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  1. LarannKiar
    • premium
    • 1,086 kudos
    Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Support Has Arrived


    Next-Gen release

    The "Next-Gen version" was being worked on since end of April. It entered beta (as v18.0, 2024-05-10) to give time for modders to test it. (The beta was only a test build).

    The first final release for the Next-Gen game patch has finally arrived (v18.1, 2024-05-15).

    Over 150 new native functions and 6 event dispatchers were added to both the Next-Gen and the "non-Next-Gen" versions of Garden of Eden SE. Several bugs were fixed for the Next-Gen version during beta.

    The non Next-Gen version of Garden of Eden SE structurally did not change (beyond minor code optimization, including new compiler settings for faster code execution and a bit more informative logger).

    I'd like to confirm that both the main (i.e. non Next-Gen) and the Next-Gen versions of Garden of Eden will continue being supported.
  2. Mantoniospam
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm getting a crash error every time I try and start the game now that says :

    REL/Relocation.h(629): failed to open: Data/F4SE/Plugins/version-1-10-984-0.bin

    And I'm not sure what's causing it? All my mods are up to date and can work with next gen, as far as I can tell. Do you have any idea why this might be?
    1. raybarth115
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Edit, possibly different issues my b
    2. MiyakaHariken
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
    3. Therum
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      That didn't work for me. I'm in the same boat I think.
      Game version 1.10.984
      Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender - Next-Gen (18.3)
    4. Kiheiji
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I have the same issue, when I downloaded and installed the file manually, I don't get the error message, but I get CTD.
  3. 295Phoenix
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello! Does this work with Lighthouse Papyrus or should we choose between or the other?
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      Yes, they're not incompatible. You shouldn't have any problems by having both.
  4. bp42s
    • premium
    • 300 kudos
    Thank you so much for your work! Here are a few requests:

    ;; replaces a quests's swf file with the swf at the filepath
    SetQuestSWF(Quest akQuest, String asFilePath)

    ;; replaces a message's main text body with asText
    SetMessageText(Message akMessage, String asText)

    ;; replaces a message's button displayed text, at aiButtonIndex index
    SetMessageButtonText(Message akMessage, String asText, int aiButtonIndex)

    ;; returns a message’s button displayed text at aiButtonIndex
    GetMessageButtonText(Message akMessage, int aiButtonIndex)

    I've got a project that would be a lot easier and more flexible with the message functions, if those are possible.
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      I'll look into these the next time I'm about to update Garden of Eden. The biggest update for Starfield was released today by BGS.. I'd like to update my SFSE plugins first.. which unfortunately will take a while.
    2. bp42s
      • premium
      • 300 kudos
      no problem! the project is pretty low priority for me; and your latest update just added a ton of really convenient functions for a diff project that i’m working on right now. thank you for your work 🫡
    3. bp42s
      • premium
      • 300 kudos
      Adding another request to this:

      Pre Equip Event - Same as vanilla OnEquipped, but it fires just before vanilla OnEquipped event whenever an item is equipped, very similar to FNV’s ShowOff (Or JohnnyGuitar?) Extender’s PreEquipEvent. Might be able to take a look at how those authors did it for FNV.
    4. bp42s
      • premium
      • 300 kudos
      actually, regarding the messagebox function requests, something like this is a better idea

  5. GoblinTheBastard
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Is is just ad simple as downloading it to the mod manager or?
    1. bp42s
      • premium
      • 300 kudos
  6. pedro45430
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hello dude !
    In fisrt thanks for your work !
    I use 4 of yours mods (For Midnight ride^^)
    I think there is a probleme with :
    "Garden of Eden Papyrus Script Extender" (i have tried différfent version)
    Because all this mods you dev denied working ...
    - Hostile NPC Respawn Fix ESL
    - Combat Shutdown Grenade Fixes - ESL
    - Companion Jump Fall Pose Fix
    In a new game it's give infinite load screen at the begining on mirror scene (impossible to load character creation)
    If i load a game it say "F4SE not install" and i promise it's install ^^
    I'm putting the message on the different mods in case a user of one or the other can help you!
    In any case, thank you!
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      Make sure you have the following files:

      ..\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\F4SE.pex
      ..\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\GardenOfEden.pex
      ..\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\GardenOfEden2.pex
      ..\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\GardenOfEdenEvents.pex

      After installing of Garden of Eden SE and F4SE, these files should be present.
    2. pedro45430
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Thanks dude !
      I have checked and they are all in my Data\Scripts folder 
      I use root plugin for f4SE i think it's not a problem ?
      ( I have tried with and with put Papyrus files on root folder, but it doesn't change anything... )
    3. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      Do you have the following files as well?

