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  1. menzagitat
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Hi there,
    imho we should not get wet when snowing, or maybe after a much longer time.
    1. Rodderick90
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Ever been in a snowstorm? Lol.
  2. Kolagon
    • member
    • 16 kudos
    Real shame this mod doesn't work with Darker Dungeons.
    1. ASphincterSaysWhat
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      those work fine for me
    2. MeadWarrior
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It works.
    3. Falloutdude11
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      No, it DOESN'T work.

      Pardon the OP for not explaining himself, but Darker Dungeons breaks the fire props so they cannot be used to rest or cook food, including the Camping Equipment ones.
    4. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Just booted up DFU now with a big modlist including both C&C and Darker Dungeons.

      Clicking fires makes the prompt pop up for cooking/resting.

      Make sure C&C is above Darker Dungeons in the modlist. Although the mods are coded to specifically check that this is the case.
    5. Rodderick90
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Is there anything else that breaks the fire?
      I am having the same issue and I have the proper load order.
      It was the DREAM update, I went back to the older version I had and it works fine now.
    6. PurebredPrince
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Rodderick, what version of DREAM did you go back to? I have the same issue and don't want to uninstall DREAM
    7. niconosave
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      same thing happened to me, thou the darker dungeon mod works when it wants to, some times I just keep loading the same save file until it decides to work.
    8. bushdidmars93
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm having this same issue with Darker Dungeons. I don't use DREAM. When I have DD enabled, I can't click on campfires.
    9. menzagitat
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Load it last (at the bottom of the mods list) just after Improved Interior Lightning.
    10. bushdidmars93
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      thank you, seems to work
    11. Pedrofilia
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Did anybody find a fix for this? Would love to use this mod, but i don't know if im able to unninstall DREAM and not break things.
    12. Rodderick90
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      If anybody else is having this issue again, I found the compatibility patch for shield widget and PCO causes the fires to not function.
  3. Vaclu
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Not worth posting in the in bug section here but I wanted give a heads up to anyone using this mod together with Sneak and Crouch Combined, when you crouch while cold after swimming or levitating you will often find yourself stuck crouching until you save and reload the game. Just uninstall Sneak and Crouch Combined and you the issue will go away. You don't really -need- that mod anyways tbh. 
  4. LaSeance
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Becoming a vampire kills you when you spawn in the dungeon. I don't know if it could be considered a bug or it's the mod technically working as intended given the time gap but it is a slight issue when I have to disable the mod when I'm about to become a vampire.

    I'd like to make some suggestions for vampires.. Can you make it so sun damage is minimal or disabled when wearing a cloak? And when you have a cloak on it'd be nice if you could open the travel map. Not being able to very much limits gameplay with Travel Options. I know it kills the downsides of becoming a vampire though. You could greatly increase vulnerability to heat or have heat damage so on really hot sunny days they can't stay out? And/or make cloaks degrade faster for them so they at least have one resource sink? I dunno just some ideas. [No stamina regen from eating and no buffs from drinking does feel like a simple but noticeable downside I think so that's cool]

    I do really love the mod. Never intend on playing without it.
  5. domken75
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I believe i've found a conflict between this mod and Random Starting Dungeon by Magicono43. It's a rather minor gripe but one of the rations you give to the player upon starting the game is immediately consumed when spawning in the random dungeon. I'll understand if you don't see this as worthy of attention but it can negatively impact roleplay not being able to rely on those 2 ration sacks for the entirety of the starting dungeon. I would appreciate it if this can be fixed somehow.

    Great mod btw.
  6. Ghostabcxyz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I added a bug report but I am putting it here for further visibility because both of these mods are essential and amazing for role playing.

    With the "Acquisition" Mod, the safety override normally in place for fast travel by Inn causes the player to fatally collapse when they own a property. I have multiple characters with both mods, and have narrowed it down to after I purchased a shop with one character. There is the sound of gold being deposited into the bank while fast traveling, and a notification that I have received rent from the property when I arrive.

    Something about the notification and the payment calculation script is negating/resetting the ordinary protections of fast traveling by inn, so messages are spammed indicating the player has arrived starved and exhausted and collapses immediately at the destination and the game ends. The script to pause survival needs when traveling by Inn must be interrupted by the process of calculating rent earned by "Acquisition". This makes Fast Traveling ever again with that character impossible from that point forward.

    Your mod is amazing. Unfortunately the mod author of Acquisition is no longer active, and I really cant imagine playing without either mod at this point. Would it be possible to ensure the survival mode is not triggered during "Travel By Inn" with a property purchased? Thank you for all the work you do!
  7. ruskerdax
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I love this mod and appreciate the work you've put into it!

    Is it possible to separate rations? Carrying around over 10 kilos of rations and not being able to separate them is a (very mild) annoyance. I'm not sure how much of a pain this would be, given gold is the only thing I can think of in Daggerfall that can be easily partitioned, but that would be a very handy feature if it isn't included already. Any idea on how to go about that? I can't promise anything, but if it isn't too complicated I could try to take a crack at it.
    1. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      Stacks of items can be split by CTRL-Clicking on them.
    2. ruskerdax
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Oh, excellent! Good to know.
  8. Hulgore
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I really like this mod, but I'll admit that I'm getting a bit annoyed by the weight of the food, and by the fact that it only sustains you for 3 hours before "your stomach rumbles" despite being so heavy
    1. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      You know that is only fresh food for long-term fatigue buff for easier travel right? Negative effects only kick in 24 hours after your last meal. And for most situations, the Ration Sacks are the intended food.
    2. Hulgore
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Yes I know that, but stamina gets drained very quickly otherwise. if I don't have a Restoration spell to restore fatigue then I have to sleep constantly, so I eat fresh food regularly to keep the stamina regen up. I still have to stop to rest every night so I consider this as normal pacing
    3. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      You should take a look at how you are dressed and that you are not carrying too much if you are constantly needing to eat or rest. Usually you can get by with one meal per day but eating breakfast before setting out and then stopping at a tavern for lunch makes sure there is no problems.
    4. Hulgore
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I'm trying to be cautious of what I wear yes, but I usually get over-encumbered quickly, because I have some other mods such as 'Realistic Wagon' which makes it more difficult to buy a wagon, because you also have to buy a horse. So I am locked on feet at low levels with just my character inventory

      And so it bothers me to eat a piece of meat of 2kg and then losing the regen effect after just 3 hours (which disappears very quickly when you travel on foot - and yes I stay on roads)

      The regen effect could last 4 hours instead of 3, the weight of bread/fish/meat could be set to 1kg instead of 1.5/2kg, I'm not asking for drastic changes, just some small adjustments
  9. TriviaKnight
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    amazing mod and I hate to be that guy but there's one too many f's in "you stiffle a yawn"
    1. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      I’ll fix that in the next update :)
  10. Corehaven
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Casual Cloaks are degrading so fast every time I leave town and come back it's nearly time to replace it, and re-dye myself another cloak.  Which is becoming extremely annoying.  Would also be very nice to have a mod options menu.  Very fun mod though. 
    1. Ralzar
      • premium
      • 37 kudos
      If you are not, I would suggest using the Repair Tools mod so you can pull out the needle and thread when in a tavern and keep your clothes patched up.