Unlock the Power of LinkedIn Hashtags: How to Boost Your Presence and Reach Your Target Audience

Unlock the Power of LinkedIn Hashtags: How to Boost Your Presence and Reach Your Target Audience

Those that have ever experienced a coaching session with me will have undoubtedly heard me say the phrase "do your hashtag research", but what do I mean by that? As professionals, we all know the importance of LinkedIn in building our personal and professional brand. But have you ever considered the power of hashtags on this platform? If not, it's time to start paying attention!

Hashtags are not just for Instagram and Twitter. LinkedIn has also embraced them and they can be a game-changer in getting your content seen by a wider audience. Here's everything you need to know about using hashtags on LinkedIn.

What are hashtags on LinkedIn?

Hashtags on LinkedIn work the same way as they do on other platforms. They are clickable keywords or phrases that are added to posts to categorize them and make them more discoverable by people searching for those keywords.

In recent years, social media platforms have embraced the use of hashtags as a way to categorize content and make it easier for users to discover relevant posts. LinkedIn is no exception, and while the platform may not be as hashtag-heavy as others, incorporating hashtags into your posts can help boost your presence and increase your reach.

Why Use Hashtags on LinkedIn?

Hashtags are a powerful tool that can help you reach a wider audience on LinkedIn. By using relevant hashtags, you can increase the visibility of your posts and attract new followers who are interested in the topics you're posting about. Hashtags can also help you join in on industry conversations, connect with other professionals, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

Types of LinkedIn Hashtags

Before diving into how to use hashtags on LinkedIn, it's important to understand the different types of hashtags you can use. Here are the three main types of hashtags:

  1. Content Hashtags: These are hashtags that are directly related to the content of your post. For example, if you're sharing an article about social media marketing, you might include hashtags like #socialmedia, #marketing, and #contentmarketing.
  2. Trending Hashtags: These are hashtags that are currently popular and being used by many people. You can find trending hashtags by looking at LinkedIn's "Discover more" section or by searching for specific topics.
  3. Branded Hashtags: These are hashtags that are unique to your brand or business. For example, if you're a marketing agency called "Social Media Solutions," you might create a branded hashtag like #SocialMediaSolutionsMarketing to use in your posts.

Tips for Using Hashtags on LinkedIn

Now that you know why hashtags are important and the different types of hashtags you can use, here are some tips for using hashtags effectively on LinkedIn:

  1. Research Relevant Hashtags: Do some research to find out what hashtags your target audience is using and what topics are currently popular in your industry.
  2. Keep it Simple: Use 3-5 relevant hashtags in your posts. Using too many hashtags can come across as spammy and reduce the impact of your message.
  3. Mix it Up: Use a mix of content, trending, and branded hashtags to increase the reach of your posts and attract new followers.
  4. Be Specific: Use specific hashtags that are relevant to the content of your post. This will help you attract a more targeted audience and increase engagement.
  5. Monitor Your Hashtags: Keep an eye on how your hashtags are performing and adjust your strategy as needed. LinkedIn's analytics tools can help you track your hashtag performance.

How to do Relevant Hashtag Research?

Here are some tips on how to conduct relevant hashtag research:

  1. Start with a general search: Begin by conducting a general search on LinkedIn to see what hashtags are being used in your industry or niche. Look for hashtags that are relevant to your content and audience.
  2. Check out your competitors: Check out your competitors' LinkedIn pages to see what hashtags they are using. This can give you an idea of what hashtags are popular in your industry or niche.
  3. Use LinkedIn’s search function: Use LinkedIn's search function to search for hashtags related to your industry or niche. LinkedIn will show you the top posts that are using that hashtag, giving you an idea of how popular it is and what type of content is being shared.
  4. Use LinkedIn analytics: If you have a LinkedIn Business page, you can use LinkedIn analytics to see which hashtags are driving the most engagement and clicks. This can help you refine your hashtag strategy and focus on the ones that are most effective.
  5. Use a hashtag tool: There are many hashtag tools available that can help you identify popular hashtags in your industry or niche. Some of the popular ones include Hashtagify, RiteTag, and Tagboard.
  6. Use a mix of popular and niche hashtags: It's important to use a mix of popular and niche hashtags in your content. Popular hashtags can help increase your content's reach, while niche hashtags can help you target a specific audience.

By conducting relevant hashtag research, you can improve your content's visibility on LinkedIn and increase engagement with your target audience. Remember to keep your hashtags relevant, specific, and focused on your target audience to get the best results.


In conclusion, hashtags can be a powerful tool for boosting your presence on LinkedIn. By using relevant and specific hashtags, you can increase the visibility of your posts and attract new followers who are interested in your content. Don't be afraid to experiment with different types of hashtags and monitor your performance to find out what works best for your brand.

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Amber Roosen is a Social Media Expert and Digital Marketeer, helping small to medium businesses successfully represent their company on social media and beyond. Connect with Amber on LinkedIn to receive weekly digital marketing tips and tricks!

Krystina Cleary

Experience Maker enabling 5-Star Airbnb Listings | Founder @Cleary and Co. & Locale | Interior Magic @The Style Counsel | Airbnb Superhost | Creative Rebel, Social Entrepreneur, Professional Troublemaker doing good.


Big Thanks to TravelMag for featuring Cleary & Co. In Sydney’s top 3 Airbnb companies! #airbnb #airbnbsydney #propertymanagement https://www.travelmag.com/articles/airbnb-management-sydney/

Shweta Singla

Willing to Make a Difference in this WORLD!!! I M.Com, CA, DIIT


Thanks for a such a wonderful article.....


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