Act Before You Overthink - Being True to Yourself

Act Before You Overthink - Being True to Yourself

In a world of content curation, it's important to have your own thoughts to stand out.

In my opinion, it's even more important to share your thoughts when they come to mind.

Something I've been contemplating for months, which I've tried to record videos on that failed to see the light of day, is a new mindset shift.

We've all heard the phrase 'Think before you act'.

Of course, in certain situations, this is sound advice.

For example, you should think before you are rude to somebody, before you act unprofessional or before you say something you might regret.

However, I would argue, that the notion of 'Act before you overthink' is an equally important concept to memorise.

I know I'm not the only person in the world who has failed to act on things that clearly matter to me.

It was 2 years before I finally posted a video onto LinkedIn, after watching from the stands the brave and courageous take their own leaps of faith.

In my opinion, if something is on your mind throughout the day, through weeks and even months and years. This is an internal voice you need to listen to.

And from my own experience so far, listening to this 'calling' or to your own inner intriguement, can usually reveal incredible circumstances.

It's also important to remember that we all have different 'callings' or, put more simply, things of interest that we have a strong desire to pursue.

I believe that this journey of self-awareness leads to a pure form of happiness, as you are focusing on yourself and being yourself.

Instead of - what I would argue to actually be the norm - of focusing and living out your life to societal pressures of who you should be and what you should be doing.

Regardless of what has been on your mind, untouched, for a long period of time, it's most likely fair to say that approaching, understanding and un-tangling this desire will be an exciting journey.

I hope you will join me in acting before you overthink. Join me on the journey of making a conscious decision to have action as your primary response.

Run at the things you want to do, without allowing yourself to slow down. Act towards what excites you before you talk yourself out of doing that thing.

I'm sure every leap of faith made so far has been exciting and fulfilling. So why not go ahead and make some more?

Abeer S. Ahmad

Global Health Policy Analyst


Great article, Joe! It’s something that I’m struggling with, but hopefully will do my best this year!:) keep it up!

Jon Orchard

Founder at Buzz Studios


Great work Joe. Hope you, Andrew and Origins are doing well. I see only great creativity!

Barney Brown

Head of Digital Communications and Deputy Director at the University of Cambridge


Smashing advice, thanks Joe. I'm very much in the camp of not over thinking, or at least I'm trying to be as much as possible without breaking anything :)

Oyinkro K 🎥

Turning B2B Brands into Market Leaders through Bold Video & Strategy ↓ Transform with video below.


Well done Joe, enjoyable read and some sound advice! 🔥

Krishna Singh

Love Solving Problems | Helping Customers achieve positive Growth


Nice article

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