Israeli Defense Force: Fight for Independence is a Total Conversion modification for the PC game Battlefield 2 (A.K.A. BF2). What we aim to achieve with this mod is to immerse the player into the historic wars involving Israel, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan, which are the 6-Day War, the War of Attrition, and the Yom Kippur War. The player will be able to play as a common soldier, crewmember, or pilot in these wars. The mod will feature historically accurate equipment such as the famous Russian AK-47, the fearsome SO-4050 bomber, the menacing IS3 and M48 tanks, and much, much more. Also, the maps will recreate actual battles that happened in these wars, to complete a historically-accurate and immersive modification. IDF:FFI is also a member of the acclaimed cooperative gaming studio Black Sand Studios.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 143)

This mod is out to a great start! Love the content so far. Big fan of the historical mods, way too many “modern combat” mods out there. Obviously a lot of room for improvement, but what is here so far is really good. The vehicles, especially the tanks are some of the best I have seen I have seen in a BF2 mod outside of FH2 of course (class by themselves). Can’t wait for the Israeli aircraft and some epic air battles. Keep up the good work guys.

I'd say 9
Still is buggy and needs more maps
Graphics are good
Some crashes
Not big problem


Garbage Trash Cringe *** Bad **** Israeli Mod.


ChrisT|GamingZone says

May contain spoilers Agree (2) Disagree (1)

Review Updated as of May 2020

Good Parts:

1. Vehicles – Honestly said, this is the strongest part holding the mod together. Tanks, Helicopters, Cars and that interesting “APC” are surely a great addition, and are on point. Both factions have them set properly, in the period of 1960’s and 1970’s. And that’s it mates. This is the only strong good point I could find in the gameplay itself.

Bad Parts:

1. Weapons – I don’t find any reason to not trash these barely-working things. Sorry mates, but even the models look awful, with some exceptions like the AK-47 with adjustable stock. Animations are barely doing justice to these guns, some even reused from vanilla. Damage on pistols is just awful, and I’m dead silent about that Super Bazooka. The only positive thing I’ve seen out of them is the sniping experience, and that was basically it. It was fun, but the animations and models lack in quality a lot.

2. Maps – Apart from the vanilla locations like Strike at Karkand included in this mod, every custom map makes me sick. Imagine your first game, you spawn inside a house, and you clip through some buildings while going out. Or when you spawn through a TV Station, or near an enemy who just knives you when spotted. These are a disappointment, I expected a lot more from the developers. Quite the shame.

3. Quality – This final bad point consists of many nitpicks condensed into one point. First up, horrible voice lines for Israeli soldiers, those sound worse than someone washing headphones and recording audio through them at the same time. Maps still have the canonical CPNAME_Blablabla, rough mistakes in naming such as Isreal and Egypt. Floating objects on maps, ability to fire guns while in reloading procedures, and I can go on and on. The interesting thing is, back in that period, there was no Egypt, it was the United Arab Republic. There are some rough spots which shows that quality wasn’t top spot on the list. That’s honestly, disappointing.

Final Mark: 4/10

Yet another letdown, which I gave quite the high-grade back in the old days. Honestly, I’m disappointed to find this modification in such a state 4 years after my initial review. The developers had a lot of time to release an update, or at least, a patch to fix this travesty. But sadly, nothing has been released, besides some news updates dated back in 2019. The only strong point I could find are the vehicles, which are really cool. But besides that, there is nothing special to be found. Weapons are in low amount, and majority of them are either underpowered, or just have atrocious animations and models. Custom maps are awful to look at, and AI act really strange in those locations. Tall Afar is one prime example of how the map has weak visual components. And over-all, quality check is missing, with floating stuff, clipping through objects, and rough audio quality for voicelines. I’m sorry for such a negative mark, but I’ve seen Battlefield 3 copy-cats doing a much better job at holding content together than this project. I had hopes for this mod to grow higher, but sadly, I witness once again how good ideas fall short after time.

A truly unique theme for a mod, give this rating for that.

This mod keeps making good updates. I'll rate 10/10 on this mod.

The rating speaks for itself. ;D

this is very disturbing