Search Engine Optimization (SEO)– Get Found Online

White Hat SEO Guide

Web Traffic Strategy

The bottom line is with no traffic your website is worthless, in fact without traffic your website is worse than worthless it’s just an expensive distraction, a waste of time and money. What’s surprising is that it happens all the time, site owners make huge efforts to make their site look amazing and to add functions but end up disappointed because they they have put no effort into their web traffic strategy either get no extra traffic or, if it’s a new site, no traffic at all. Then when the site fails to deliver the results that the owner hoped for they often embark on a process of redesigning or improving the website in relatively superficial ways, wasting more time, effort and money instead of taking a more logical approach.

SEO as Part of Your Marketing Strategy

Remember for your apart from creating a website you must do these three things:
  • Design a website traffic strategy
  • Implement that strategy.
  • Keep testing, refining and implementing that strategy

  • All successful website owners have to put effort into planning a traffic strategy and executing on that strategy to grow website visitors, furthermore you have to build the traffic the right way, SEO should always be part of your strategy, why? Because ultimately if you are making progress on organic rankings even if you are not yet ranking highly, then you are moving in the right direction and improving the quality of the website . A common mistake made by site owners is to pay for cheap traffic gained by dubious “black hat” means. Please do yourself a masive favour and just don’t do this. Remember the what your aim is – it may be to gain members, add to your email list or make sales. Whatever your aim is remember that your goal is to increase quality traffic not just any old traffic that will simply bounce off your site, depress your site metrics and harm your sites SEO! One of the major sources of online traffic is Google search, remember the huge advantage of search traffic is these visitors are searching for the goods and services that you offer – the search term they reach your site by will influence their propensity to convert, for example “cheap stock photos” could convert site traffic very well is your site sells cheap or free photographs for web design. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) will help to make sure your website appears in the Google search engine results page when customers are searching for goods, services or information that you provide. We use a wide range of SEO techniques that are all “white hat SEO techniques” google webmaster approved methods to promote your website. We can help your website to rank for multiple relevant search terms so that you increase traffic in numbers and in quality, that allows you to sell more. I you’ve got a problem with traffic decreasing or have seen your rankings drop significantly, received an “unnatural links” notification then we can help to fix your Google penalty recovery too.

    For many website owners SEO can be very confusing, but don’t worry we help to make that work to your advantage – with our platform we make it simple. We can categorize the Optimization process in two major –

    1. On-site SEO: Optimising your website so that Google knows exactly what your content is about and why it is relevant
    2. Off-site SEO: Demonstrating to Google how useful your site is to search engine users by showing how popular your site is on the internet

    On-site SEO is to a large degree controllable, because you have full control of your site. Take advantage of this; Do the right research, set up your site in the right ways and structure your content properly, then you can make it absolutely clear to Google and other search engines what your site is about and why it is relevant to customers that are looking for you. We perform frequent Website Reviews for our clients, that allows us to tell them exactly how to optimize their site content, we have an encyclopedic range of Professional SEO tools and combined it with our own comprehensive SEO guide which works on how it works.

    Off site SEO can be more difficult for the same reason, you do not have Full control of what happens off your site. However you should embrace this, it’s a pretty level playing field and even though you do not have total control you do still have considerable control and influence. Offsite SEO requires many different techniques like back linking where you attract other websites to link to pages on your website. Incoming links act as the main popularity signal to Google, and so the aim is to attract as many authoritative, relevant websites to link back to you – there are real pitfalls in back linking that it is easy for websmasters to fall foul of. The google rules on back links are sophisticated and if you do it wrong instead of increasing your traffic you will get penalized by Google, reduce your traffic and possibly damage your site reputation beyond repair – our tools make it easy and ensure you build a perfect backlink profile and keep it that way! The high quality links that work best are earned through creating engaging content that is unique and relevant to your site and your visitors, and then promoting it to the online community who in time will link back to you, there are other valueable links too and we show you how to build them all in our platform.

    Localadwork can help you develop your website and put together an effective link building campaign that will drive your site up the search rankings on numerous different terms, this is how you beat your competitors.

    Our White Hat SEO Guide - the Key to ROI

    SEO industry has a chequered past and the online world is peppered with very dubious tactics, this is so much the case that these “black-hat” SEO techniques actually appear to dominate the SEO industry – it can appear hard to find a real SEO service that you can trust. In Localadworks we take a different approach. Other companies usually will not revealhowthey are generating your SEO results, they just show you some traffic and perhaps some ranking information, but often the results are not valuable or even genuine. It is easy to buy useless traffic and achieve rank on low volume search terms, but the value to the customer is negligible and so the return on investment is low or negative. Google have very strict guidelines on what is defined as natural organic SEO. The search engines have go far better at detecting websites at gaming search results and they will be relentless in improving at this, it is a key deliverable in a multi-billion dollar business. It’s not a case of if you are caught but more of when you are caught, it’s usually only a matter of days or weeks at best before the search engine hammer falls.

    So when you are caught ‘gaming the search engine system then they can simply penalize you so that you appear further down the listings or even completely remove your site from the search index – the end result is the same you become completely invisible to search engine users and your site traffic can fall away to nothing! It is hard to think of any circumstance where it is worth doing it, recovery is not certain and the cost will nearly always outweigh any possible gains.

