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About this mod

Show how much companions carry. Filter what companions take. Enforce companion's carryweight!

Permissions and credits
Companion Inventory Monitor
Monitor, filter and restrict your companion's inventory


"Hoarding now?" - Cogsworth, Fallout 4

Yeah, Cogsworth, pretty much!  Everyone reading this, let's all come clean: almost everyone hammers that trashcan, file cabinet, or corpse telling their companions to take every item.  It takes patience, but after many "Get that", "Take that", "See if there's anything worth taking" requests you can get everything due to a bug/feature in the game that companions can take items past their carryweight limit.

This bug/feature affects my gameplay drastically sitting for long periods picking up everything and I cannot resist the temptation to use it.  To cure myself of this temptation, I wrote a mod to enforce your companion's carryweight limitation.  This turns me more into a scavenger taking only what I need.  That is where this mod started.  From there it expanded in other ways.


Companion Inventory Monitor (CIM) introduces a tight quest script that monitors when items are added to your companion's inventory.  The following conditions are monitored:
  • Companions may only carry less than their carryweight (toggleable) -- yes that means only 99.99% of their carryweight
  • Allowing Stimpaks for overweight companions required for healing them
  • Allowing overweight companions to take a subset of items less than their carryweight if possible
  • Filter items by a minimum value, if they are Legendary, or must be better value than current Weapons/Armor
  • Configurable notification messages for everything: Companion Overweight, Amount Carried, Items Taken, Container Empty

All of the features can be toggled or configured through Mod Configuration Menu (MCM).


Installation and Removal

Use Vortex or another mod manager to install or extract the archive to your Data directory and enable.  There should not be any issues with removing this mod mid-game, but if you are concerned go to the MCM and stop the mod before removal which stops the background quest.

Questions and Answers

Should I install this mod?

CIM is awesome and has changed the way I play the game.  If you want to play more as a scavenger, then the notifications and restrictions in CIM will encourage taking only what you need.  For some people, CIM will be annoying.  The carryweight restriction can be toggled off and the remaining features left active if desired.  There are plenty of mods available to remove the carryweight limits on Nexus, so CIM is not going to be for everyone.

Why can't companions take all the way to their carryweight limit?

There is some weirdness in the game engine that happens when companions reach their carryweight limit.  Items start weighing zero in events received and if you have companions take more after being full their weight is never reported as more than their carryweight limit.  It is better to keep things predictable and just below the carryweight limit.  If you're feeling cheated out of that 0.01% of your companion's inventory then CIM may not be for you.

Will this mod reduce game performance?

CIM is very small (only one quest object with two scripts) and for that reason it is built as an ESL light plug-in.  A single configurable timer updates the companions being monitored and otherwise everything is driven by events that occur when items are added or removed.  It has minimal impact on game performance.

Will this mod break my game?

This mod will not break your precombines.  ;-)  But seriously, this mod only consists of a new Quest and RefCollectionAlias script so it does not modify anything in the base game.  If there are mods you have installed that rely on companions exceeding their carryweight to work properly then that could be a problem.  You can always disable the carryweight restriction temporarily in such situations.

Why is Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE) required?

There are certain script code calls for checking inventory weights that are needed.  Without F4SE this mod would likely not be possible or would be more of an impact on performance.

Will there be an Xbox version?

F4SE is not available on Xbox, so see the question on F4SE.

Why not use a Holotape to configure instead of MCM?

Holotapes in my opinion are for game and lore related details and not for controlling the behavior of mods.  Also, MCM is only on PC and due to the F4SE requirement and thus PC requirement it makes sense to use it.

Known Issues

  • Ash/Goo Piles sometimes do not report if they are empty

Future Plans and Road Map

  • Auto Container Searching - Companions automatically search containers near the player
  • Auto Give Items to Player - Companions give selected items to the player
  • Auto Container Deposits - Companions deposit selected items in a special container
  • Expanded Filtering - Configure which items are auto searched for, given to player, and deposited
  • Your ideas! - Post or send me a message if you have any ideas

Recommended Mods

Survival oriented mods work good with CIM.  I prefer to play as a survivor and scavenger so CIM was good for that.  If you have a mod that would work well with CIM then let me know and I'll post it here.


Do not repackage or repost this mod without my permission.  This includes but is not limited to creating a combined archive with other mods.  It also includes but is not limited to posting this for use on or Xbox or PS4 as it will not work on those platforms.  Feel free to promote or feature this mod on any social media channel and in fact let me know and I will post it here.


  • I would like to thank SKK50 for script help.
  • I would very much like to thank everyone that downloads and plays this mod.  I had a lot of fun writing it, playing it and I hope you enjoy it too.  If you like it then PLEASE ENDORSE and consider voting for it.  It'd be an honor to be on the board... it's not a top-shelf weapon or clothing mod, but being on the bottom-shelf would rock!