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Feb 11, 2011
regardless of how absurd the decision to make havok not related to cyclops is, it had to make sense to the timeline of the movie. IF this movie takes place in the 60s, and the 3 x-men movies take place present day, there's a huge age difference between the two.
Even if that is there reason, Angel's in it, which makes it seem like he doesn't age when we see him in X3. But Singer's probably completely ignoring that chapter since he wasn't involved.


Original poster
As long as they make a joke about it in the movie i'm fine with it. Like how Iron Man 2 dealt with a few things. Just make jokes.
Oct 28, 2010
I don't understand why was it necessary to use Havoc at all. The trailer looks good except for the screw ups. Now that he has tried to cover up his mistake on Havoc, now someone needs to ask him why is Emma Frost in this movie. I can accept that she isn't around with Cyclops since we already know he was killed by the Phoenix, but i really want the question of Emma Frost answered. I can even accept him not making Cyclops and Havoc brothers since they've already gotten away with not acknowledging that Professor Xavier and Juggarnaut were brothers.
Aug 27, 2009
now he wants to fuck up the Xmen time line you cant do that perhaps there a reason to throw people off and make them to beleave he did it or maybe the hype is to much for him or maybe when screw up the superman movie and he thought he could bring that shit back to the x-men franchise could give him a raise lmao but this movie can't go no where without the truth im sorry to all beleavers but this movie cant go no where without the truth about the xmen franchise no matter if this the movie franchise or the comic's franchise.........
Oct 28, 2010
There is no way for him to justify Emma Frost being in this movie, because Tahyna Tozzi is listed in the cast as playing Emma Frost. FOX has f'd up X-MEN so bad that they don't even remember what mutants they've already had appear in their movies. Like I said, I was willing to accept them not making Havoc and Cyclops brothers, but their is no way to explain Emma Frost. Unless this movie gets 5 star reviers, I'll just wait til it comes on blu ray and rent it.
Oct 28, 2010
This isn't maintaining the spirit of the comic books. To adjust the story a little they way Nolan has with Batman and Favreau did with who actually took Tony Stark hostage in Ironman is one thing, but when u start screwing around with character relationships that is a completely different thing. This is unacceptable. What if instead of keeping Alfred as Brunce Wayne's butler, Nolan decided to make Alfred his father??? What if in Ironman 2 Favreau decided to make Warmachine a villain who was convinced by Nick Fury to assassinate Tony Stark??? Changing story is ok until u start screwing around with the relationships and roles of the characters.


No Longer a Noob
Feb 19, 2004
I've been iffy about this massacre, but I'm still excited to see it. It's got good actors and a good director..let's just wait till the shit comes, nerds, before you have a full blown aneurysm.
Sep 29, 2008
Why do these directors and producers increasingly insist on making changes to an established franchise?

Why not just make up your own property and screw it up, rather than taking somebody else's work just so you can butcher and botch it?

This Fox X-Men franchise just needs to burn.


Jan 19, 2011
They could of made worse changes. I don't mind them changing a little thing like that that probably wouldn't even be a focus of the film.


Feb 12, 2011
Not watching anymore crap X Men films from Fox. If any of these idiots ever read a damn X Men comic, they'd know how important the Summers bloodline is. It has a lot more to do than just oh hey these guys are brothers. I'll be downloading this crap


Aug 19, 2010
If they're no longer related, why bother changing his power to appear red like Scott's?! I really want to give this movie a fair chance, but so far my expectations are low.