    As a business we have no interest in providing poor quality services, nor are we interested in misrepresenting what we can do. We prefer to build long term business relationships based upon trust, honesty and real value by providing sustainable growth in the long term. Unlike other firms we give clients full access to our platform so that they can see exactly what we have done, how we are achieving our results and monitor our progress towards our joint goals. This insight gives clients a real understanding of what we do and helps them understand how we can work together. We have managed to get many clients just like you on to the first page of Google and consistently deliver a high ROI.
    the way to learn SEO, get in touch today.

    Let Us Help You

    Every SEO campaign needs to be tailored to the client, because every business and every website is unique, different histories, locations, competitors, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. When we take on a new full service SEO Client we design a bespoke campaign just for that client that is designed to maximise the potential ROI.

    If you are interested in increasing your online visibility and gaining more high quality traffic, please contact us using the form below, we will call you personally.

      SEO is complex and ever-changing, it has to be because the financial stakes are huge and so the incentive to compete and cheat is high – the search engines are constantly evolving. We have provided a basic list below, it shouldgive you a better idea of the type of work we’re producing for our clients currently and what we can do your business:

      Keyword Research

      Searches begin with word so before jumping straight into changing and fixing problems with your website or promoting your content, we first perform detailed analysis to identify if you are targeting the right terms to create business. We analyse the market, customer history, potential customers and search history to identify:

      1. the keywords that your potential customers are using to describe your products or services
      2. the keywords that signify the strongest intent to buy
      3. the keywords with sufficient search volumes to generate a high return on inve

      On-site SEO

      Once we have identified the keywords we should be targeting, we go work on your website and optimize each page for the desired keyword. This can include editing elements of the code, page content, site images, infographics and videos. Very often a longer term plan will result in changes in the structure of the website.

      We also perform a through technical review and overhaul of your website and work through all of the pages to fix any technical issues and also to increase the load speed of each page. Page speed is an important ranking factor for search engines because it matters to users, site usability improves the performance of your site in many ways and which in turn improves your website SEO, you have full control of your site so it makes sense to make the most of the opportunity.

      Naturally if you have your own website developers then we can simply explain the changes that are beneficial in a technical implementation document and can also add the value of each to enable you to evaluate and prioritize as you see fit.

      Market Analysis

      Besides determining the correct keywords for you to target, we also investigate your competitors, the terms and areas that they have targeted. We analyze the complete potential of your market. Our platform enables us to produce detailed full competitor analysis reports, armin g yourself with this knowledge can present your business with significant opportunities very fast, you can use the information gathered to adjust your existing marketing plan or to inspire a completely new marketing strategy, Our competitor analysis can often uncover quick wins, profitable search terms and untapped markets very quickly.

      Local SEO

      Local marketing can be hard when you are pitched against more established competitors, you have a limited customer base and need as way to to gain traction. Local SEO is about appearing for local search terms with commercial intent (e.g “Dentists in Bradenton”), and about appearing on the Google Maps listings and much more. We offer the best Local SEO services available. We candevelop your online profile so that you are easily found by all the customers in your local area and those who are interested in visiting too, we offer the best local citations service possible to make sure that not only are you present and easily found but so that you stand out clearly from your local competition to attract the majority of the highly profitable local traffic to your website.

      For many businesses, Local SEO can actually drive more traffic than normal organic search rankings, so local SEO is attractive to all businesses, this is something that national businesses have caught on to and are exploiting at your cost – we show you how to compete!,We can also help you develop engagement strategies to optimize your presence on local review platforms we have direct agreed access to more than 50 local listing sites and business directories such as Google Places, Yelp,, Yahoo Local Listing Center, Mojo Pages and many more which have a combined monthly search exposure of more than 220 million monthly searches.

      Manual Link Building

      If you have a new website, gaining your first backlinks will make a significant contribution to your online traction. It makes sense to identify the “low hanging fruit” to get the easy links first, and submit your site to niche directories. By using our platform we can help you to do that fast. This is a great way to build a solid foundation for search engine optimization and it really is the only sensible way to start the job of optimizing a new website for more traffic.

      Infographics & Viral Content

      A useful method of generating back links is by producing highly sharable, ‘viral’ content, such as infographics or videos. We can help by producing content for you and then by seeding it socially using advanced outreach techniques to promote the content and your site. Done well a good viral share can lead to single piece attracting potentially thousands of social shares and back links. It should be said that the content required would typically require a higher budget but the potential rewards and the ROI can be significant.

      Broken Link Building

      This is at tactic related to link building we employ advanced search engine techniques to discover broken links on websites websites that no longer link anywhere. Once we we identify the original source we can turn the link into something useful for everyone again by recreating and updating the content that websites were previously linking to, having done that we can then contact any sites that had broken links to the missing content, and ask them to link to our updated content piece instead.Very often the site owners are happy that their broken link is fixed, and we can generate significant benefit for our own site too, everyone wins!

      Get In Touch

      If you would like to discuss Localadworks Search Engine Optimization services further then please contact us by filling out the form below: