethesda you are the worse
    EDIT: Disabled. Returning to des-centered camera. Suffering, but bearable. I hope for a brighter future. It was a very good try, lot of thanks
    1. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      I really wish they'd included a working close camera offset command. Hopefully when the tools come I can at least replace it with some usable positions.
    2. RazielLewach
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      We have conditionals (if-elses). Maybe we can have a script that runs each seconds, detects if the zoom is close, and... auto-pressed the zoom, for example? (I investigated but I found no commands for that, or I did not knew how to use them)
    3. VolkerA4
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      If it could read the anim state machine that could work. (IE. On relaxed/ready cam trigger: IF camera state == 1 THEN camera state = 2).

      But, I don't have a ton of time to look into it right now.
    4. RazielLewach
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You mean? Then I'll investigate further, thanks!
      I just put again the mod... I prefer being constantly manually switching it back, than playing without centered camera. For now. It's too much beautiful.
      I'll inform if I achieve something!