AI - the way to go
realistic storage of medical records in many of our clinics at the community level

AI - the way to go

I lost my test results the other day - Eye Test Results that is.

This pains me because it was a free eye test, done during World Transplant Day, June 06. I had taken my daughter for a review, and they had a free screening for eye conditions. See my daughter got a cornea transplant late last year - she was diagnosed in 2018 with Astigmatism, which quickly deteriorated to Keratoconus, and needed a cornea transplant in 2021; thus the hospital visit in June [story for another day].

Here we were, in a hospital offering free tests; and I hear astigmatism can be genetic - so why not get checked!

Anyway, the free test said I have Astigmatism. Surprise!!!

I try to make Google my friend and try to find out what's going on with health, being a health advocate and all. dr. google seemed to agree I have astigmatism, and of course it was no surprise at all. Why? because google likes to list things. The list said, it can be genetic [tick]; 2 - you get migraines [double tick]; 3 - night blindness [tick]; 4 - daylight sensitivity [tick]; 5 - age is also a factor [tick]... Anyway, the list was reading a lot like me.

But that is not what this post is about.

This post is about lost or stored test results and the troubles that come with it. I had promised to go back for prescription glasses, but needed to carry the eye-test results. But unlike dr. google, papers and I are not good friends, my friend [sic].

I have searched for that document, to no end, I suspect it is hiding in one of the piles on my home office, and will be discovered in 2034, when I finally explore the corner where it chose to inhabit. My exploratory skillset end at climbing hills, new trails and mountains - not paper piles LOL.

Anyway, I have been contemplating going for a second eye test, wondering if the hospital stored my initial test - remember it was a free test - and wondering if one month would make a difference in the level of deterioration [I have been googling the prognosis since; and you bet I'm more than just concerned about it - my friend dr. google can be quite the alarmist].

Imagine the grief that this small piece of paper is causing me; to a point that I decided to post about it after being away so long from this platform. And then imagine all the other people whom we serve at the community. Patients that have to contend with countless hospital visits, mounds of test results, prescriptions, more tests, second opinions, change of prescriptions, more tests - ahhhh! aren't you already tired thinking about it? Read with me a bit more...

Now imagine the Dr. who has to think about the Patient seated in front of her, as they recount all their relatives' medical history, and this doctor tries to pierce it together, in order to give a second opinion; even as she also wonders how many other patients are outside waiting to be seen - all the while peering at the tattered piece of paper that has been sheepishly placed on her table. This paper belongs to Jose {not his real name}, or rather to his Mom, who is a cancer patient. It is brownish, staring at her with dog-eared pride. It has survived many trips to the local pharmacy. Jose has been using the same prescription for 1 year now to get his Mom drugs - I know you are wondering how he can do this, shouldn't they seek a new prescription by now? - but; please focus on the story line here for a few moments - ok?

Jose lives in Nairobi, he works as a guard in my friends estate, commutes daily from Kibera to work. I know Jose because my friend called the other day and told me about Jose's Mom. Apparently she is concerned that he is forever fundraising for the meds, using that same piece of paper. So she reached out to see if I could help get a second opinion for Jose's Mom. "Should Jose's Mom even be taking those drugs till now? I mean, 1 year later..." that was the question she posed. And let me tell you, that piece of paper (I hesitate to call it a prescription) has seen things, many things - Rainy days, hot days, crimpled, crumpled, sweat, tears for the days he has missed money to pay for the drugs.

We see such papers every other time, in the communities; and they carry records of the real life stories of people who carry the paper. We also hear painful stories, of relatives who have lost all their medical records and have to start afresh to get a new diagnosis. Lost bag, or lost envelope - they are always in envelopes - these documents. Jose's Mom's Paper has not had the privilege of seating in an envelope. And because he will most likely get a new one from the doctors visit this time round, I remain hopeful that soon he will not need to be carrying it around for much longer.

I attended a launch last week, where I learnt that we now have a digital patient medical records solution that helps patients and families take charge of their health.

I'm reliably told that the digital solution is using Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain Technology to store every little detail about a patient’s history, from symptoms, to doctors notes, to diagnostic test results, to drugs, prescriptions and procedures done, to follow up appointments, and all the other things that doctors need to keep track of in a patients progress, medication and care. I also hear that this platform will help family as well as the doctors track their patient, ensuring safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of care.

I cannot claim to know everything right now, but I'll keenly follow the progress of AfyaRekod Universal Patient Portal (UPP) and even explore how we can work together through KILELE Health to ensure our survivors benefit first hand. We are exploring how the portal can serve our community to store, retrieve and maintain health records; but also to add value to the survivorship journey, improving their quality of life, so that they can focus on advocacy for cancer prevention! Wouldn't that be nice?

Curious? head on to their page and find out more... but also watch this space! More good news coming soon...

#technology #community #work #ai #health #blockchain #medical

Mercy Murithi (ACIM)

B2B Sales and Marketing Professional


Long overdue.


COO | GM | Executive Director | Business Strategist | Transformational Leader | Change Management | Operational Excellence | Project Management | Certified Sales Leader | Marketing Expert | Performance Improvement.


Hello Madam Benda N. Kithaka I will deeply advise go -digital on your records keeping and the above customer files give me recycling baring in mind confidentiality on customer information is in our DNA You can get in touch in case you need to dispose 0729324273

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