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Jul 4·edited Jul 5Pinned

I just received these 2 emails from readers:

1) "This is the first article of yours I read. I struggled with Lyme disease for years and getting back in the sun and reconnecting with nature was huge in me becoming symptom free."

2)"I remember my seventh-grade health book very well. There were pages and pages about healthy living, and on one of those pages was a picture of teenagers, lakeside, having fun in the sun. The text encouraged us to get plenty of sun in order to maintain our health. I was 12, so that was in 1960. Suntanning was a “national sport”. Everyone laid out in the sun to get nice dark tans. Baby oil was a hot item! Moms would get out their blankets and sun while we were in school. That was 1960, and the craze lasted until the 1980s.

Now we’re all pasty white. I have recently purchased a lawn chair that allows me to lay flat and get a tan. 20 minutes per side. It feels so good, and at 75, I’m done worrying about wrinkles, and I don’t really have any except a little crepey skin on my legs. I’m so relaxed after a session in the sun!"

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They don't want us to be healthy! "There's no profit from healthy people" = Big Pharma motto!

Do Moderna really need to plunder tax payer's money when they make over $150k every month selling their useless but DEADLY poisonous mRNA Covid injections.

Surely, they'll make the same as soon as Fauci and friends complete their Gain of Function (Bio-weapon technology) experimentation. GoF means To maximise the deadly potential of a dangerous Virus. Then Moderna can launch the next depopulating injection they've had prepared for years.

Since 2020, the English dictionary has been destroyed with new meanings for many words and expressions, like 'Rare' , which now means 'Frequent'.

'Vaccine' used to mean an injected substance that included a part of a disease that would encourage the human body to build a natural resistance to that disease. The new DEADLY mRNA injections do not warrant the term 'VACCINE'.

Perhaps mRNA injections ('Vaccines') should now be described as a Depopulate Plan?

'Safe & Effective' now means 'Dangerous and ineffective'

'Safety Trials' means 'Pay the FDA sufficient to avoid such inconvenient pretend activities'.

There are so many new expressions that have become everyday expressions, such as 'Myocarditis', which seems to impact young boys and young men. This new dangerous post-mRNA injection phenomena is played down as 'rare' and a non-deadly occurrence. The reality is that those youngsters are now advised to "avoid strenuous physical exercise for at least 28 days".

The DEADLY mRNA jabs cause Heart attacks, strokes, palpitations, chest pains in youngsters who gain zero benefit from being injected with poison for a man-modified disease that has zero health consequences to them. Any heart damage, if not immediately 'terminal', is serious and is likely to compromise humans at some point in the future. The best a Covid or Bird Flu recipient can expect from an mRNA injection is a SHORTENED LIFE EXPECTANCY!

And still Pfizer, et al, continue to enjoy massive profits from their depopulating injections which carry NO LIABILITY for side effects, health injuries, or even directly related vax induced DEATHS. Insane?

Unjabbed Mick. (UK) I'll live longer to get 'Full LIABILITY' re-introduced for all Big Pharma products!

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Thanks for this excellent piece. Could you please correct the link for alternative BCC therapies (it just links back to itself). I’m seeing a Dermatologist next week for suspected BCC and would like to arm myself with info. Thanks

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Found this: "Imiquimod is used to treat sunspots and superficial basal cell carcinomas (BCCs). Your doctor will explain how to apply the cream and how often. For superficial BCCs, the cream is commonly applied directly to the affected area at night, usually 5 days a week for 6 weeks."

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Same situation here. I also asked for the link yesterday - no response yet.

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It is important to moderate one's sun exposure, so I keep it to 15-20 minutes per side at "solar noon", and additional bike riding and gardening at off-peak times, to good effect. ;-}

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Jul 6·edited Jul 6

Why? We've just been given compelling evidence "skin cancer" from sunlight exposure is an over-hyped, revenue driven creation of "Modern Advertising". We've also been told melanoma is NOT caused by exposure to the sun. As noted, MWD properly emphasized melanoma must be cared for immediately and by a competent, non-venture capitalist driven dermatology or cancer treatment center.

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How long does it take YOU to get a sunburn?

Go out a little bit less than that.

Not complicated.

Texas midday summer sun is strong.

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Avoid getting sunburn. Got it.


Apologies for the curt reply.

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Thank You.

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I live in the Utah desert; today it was 108°. Since I moved here nine years ago I stopped using sunscreen, and I don't avoid the sun. I haven't had a sunburn yet. About the same time I moved I also stopped using seed oils. There's an increasing amount of evidence that those oils contribute to sun damage as well as obesity and other things.

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Except for wrinkles, pain burns, and possible FDA vendettas, why the warnings? I say if it feels good on your skin and body, do it. But to avoid pain, it's better to ease into it.

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