      ..\Fallout 4\f4se_1_10_984.dll / ..\Fallout 4\f4se_1_10_980.dll / ..\Fallout 4\f4se_1_10_163.dll ( depending on your game version )
      ..\Fallout 4\Data\F4SE\Plugins\GardenOfEdenPapyrusExtender.dll

      Did you launch the game with ..\Fallout 4\f4se_loader.exe?

      What is your game version? (Right click ..\Fallout 4\Fallout4.exe and see properties).
    4. pedro45430
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Yes i have all, and all my other mod link with f4se are working ...
      And i naturally use F4SE to launch my game 
      I'm on a 1_10_984 version, downgraded by root with 1_10_163 files
      So i use f4se_1_10_163 and all others mods works perfecty 
      i have tried with papyrus 17.3/17.4/18.2/18.2.1
    5. pedro45430
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Dude apologize me ....
      After 4hours of tweaking i have understand the problem ...
      I didn't think it was coming from that because my others mods which requier F4se worked.
      But in fact a part of my f4se was not loading by root plugin (script folder part)
      Excuse me again , all your mods works perfectly now ...
      I hope it's can help some other users which the same problem !
    6. p1thisfireburns2009
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I think Im having the same problem, what did you have to adjust with f4se, in reference to your comment about scripts
    7. pedro45430
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Hi, I use root plugin to downgrade fallout in to 163 version 
      And so I use root plugin to launch f4se too
      And I had let the data folder with script files in my root mod, so root plugin copied this file in a second data folder 
      like this : data\data\script etc … 
    8. MichealV2
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i am using old version not new gen, same problem, can i ask what you mean
    9. pedro45430
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Try to re install f4se , my problem was with the script folder in f4se who were at the wrong place 
  7. mjhusn
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    What version do I need after downgrading from next gen back to
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      The non Next-Gen.
    2. gryber72
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      So vers 17.4 is the pre-next-gen?
    3. Rawr40k
      • premium
      • 6 kudos
      You say non next gen, yet none of the files are called that lol.
    4. ilego
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      Can i request a companion? It’s already made I just need it converted from New Vegas or you can use the outfit (at least to start) that was already converted for fallout 4. The author gave permission.
  8. nik965
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    The HexFormIDPoInt() function causes a crash when an invalid string is passed
  9. Walkerman97
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    How feasible is it have the equipnthitem function take an arguement where it loads previously loaded ammo?
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      Can you elaborate this? You'd like to equip a weapon from the inventory by Ammo type?
    2. Walkerman97
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Where it remembers the ammo it had when last used, however after I wrote this I found a workaround as well as discovered that it doesn't remember

      By the way, thank you for the ammo count functions
  10. SoleVaultBoy
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    Hey, would it be possible to add some kind of alternative to the vanilla Activate function?
    The reason is that this function sometimes causes CTDs on all kind of objects, like placed food, weapons, etc.
    1. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      I can add an ActivateEx() but the most important paramaters are already exposed to vanilla Papyrus and technically there's only one native Activate function defined in the code, the one Papyrus ObjectReference.Activate calls too. If vanilla Activate() crashes (it shouldn't, this sounds like some of kind of corrupted MiscItem data) then a custom Activate function probably won't fix it.
    2. SoleVaultBoy
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      I tested the Activate function with flora, weapon and potion (consumables) refs and the game froze after a few attempts, though it's very inconsistent.
      The same issue happened with the vanilla RemoveAllItems function a while back: Random freezes if the items get transferred to the player.

      There should be some kind of workaround, since the game has no freeze problems with the normal activation via the rollover widget.
  11. MrBaloneyPony
    • supporter
    • 20 kudos
    I'm all for script extender buffs, and I'm pretty sure I already know the answer to this but... is there any gain to having this if you don't use any mods that explicitly require it?  Like a general performance boost.  If it makes everything run 1% better that's a gain in my book.
    1. bp42s
      • premium
      • 300 kudos
      afaik there's no inherent bonus for having it installed, but it's required by quite a few cool mods.
    2. MrBaloneyPony
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      The last I checked only one mod required this.  I'll have to go back and check again.  Cheers mate
    3. LarannKiar
      • premium
      • 1,086 kudos
      If a mod requires it that's usually noted by the author in the description. If they have explicitly set Garden of Eden SE as a requirement you can see that under this script extender's Requirements >> Mods requiring this file tab.
      As for the script improvements, no it doesn't change way vanilla VM allocates resources to the scripting engine or alters its behavior in any other way. Similarly to F4SE, it adds new functions and events to Papyrus, usable in any mod whose author comes up with an idea for a mod that's not possible or would be very difficult to accomplish with the vanilla ones.
    4. MrBaloneyPony
      • supporter
      • 20 kudos
      bru, it's all good, the last guy answered my thing.  I got it.  ::thumbs::