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  1. boxerbeast1
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    is this or can this be made compatible with "Smart Looting For Companions" by LarannKiar?
  2. slimeySlashO
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for your work, this looks very nice. Two comments:

    Does this mod prevent companions from taking weapons from the world/corpses on their own? I suppose the description does not say anything about this behavior, but maybe a high value filter threshold on weapons would force the companion to put the item back immediately?

    And an idea for improvement: The corner messages could be stripped off the item tags (like {Scrap}, (Ammo), etc.) to make it more readable.
    1. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Thanks for your comments and glad you are enjoying the mod.

      If you have the overweight and filtering criteria enabled, then I did mention in the Nexus description that it may be a problem when companions are required to take certain items that do not meet the criteria. That is the reason all the criteria is configurable via MCM. I did get a request to add an overall filter toggle switch for convenience.

      Thanks for the suggestion on removing the item tags. I can look into that. If it requires string processing then it may be difficult as Fallout 4 has fewer ways to manipulate strings than say Skyrim.
    2. slimeySlashO
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah, I worded that badly. I haven't found a problem with the mod, I am rather looking for a way to stop companions from picking up items on their own that they consider "better" than what they have equipped. I think this only applies to weapons. At least now it should display a corner message when someone picks up the 50th basic double barrel shotgun.

      I thought removing the tags would be a solved problem, but thinking about it, I can't point to a mod that does it without also having some Flash Interace component where this is probably implemented easier. I'm afraid I can't help here.
    3. U1849KA
      • member
      • 19 kudos
      I was also hoping this would let me filter what weapons they're allowed to pick up.  Having Piper and Nick running around with flamethrowers seems not only very out of character for them, but is also very annoying to play around.  Constant blinding flames everywhere, and I have to keep stopping and taking them out of their inventory, only to run into another pack of raiders, and bam, they have flamethrowers, again...  *sigh*
  3. Minitek
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm gonna try your mod as I want to make my fallout 4 more immersive.

    But I have to admit I abused of the bug exploit with the companion to carry whatever I want in survival for my settlement and hording legendary items :/

    I'm gonna shoot myself in the leg but i'm gonna do it for the sake of immersion. ;D

  4. Kennyl4d
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you a lot for making this. Everybody always ignored this bug with companions and just abused it without ever releasing a fix. I am like you and I can't stand this problem so it's great to finally have it fixed. However I am reading down below that companions are unable to pick items up like they do in the vanilla game. That's a shame since that's a cool feature. Is the next update coming anytime soon?
    1. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hi Alex, I think that the issues with companions picking up items were addressed as not an issue if you read careful below.  What part did you feel wasn't working from what you read?

      Outstanding right now, I only know of the request to skip printing the "type" of object that was picked up (i.e. {Scrap}, etc.) for certain messages.

      And thanks for checking out the mod!
  5. BlasterMasterCaster
    • premium
    • 20 kudos
    When you bring Preston along and visit some settlements, some settlers will initiate conversations with him and thank the Minutemen and end up giving him stuff that he accepts in his inventory. If Preston is in his the carry weight limit, what will happen to those gifted items?
    1. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      I have not tested that scenario, but what *should* happen is that Preston would drop those items on the ground at his feet, but because he was given those items from someone else he may try to return them back to the giver. Thanks for the test scenario, I will try to get that to happen in a game. Enjoy the mod!
    2. BlasterMasterCaster
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      It regularly happens (requiring some lapse of time between instances) in Abernathy Farm and Bunker Hill.
    3. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Got it, thanks. I wonder if those gifts are tagged somehow so I can have an option to drop them instead of return them if they have that tag. I am sure there is some way to detect it and I will work on it. You gave me something fun to test, thanks.
    4. BlasterMasterCaster
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      I'll keep an eye out on what you find out and on your mod. :)
    5. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      You got it. As I mentioned in the mod description, you can disable the overweight check temporarily before claiming the reward which would temporarily allow them to be overweight to get the gift. I will check it out though and make a update on the mod page about it either as not an issue or known issue. Actually pretty excited about playing through some of the Minutemen again and being part of a cause again... been playing as a scavenger too long. :-) Thanks again.
    6. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      By the way, like your videos. Lots of good action in them!
    7. tjanke42
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      From a roleplay perspective it wouldn't make sense for Preston to take gifts from grateful settlers only to immediately drop them on the ground.

      So.. I know it's asking a lot, but if you *do* get Preston to drop the items, can we get a setting to have an exception to that (where he keeps the items even if it puts him over the weight limit), so as not to break immersion?

      So just to be clear: have the current "don't go over the weight limit" setting, but add a setting that says "unless it's a gift from a settler, in which case ignore the weight limit". Because immersion. :)

      And btw, love the mod and I'm *really* looking forward to what you have planned for the future.
    8. BlasterMasterCaster
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      I hope you get to find out how you want to tackle this small situation. At least we have workarounds. I guess temporarily disabling the option could be a workaround, or keeping Preston light too.

      Thank you for visiting my channel. There are no updates these days from me though, I've been very busy these past weeks.
    9. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      @tjanke42 - Ah, I like the idea of knowing if the "container" the item came from is a Settler! That would work and should be easy to check for. I'm on it! BTW, it's not asking too much. I like where this mod ended up from its simple "overweight check" beginnings to my plans for *actual* companions in the future. I got you covered and appreciate the feedback.

      @BlasterMasterCaster - I hear you! My day job has used this time to see how much extra can get done working remote. Still... glad to be working.
    10. tjanke42
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      You rock, @louisthird!
    11. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Hey folks, I did some testing on this. I was able to see the "Thanks Minutemen" event happen when travelling with Preston Garvey. See the following recording to see the event happen where I had the CIM trace debug messages enabled which prints messages when Preston gets items (and for other things):

      Sorry in the recording that I couldn't look at them while they were talking. I have mods enabled where everyone is always after me, so I had to make sure those rude people didn't interrupt the event conversation. :-)

      In the game code the event is a Quest object named Companion_PrestonHero. That quest has a script code fragment that directly injects rewards into Preston's inventory with:


      Since the items are not transferred from another Container object in the game like an Actor or the Player, then my mod (CIM) will not see the items transferred and not evaluate them. Therefore, those items given to Preston will not be dropped or anything done with them so he will keep them.
      This does mean that he can technically be overweight due to that behavior, but that won't be a problem.

      Furthermore, it looks like Preston is temporarily removed as a companion during the event and then re-added as a companion after the event has completed. This all happens automatically by the quest event. My mod only tracks companions inventories and thus that also would make the gifts given not tracked.

      I will keep running with Preston and get him overweight and see what happens. It shouldn't be a problem though for the above mentioned reasons.

      Take care,
    12. BlasterMasterCaster
      • premium
      • 20 kudos
      It's crazy to know how this game functions, with the way companions go on and off from your party, for example. That is some deep research you did there louisthird. xD If things go down the way you said, the problem solved itself or there was no problem to begin with. lol
  6. deleted29353630
    • account closed
    • 8 kudos
    Interesting mod. Do the companions collect independently or on request? Thank you.
    1. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Only on request... for now. If you look at my planned improvement roadmap I am going to work on giving them some brains next. :-)

      Thanks for your comment and enjoy the mod!
    2. masterhamper
      • member
      • 123 kudos
      That would be soo cool!!
  7. ProudNoob3
    • premium
    • 11 kudos
    This is exactly what I've been waiting for Thanks !!!
    1. louisthird
      • member
      • 23 kudos
      Awesome! Enjoy!