-Currently Dead (02/2011)-

-Information is NOT updated-
OLD Content:

Original Text:

I'm looking for a team to make this Source MOD, so...
(Who helps me with this MOD, have to join TheDragonTeam, at least as guest! -.-)
***I've already made some scripts (like scripts of movies) and drawn some scenes from the MOD...

New Website:


Post article RSS Articles

Our website is not that stable, because of a lot of different things (things, you know [: ).
TDT-Alpha always tries to hold the website work, stable, well-designed and easy-to-use,
but it isn't that easy and it takes years now. (3 Years on ONE website).
Designs are changing regularly and the content as well.

Now, TDT-Alpha had to SHUT DOWN the Main TDT's website because it isn't up-to-date and is not Dynamic. (We can not change it in any easy way).
So, by the time, TDT-Alpha will work on a dynamic-content-site as his own (HERE) project base.
Currently, a major change has occurred for the sake of TDT's members -
A brand new and interactive Members Area is made,
which includes:

  • Web, Mod, Group & Website Statistics
  • Information about the team
  • *Soon* Ability to change information about themselves (on TDT's site)
  • *Soon* Ability to publish their new project on the site for the archives
  • Ability to view the project archives of every member or team's projects in a unique and easy way
  • *Soon* Ability to contact TDT-Alpha in the fastest ways available

Currently, the main TDT's website is disabled, as I said before, and instead of getting to TDT's site, you'll be redirected to TDT-Alpha's personal website (under the domain of the main site - Alpha.TheDragonTeam).
The new website will be released within a couple of months, currently TDT-Alpha is very busy and has about 4 projects to finish. (*There wasn't any spoiler...* *Oh, there was.. [: * ).

As soon as people will try to join the team, the fast the site will be built.
Designers are still wanted... badly... ;(

Contact TDT-Alpha:
Website: Alpha.TheDragonTeam
Mail: TDT.Alpha@mail-me.com
Skype: TDT-Alpha

[Cry Or Die] MOD is Dead until new arivals

[Cry Or Die] MOD is Dead until new arivals

News 6 comments

The MOD is currently counted as dead, the page will NOT be deleted because it may come alive the following months. What will be new and better when it'll...

TDT-Alpha's Review at IGN

TDT-Alpha's Review at IGN

News 4 comments

TDT-Alpha has given a review at IGN about his design life and the effect of playing Half-Life when he was young.

[TheDragonTeam] Still Looking for Designers!

[TheDragonTeam] Still Looking for Designers!


The team is looking for new arrivals to help and work with us!

2 New Loops Made for Cry Or Die

2 New Loops Made for Cry Or Die


2 New Loops Made for Cry Or Die. Currently we'll work on the maps...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 35)
CuervoSp - - 1,517 comments


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SpeedyClaude - - 1,506 comments

reminds me of cry of fear

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Seaalisgonefromhere - - 986 comments

CRAP! *Sob* *Sob*
Its the name: Cry or Die. So I'd rather cry. :D Its just a joke.
I really like this story! I wonder how it will turn out!

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TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

Currently, it won't.
I can not start an Indy mod without experience of myself...
I still need recruits...

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

It is NOT only my MOD now, TDT-Constructor (holiestcow) has joined the team!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
BigB1313 - - 130 comments

Another freeman based mod.....what happened to making amazing new characters. In my opinion the Half Life Universe is great and all, but (now this is my opinion) what about something new and fresh for a change.

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TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

I'm a designer that LOVES The Freeman...
That's hard even for me...
I don't know, I want to make it (like 1million people) a game from other eyes at the same time and kind'a same situation...
I love Half-Life 1, and it's ALL ABOUT FREEMAN
I think it explains, but hey, it's my first game...
First attractive creation of a desiger.
And still, I'm 14...
***My computer was down for this weekened, now it's up and I'm trying to restore configurations...then I'll continue the first map.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
radutanasie - - 949 comments

You should learn the engine better and get familiar with Hammer before starting a mod. Instead of creating a mod profile, that will be abandoned eventually, go to a forum for instant feedback.

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TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

I HAVE started to make thee maps... what do ya want?
SOON I'll publish photos, it's un-textured and looks bad...
I know the engine, in fact one map (file) is almost done.

Reply Good karma-1 votes
eXeC64 - - 225 comments

He wants you to put some solid work into the mod and make a good amount of progress before wasting your time with a moddb profile. Only make a profile when you have something to show, if all you have is 3 half-complete vmf's from a beginner mapper and no screenshots then I don't think you have enough progress to justify a moddb profile. The chances are you'll grow bored, move on and this mod will be dead in a month, sad as it is, that's the truth.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

What do'ya mean 'DEAD'?
0.0 I thought a DEAD MOD is a MOD that is NOT updating and stuff..
1. I'm working alone
2. I'm sketching the maps
3. I'm making the maps
4. I'm (trying to) make Promos, Teasers and Trailers
5. I'm working on Textures
*6. (may be I will) Work on NEW Models
7. I'm designing the ideas

And I have no one to work with,
So... I publish the MOD, asking for help and working on it!
:) Isn't that right to do?
And I waste no time...

Reply Good karma+2 votes
AHvash - - 104 comments

Just take some kick *** picture of one or more parts of your almost finished map, that will prove your working on something great. I belies in you man, kick some ***!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
TDT-Alpha Creator
TDT-Alpha - - 84 comments

It's such a good idea,
The map is ten meters long, it's an exit of a room, in the way there's a HEV suit thing (not the charger) and then you turn into a corridor...
I didn't start the corridor and the school year has began...I'm grade 8 in Israel.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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