recommended Website Services

Recommended Website Services

Clients often ask for our recommended website partners for many aspects of their business. Over the years we have dealt with hundreds of clients and all the different services that they use and of course all the services that we ourselves either use now or have used previously. We like to work with good partners, we are always happy to advise clients where we can and when asked to do so we will recommend a visit to this page which we update regularly.

Website Security – WebArx

Website security

50% off WebArx Offer Here

Webarx is a Web application security platform for website owners.
WebARX has a smart firewall engine which will protect your website from software vulnerabilities and separates true visitors from fake traffic.
  • Protects from OWASP top 10 vulnerabilities
  • Protects from plugin vulnerabilities
  • Blocks malicious bots and spam
  • Prevents malware infections
  • Cloud based firewall management
  • Write custom firewall rules
  • New rules are received automatically
  • Does not slow down the website

  • Security and Vulnerability Monitoring

    Monitor your websites for possible security issues and vulnerabilities. WebARX is actively updated and helps you adapt the latest security practices.
  • Plugin vulnerability monitoring
  • SSL/TLS monitoring
  • Blacklist monitoring
  • Error monitoring
  • Up-time monitoring
  • Domain expiration monitoring
  • Certificate expiration monitoring
  • New scans added frequently

  • Read More About How to Easily Protect Your website

    Website security tends to be one of those things that is overlooked, after all your primary objective is usually to design the site that will meet your businesses needs, then to drive traffic and convert visitors into customers, but ask anyone who has had a site taken down and they will tell you that web attacks happen and sooner or later your own sites will be attacked, if your site is not protected you can lose your site file and incur significant costs and loss of time trying to recover or rebuild the site. Siteground. We use Webarx on many websites and it’s performed flawlessly no security breaches and no loss of website speed! Webarx try it out with our special offer, 50% off Webarx Offer.

    Website Hosting

    Web Hosting We highly recommend Siteground. We have used them on many projects over the years and helped many clients to move their websites to their hosting. We use them for most of our own sites now, the reasons are numerous they are ultra safe and reliable, they offer fast hosting without the nit picking that can come from other hosts, great range of services and above all the Siteground customer service is stellar. The staff are a total credit to the organization and they reflect the quality of this company. All customers get a two stage customer service which means the majority of things can be dealt with immediately by the first line customer support in live chat, wait times are negligible – I mean 60 seconds. If first line support need to refer a ticket to second line support / technical help they are also fast, skilled, polite and helpful. For us and our clients Siteground are a major problem solver, you know your site is safe and you know you can get help and solve any problems fast and easily. No headaches -awesome and worth every cent. Web Hosting If you want to read real user reviews then try the website it has a decent variety of hosting companies with genuine reviews. When picking hosting remember there is no single “Best Hosting” there is a best for you and your needs, think about your needs don’t pick just on price – there are plenty of hosting sites that mess up, sites go down, sites even get lost for good. When you have problems with your site think about how much technical skill you have and how much help you will need – saving $4 a month is not a good idea if you are left with problems you need to hire people to solve.

    Payment Services

    We recommend Braintree and Stripe Payments. Braintree has a good deal for start ups and looks very nice on your site – see Airbnb, Stripe is a favorite for developers and once past startup phase can be slightly cheaper. Paypal can make sense for many smaller businesses especially those with potential trust issues or where one off or impulse buying is a factor, it’s fast and it feel safe and easy for private customers. Another advantage is with paypal you can maintain multiple balances and spend them so if you sell in USD it can be useful to avoid currency conversion and spend from Paypal. However it’s less convenient for business customers and the costs are high especially when you take into account their across border charges, monthly fees for certain account types, punitive exchange rates and arbitary decision making over chargebacks. The deletion of reporting history might be a problem for those who treat accounting preparation as something that can be done every six months.

    DDOS Protection

    We recommend Incapsula, Arbor, neusign or veristar.

    Long Tail Pro – Keyword Research, Generation, Selection and Management

    We use Long Tail Pro every day for client SEO, it’s not enough to say “it just works” it’s actually officially awesome, it solves lots of problems and repays it’s small cost many times over, very affordable and highly recommended for any site owner, you can read more about it in our Long Tail Pro review and Keyword research case study.high paying keywords
    Fair disclosure; Some of these links may result in us being paid an affiliate commission this helps to support us in reviewing and testing products,  please be assured that our recommendations are genuine recommendations made because we believe in the product,  you can trust that we will never promote goods or services that we do not believe in If you appreciate our advice please consider clicking our links below when making your decisions, if you need further advice please do contact us