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  1. Zzyxzz
    • premium
    • 1,550 kudos
    RobCo Patcher has been released!

    Make sure to grab the Better Locational Damage - RobCo Patch to automatically patch your game!
    Better Locational Damage - RobCo Patch at Fallout 4 Nexus - Mods and community (

    Get rid of annoying patches and incompatibilities!

  2. Zzyxzz
    • premium
    • 1,550 kudos
    BLD and the Fallout 4 "NG" Update
    BLD is still usable, even without RobCo Patcher!

    To make BLD work in the "NG" Update, open MCM and enable Cloak System
  3. Vallesonic
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    du i need  dlc for it to work?
  4. Hundsfott
    • premium
    • 45 kudos
    Is there any way I can reduce limb damage for NPCs?
    I want them to be crippled like they are now, but I want my shots to deal way less damage.
  5. Cosokabe
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there a command to spawn the holotape in in case you dont have it anymore or didnt get it and can you use mcm to edit the same things as the settings holotape?
  6. schecter818
    • member
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    Everything seems to be working except for my outgoing damage. Raiders are taking three headshots or like 7-12 shots to die regardless what I use. Stagger works, pain works, I have the full MCM menu and holotape. Headshots are on, basic AI and chem AI systems are on which I see is working, I have bleeding turned off. I have HUDframework and the RobCo patcher, but I'm not using any weapon mods. Is it because I'm on survival? A raider with no helmet takes three .308 in the head to die.
    1. Duncle322
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      "BLD and the Fallout 4 "NG" Update
      BLD is still usable, even without RobCo Patcher!
      To make BLD work in the "NG" Update, open MCM and enable Cloak System"
      Although it's still ridiculous a lvl 1 bloatfly can tank 12 mag of 10mm. Headshot is instadeath, but in vanilla it takes like a 1-3 rounds 
    2. Pronetech
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Had the same issue on survival, I turned off the robco patcher and enabled cloak system in MCM and this fixed it.
    3. bhavnish
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      This problem is easily solvable using game configuration menu. I experimented with sliders for both incoming and outgoing all the way from 0 to 10. 

      Here is a quick summary of the results :

      1 - 2x outgoing damage seems to be a good balance. It is weak enough to notice a difference between enemies based on armor resistances and health values at the same time it's strong enough to kill enemies with 1 hit by using a legendary and consumables at around 1x or just the base weapon with perks and sneak at 2x.

      Incoming damage can be kept at any number. If you are doing a naked run with 0 armor put it down to 0.25 , if you are running a full set of 7 pieces of sentinels effects on normal armor or 6 pieces of power armor , you can tank at 10x too.

      By default bld had incoming values of 1.5x on hard in GCM and 0.5x on survival , which was a bit weird.
  7. MWitor
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Here with BLD will we also need Hardcore Health Overhaul?
    1. zelldralsoni
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      BLD does some different stuff vs HHO, both in intent and execution... They both do modify many of the same records. HHO focuses more in the 'health' area for NPCs. Also that makes it poor performance for NextGen, but most people are downgraded anyways. There's some Body Part Data conflicts between OldGen/NextGen that also causes conflicts as well... Both mods override Body Part Data, so whichever loaded last wins. If I recall correctly, both also mess with Race records a bit, so also some overlap there. 
    2. MWitor
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I understand. So I'll let them both stay, since I like the idea of ​​both and trust them both. Thanks for providing the technical details. I'm from Brazil and I use OldGen.
  8. ThisIsGoingToBeFunny
    • member
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    Anyone got any clue to make this work with new game when using Vortex? There isn't an option to Cloak System on Vortex
    1. LoveCters
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Cloak system is in mcm
    2. ThisIsGoingToBeFunny
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      where at? nothing on google when googling cloak system vortex
    3. zelldralsoni
      • premium
      • 35 kudos
      You need Mod Configuration Menu, then you'll have to go into the menu and enable "Cloak System" with BLD.
    4. ThisIsGoingToBeFunny
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Game doesn't actually boot when I have Better Locational Damage added to the mod list, so unable to cloak it sadly.

      Guess I will have to wait for the update, whenever that drops
  9. InfernalMobius
    • premium
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    Can anyone confirm whether the 2mm EC has scripted headshots, and if so what tier of enemy it is effective on? Looking to diagnose whether something is wrong in my game, or if the mod doesn't account for it.

    Thank you.
  10. darlose
    • member
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    Any clues on why stagger works but the one shot headshot don't? tried to use my previous settings before next gen patch but everytime i shoot a sleeping raider at the head with a 10mm they still woke up until i give it another shot in the head.
  11. fettyonfettyonfetty
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    Is this mod reccomended for a NG PC user who wants to basically play survival without fully playing it? I hate the idea of having to watch what I eat, not being able to fast travel etc. but, love the idea of better adjusted damage and other adjustments to make gameplay more immersive or difficult. Once I got to late game in very hard difficulty, most enemies were bullet sponges which is mostly what I wanted to avoid while being able to get some other QOL changes to the game
  12. Dwiantlake
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I turned off stagger on the mcm menu, but somehow turret shots still staggering me
    tho afaik this mechanic doesn't occur without this mod
    I actually wish there's a mod like this but without the redundant such ass pain/stagger and new meds