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  1. Flan02
    • member
    • 57 kudos
    The new "Normal" version doesn't depend on "CustomControlMap" so I hope this doesn't have any weird issues. 
    This mod currently has 2 versions with different ways of working. Sorry if all versions don't work. 
  2. GytarByte
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I really wanted to like this mod. I've been looking for a way to have a toggleable aim in fallout just simply because I prefer that over constantly holding the button to ADS. The ONLY problem I had with this mod was that when you press the right mouse button to aim, you don't actually start aiming until you take your finger off the button. I found this to be a pretty serious issue so I am disabling the mod for now. I figured I would just leave this here in the hopes that you would take this comment as friendly feedback. Maybe this is something you could fix? Thank you either way!
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Feedback is welcome. Thank you.
      Try changing the "Mode" setting to "Press Button" in the MCM menu. 

      However, please note this "Press Button" setting may not detect the analog trigger button on the controller. 
      In that case, please try calibration the controller. 
  3. jimjimman
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    My ADS has stopped working completely. Nothing happens when I click options in the config menu either. Exited the game, uninstalled & reinstalled with Vortex, and re-opened. Still nothing. I don't have any other key rebind mods
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Nothing happens when I click options in the config menu either. 
      So I think the script may not have been executed or esp may not have been loaded, but I do not know the cause. 

      My idea is to try ReSaver (after creating a backup of your savegame) 
      (or/and) try the console command in the sticky comment. 
    2. jimjimman
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The console command fixed it. Thanks. :)
    3. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      That's good! Thank you for your reply :)
  4. deaglemag88
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    First, thank you for supporting this game with something that should have been a PC port standard. 

    One issue I'm having is that steadying scopes while aiming requires pressing L-alt on default controls and when I do I end up using melee instead.  Is there a configuration thing I can do to remedy this?  Even when I try going back to playing on controller it requires a right bumper press for steadying scope aim and I'll end up using melee instead.  I tried uninstalling the mod, as well as reinstalling the whole game after I uninstalled the mod and the same issue persists.  Right now, I'm taking it as an added challenge and continuing my playthrough out of spite, but if I could get a fix that would be a huge boon.

    Thank you again for your amazing support and I hope to see some of your work on Starfield when modding becomes available for it!

    Edit: For anyone else who ends up here - Check if you have See Through Scopes.  If you do, STS rebinds your hold breath key to Melee.  There is an option in the STS holotape that allows you to rebind the hold breath key to "E", or you can disable scope sway completely if that is your heart's desire.  Sorry for the distraction, Flan!
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      No problem. Your comment will help anyone. Thank you too.
  5. Swartz44
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hello! I couldn't find anyone else reporting this, but if it's a known issue I apologize. The mod works flawlessly except in one specific circumstance, with the Charging Tesla Rifle. I've noticed that if I start aiming while charging the weapon, sometimes the shot stays "charged" when I release the fire button to shoot it. It's not a huge issue, as clicking the fire button again will fire the weapon.
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Hello, I was able to confirm when the mod does not work well with the "charged" state, as you said, thank you for reporting. 
      I haven't come up with a solution for it so far, and I'm sorry that I can't spend as much time modding Fallout 4 these days, so I've opened up the "Permissions and credits" settings for this mod. I would appreciate it if you all could help fix the mod. Thank you. 
  6. 0niJim
    • premium
    • 38 kudos
    I cant return to the normal sight...
  7. AugustDerHalbstarke
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I am using the newer "normal" version and have a weird issue where the Tavor X95 by FX0x01 does not trigger the toggle event. For some reasing this issue is only appearing on that specific weapon. Any idea why this is happening? Are you able to reproduce it?

    Tried the ControlMap version and it seems to work with this one. On the other hand, this version introduces a noticable lag compared to the normal one. :/

  8. Markuzkiller
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I installed the Normal version of the mod, and it seems to be working as intended

    The only weird thing is that in the MCM there is only one option [Refresh], or something like that

    I can't make any other changes to it, is the Control Map version the only one that has all the other MCM settings enabled?

    If so... why?

