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  1. Nukem
    • premium
    • 716 kudos
    It doesn't matter what version your game files are. You can use this on a backed up copy. You can use this with downgraders. You can use this on a brand new copy with CC content.

    There's one requirement: A downgraded 1.10.163 version of Fallout4.exe and steam_api64.dll. GOG editions additionally need Galaxy64.dll.

    If you're using Buffout 4 and encounter CTDs: Disable Buffout's archive limit option. I'll have to investigate it later. This was suggested by the author.
  2. PlayerOblivion
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
  3. Bilgarsk
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Im getting this on message on the downgrader: Invalid executable with hash: 2CABDE484F6A90E139EC1F0D563CAC663756918D
    Im kinda noob to this kind of things, somebody help me pls.
    Followed every instruction i could find and downloaded all the requirements. 
  4. RubberDuck001
    • member
    • 36 kudos
    Straight-up, this thing doesn't work, and I never even upgraded to 'next-gen' version.

    I've manually deleted the Whole Interface directory that comes with this mod (not that I needed as MO2 didn't report any conflicts whatsoever), yet I still crash after about 10 seconds of game loading (I'm running the game through F4SE in MO2).

    The only fix I've found is to disable this mod and use BA2 Archive Version Patcher instead. It's a tool that downgrades all the archives so they can be opened by other tools (such as BAE or Cathedral). I personally use it if mod author didn't provide loose files and only provided the new (incompatible) archive.

    When it comes to new/updated mod archives (made with/for next-gen version), I tend do the following:

    • Prefer loose files, if they are available. If not, download and patch the archive with the tool mentioned above.
    • Open the newly patched BA2 in Cathedral or BAE.
    • Extract the archive so I can have loose files.
    • Using Cathedral, I pack (archive) the freshly extracted files to a new archive with the same name as the old one. This allows me to have the latest stuff on old, unsupported version, and so far everything works properly - I didn't notice any issues. Granted, I only 'patched' 2 or 3 mods with this technique. Note: Technically, once you have the loose files you don't need to deal with Cathedral to pack them again to new archive for old format, but I'm a sucker for performance and on my system the difference is visible - loose files perform less and my machine has to work harder than with BA2 archive.
    • Play the game and think how Bethesda shouldn't be in business because time has proven they do more harm than good. I've been playing Fallout series for ages and it's no doubt it's my favorite and most played game on Steam. But I mean, come on - this is not the first time this has happened, yet they did it again.

    What a shitshow of an update, honestly. Looking forward to the day Bethesda falls, they deserve nothing more. Just my honest opinion.

    Hope this info is useful! Take care!
    1. BurntHostage
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks! I’m looking to play Polaria systems on my non-upgraded game. Looks like I just need to run the BA2 patcher on it to have it work. 
  5. Magickingdom
    • supporter
    • 57 kudos
    Works great
  6. UnwishingDeath
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Dude have you found a salution foe the buffout and this mod issue ??? 
    1. Ospinogamer69
      • member
      • 1 kudos
  7. Cloud2012
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    Not sure if anyone else has seen this, but I'm getting CTDs at launch while trying to launch from Script Extender. As soon as I removed it, the crashes stopped. For reference, Mutant Menagerie calls for this add-on. I installed that with a handful of other mods I picked up today. Thinking they all could've been the culprit, I uninstalled all of them except for this one, still got CTDs. 

    I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if I have just a unique stew of a mod loadout and it's this mod not work, but I thought I would throw it out there.
    1. Cooper543
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Having the same issue :/

      I've been trying to find a fix for it as well because otherwise, all the creatures are purple without it...
  8. FalloutPlayerForever
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I installed this along with BA2 Archive Version Patcher as they were needed by a mod called Polaris Systems. When I tried to load FO4 I got the initial loader and clicked Play. The game started to load but then disappeared. I tried it again, same thing. I then exited Steam and tried again, same result.

    So in Vortex I disabled the game mod (PS) and tried again. Same result. I then disabled both BA2 mods and the game loaded right up. I then re-enabled BA2 Archive Version Patcher and again the game loaded fine. I then re-enabled BackportedBA2Support and pfffffft the game didn't load.

    So something is wrong with this backported mod. Vortex shows no errors or problems so it must be the mod as the game won't load with it.
  9. junksterfish
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Part of the 3 mods that saved me after the inevitable mistake of upgrading.
    thank you
  10. Lovelies23
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so does this require to as high as possible on the load order, as low as possible, or does it not matter?
  11. good0593
    • member
    • 42 kudos
    Can FO4 VR be used?
    1. KnightAngelic
      • premium
      • 0 kudos

      Since the nxg update I need something like this to get the DLC files to work with the VR version, sadly
    2. Slinkerback
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos

      i also use vr and would like to know
    3. Lovelies23
      • member
      • 0 kudos

      i just feel like jumping in
  12. vermilixn
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    since comments are disabled on the downgrader, heres my pastebin. someone plz help