8 Reasons Developers Struggle with WordPress and Why Marketpath CMS Just Works


WordPress has been a popular choice for website development, but it’s not without its drawbacks. Let's explore eight common pain points developers encounter with WordPress and see how Marketpath CMS offers solutions to combat these issues.

Security Vulnerabilities

WordPress's popularity, and its reliance on 3rd party plugins, makes it a prime target for hackers. In fact, the number of WordPress vulnerabilities increased by 25% in 2022. Website hacks and security issues are one of the main frustrations that agencies and developers have with WordPress, as security issues can have a significant financial impact on their clients.

Security is a top priority with Marketpath CMS. Our platform provides robust security measures including regular updates, free SSL encryption, and a decoupled system, ensuring your website remains safe and secure from bad actors.

Limited Flexibility

Customizing WordPress themes is often frustrating due to its rigid structure. This means that different components of WordPress, such as the core system, themes, and plugins, are tightly integrated. Any modification or customization in one area can potentially impact other areas of the system. 

Marketpath CMS offers a liquid template language, empowering developers to create unique, tailor-made websites with ease. Our modular design allows for effortless customization, and you can control 100% of the rendered output, giving you unlimited development freedom..

Plugin Overload

WordPress relies heavily on plugins, leading to potential code conflicts, performance issues, maintenance requirements, and security risks. Marketpath CMS eliminates plugin dependency by offering built-in features and functionalities. This streamlined approach results in a leaner, faster, and more reliable website.

8 Reasons Developers Struggle with WordPress and Why Marketpath CMS Just WorksSteep Learning Curve

Developers often find themselves spending considerable time mastering WordPress's complex ecosystem, in addition to searching for and learning new plugins. Marketpath CMS boasts an intuitive and user-friendly interface, reducing the learning curve and enabling developers to be more productive from day one.

Performance Bottlenecks

WordPress's bloated codebase and excessive plugin usage negatively impacts website performance. Marketpath CMS prioritizes performance optimization, delivering lightning-fast websites with efficient code, optimal caching, and content delivery network (CDN) integration.

Inefficient Content Management

WordPress's content management system is often clunky and hard to easily navigate for developers. Marketpath CMS provides a seamless content editing experience, allowing developers to structure and organize content efficiently. Our user-friendly interface simplifies content management tasks, ensuring a smoother workflow.

Lack of Scalability

A significant WordPress developer challenge relates to website scalability. WordPress sometimes struggles to handle large-scale websites and traffic spikes. Marketpath CMS is built to scale effortlessly, supporting high-traffic websites with robust server infrastructure and smart caching mechanisms. Our platform grows with your needs, eliminating worries about scalability.

Subpar Support

WordPress's community support is often hit or miss, leaving developers stuck when issues arise. Marketpath CMS provides unlimited technical support, including dedicated account managers and technical experts who are ready to assist you promptly and efficiently.

At Marketpath, we understand the frustrations developers face with WordPress. That's why we've created Marketpath CMS—a powerful, developer-friendly platform that addresses these pain points head-on, offering enhanced security, flexibility, performance, and support.

CMS For Developers

Ready to experience a CMS designed with developers in mind? Sign up for free today and see how Marketpath CMS can revolutionize your web development workflow.

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About the Authors

Kevin Kennedy

Kevin Kennedy, Marketpath’s VP Marketing and Professional Services, has been working on business strategy, digital marketing, and website technology for over 20 years. Prior to joining Marketpath in 2009, Kevin worked for Delta Faucet Company, including roles as Director of E-Business, where he led the company's technology strategy, and Director of Interactive Marketing. 

Kevin graduated with a B.B.A. in Finance from the University of Notre Dame and received his M.B.A. from Eastern Michigan University. In his free time, Kevin enjoys spending time with his wife, Bridget, and their five children, travel, and various sports activities, while also participating on the non-profit boards for The Children's TherAplay Foundation and Juega Como Campeon.

Adrian Gerig

Adrian serves as the UI/UX developer for Marketpath. He is a Software Developer with over 15 years of experience working in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MariaDB, PHP), React.js in the Front End. He is a digital marketing enthusiast.