    Regardless of all these things, i glad I found this mod, I don't know why the devs decided to not include this basic gameplay setting.

    This small mod will NEVER leave my modlist, NEVER!

    Thanks a lot for this amazing contribution to the scene!!!
  9. azhereus
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I can't untoggle after I aim.
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Hello, I think the esp part is working, but I think the Papyrus script part is not. If you are interested, please try the following method.

      1: Check if the scripts are installed in the correct folder.
      (Normal version)
      Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\fo4am2_AimingMod02QuestScript.pex

      (ControlMap version)
      Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\fo4ta_MCMQuestScript.pex
      Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\fo4ta_MonitoringReload.pex
      Fallout 4\Data\Scripts\fo4ta_ToggleAimQuestScript.pex

      2: Restart the mod using console commands.
      (Normal version)
      StopQuest am2_AimingMod02Quest
      (Please close the console and wait a little while for the process to complete.)
      StartQuest am2_AimingMod02Quest

      (ControlMap version)
      StopQuest fo4ta_ToggleAimQuest
      StopQuest fo4ta_MCMQuest
      (Please close the console and wait a little while for the process to complete.)
      StartQuest fo4ta_ToggleAimQuest
      StartQuest fo4ta_MCMQuest
  10. tybalt
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    works great, thank you. will be a "must have" from now on.
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      I'm glad to hear your kind words. Thank you too. 
  11. In5urgent
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Thanks for the mod.
    Please tell me why in my MMС menu I only have the REFRESH option (
    (Previously, I used the Control Map version.. But I deleted it and cleaned all the files. Now i use Papyrus version.)

    And on the gamepad, the sight turns off only when you release the button after pressing it again..
    (Even earlier I tried the options RELEASE THE BUTTON and PRESS THE BUTTON in the MMS menu..
    They gave an aiming delay of 1-2 seconds.

    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      I'm glad you're well. 

      The new Papyrus (normal) version, once in sight state, will turn off sight the next time it detects either a button press/release. Previous versions could only watch one or the other of them at a time, so the menu had that selection option. 

      The problem is that the OnControlDown event sometimes cannot detect the gamepad's trigger button. If you're interested, try calibrating the gamepad or associating the trigger button with the right mouse button (using the Steam feature or something else). 

      It's been two years since I posted the first versions of this mod and the kill camera mod, and I'm still learning how to improve them.
    2. In5urgent
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you for the answer. I will try again and again... until it works)
  12. LogicZero420
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    You are a god send, thank you so much for this mod!
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      You're too kind! thank you for your kind words.
  13. Jeffear
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    This my favorite mod :). Thank you for putting the time and energy into making this, it's drastically improved my experience.
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      You're welcome :) I'm glad I made this up because I'm happy to see my fellows Toggle Aim lovers here.
  14. SkyBreach
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Works perfectly and truly a vast improvement playing the game now.

    This issue of having to constantly hold right click to aim down sights was really making the game gunplay experience extremely frustrating and uncomfortable. Many modern games now includes a simple switch that allows you to choose between "hold to aim or just toggle" and blows my mind how the FO4 devs overlooked this or intentionally refused to add it.

    This mod is a little gem, a single little change that have such a huge impact in the gunplay game experience for the better, that honestly I can't play the game anymore without it. Thank you so much for your contribution.
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      Thank you for your kind words :)

      "every game should be released with option to either hold or toggle sprint, aim, and crouch... "
      This is secondhand that inspired me to make this mod. I think so too. 
    2. SkyBreach
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      My pleasure, job well done deserves praise.
  15. Dexter032
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you so much! This was a near absolute need for me. I use my mouse bumper buttons for leaning in games and I was worried I couldn't in fo4 because uneducated shooter wouldn't let me. If I hold down to ads and and use my bumpers to lean, I couldn't shoot. Now I can! 
    1. Flan02
      • member
      • 57 kudos
      You’re welcome. Also, thank you too for your post. 
      Because, I had previously received a report of incompatibility with this mod and uneducated shooter, and I was having trouble reproducing that issue. From your post, I see that rebinding the leaning may work around that issue. Thank you!