Mar 12, 2008
I love my comic book movies and all... but the trailer seriously left me disinterested in the movie... maybe it's just me, but it looked pretty terrible.
Jan 3, 2010
Disney/Marvel need to buy back the right to the X-Men movies from FOX or they are just going to keep throwing in random X-Character into each installment so that they can own the rights to those characters.
Nov 1, 2006
Bryan Singer sucks...He can't direct an action sequence to save his life. The first X-Men movie must have gone something like this. "OK Cyclops shoot your beam at someone while the other x-men and villains watch. Ok, now Storm shoot lighting while the other x-men and villains watch. OK now Wolverine and Sabretooth fight for 10 minutes while the other x-men and villains watch." So he screws that up and now he just decides to change a piece of comic lore cuz he thinks the fans will get a kick out it. Why not make Beast have purple fur and have Wolverines claws made of aluminum so he keeps having to rebend them, or let's just leave Cyclops and Jean out of an origins movie altogether, that sounds like fun...WTF
Feb 12, 2011
... Okay, I have been skulking around these X-men: First Class comments for awhile now and I just want to put in my two cents. First and foremost let me preface my statement by stating a comic book movie does not, I repeat, DOES NOT, have to be a 100% faithful adaption of the comic book source material. Hell some of the best character traits have been lifted from comic book adapted media (Eg. Mr. Freeze in Batman TAS). Now I don;t know, call me old fashioned or stupid but I tend to go by the notion as not to judge before I see it. Now I admit this movie has been handled atrociously in the marketing department, but even then, I don't understand the pure hate and rage the fanboys are getting over this. I mean, sure Havok not being Scott's brother sucks, but it doesn't mean that the movie is going to take straight away. I mean in the 1989 Batman movie it had the Joker as the man who killed Bruce Wayne's parents, and if I remember correctly it was Joe Chill who killed Bruce Wayne's parents. Now having the Joker being the person who killed Bruce Wayne's parents fit better with the movie thematically and gave their relationship a deeper meaning. Now I just don't understand the hate this movie has garnered so much hate, just please at least give it a chance,I have faith in Matthew Vaughn, and I wish well for this movie. Sure, if it bombs, go ahead, rage, but at the moment, just give it a chance.


Jul 15, 2009
Well, this is distressing, yet not at all unexpected. These guys are never going to straighten out this mess. A little bit of foresight goes a helluva long way when banking on franchising a massive universe.


Feb 21, 2010
I'm not against changing things from the comics to tell a good story, but I'm gonna have to say why bother having the character Havok if he's not Scott's brother? Why not choose another mutant from the X universe that has a similar power set. There's plenty you could choose from and get the same effect and not cause so much fuss. Or heck even create a brand new character. Also, what's the deal with having the new female character with the wings, who is very much like Pixie from the comics but calling her Angel? These guys really are just doing whatever they want with these movies and I can understand where some of you guys feel like it's a slap in the face. Singer and the producers have pretty much said they're ignoring the events from The Last Stand and X Men Origins but it feels like they're making the same mistakes made in those movies as far as continuity.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 28, 2008
I was actually really excited to hear that Havok was gonna be in the film but now that they aren't making him Cyclops brother on the film I am now not looking forward to this film
May 23, 2010
Excellent. Thanks for giving me a perfect reason not to watch this steaming pile of garbage.

What a freaking joke of a movie this will be.

FAIL...ULTIMATE FAIL on Bryan Singers part. I hope it BOMBS at the box office and I'm confident that it will...


Mar 2, 2010
Singers xmen films were always over rated imo. He made 2 movies about wolverine, the action was also sub par. I mean he had how much source material? Everything is right there and he just doesn't understand the characters and the stories that made xmen so popular. Now I won't even watch this on video because I don't want movies based on a comic by a guy who doesn't understand the comic or what xmen fans want to see. It's a shame most of the marvel characters are getting solid movies and the xmen just continues to be snubbed....thanks fox! I can't believe Marvel greenlights this they have a choice?


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 12, 2007
Somebody just said they hope the movie fails but I don't think it will. The majority of the people going to see the movie are not us comic readers that know or care about the source material. They just want to go see a fun looking summer movie. My sisters saw X-Men 3 and for some crazy reason and want to see this one more than me and they have never picked up a comic book in their lives.
And in regard to the timeline being different from the comics, it's obviously different from the first movie. Beast is in this movie, how old would he be in X-Men 3? He doesn't look anywhere close to Professor X's age. Why doesn't Mystique make any acknowledgment that she was an X-Man? How come Emma Frost is in this movie as an adult villain and In Wolverine she's a young women?
Yeah this timeline is screwed up and it would be best served as a reboot rather then connected to the previous movies because then it doesn't make sense. What somebody needs to do is make an X-Man movie the right way. Start off with the original class and then introduce Wolverine in maybe the second or third film. That could work. I guess the know-nothing execs thought that people wouldn't see an X-Man movie if Wolverine wasn't in it.


Feb 13, 2011
God! I hope there's some divine intervention where Bishop pop's in the movie and says: -- "I CAME TO SAVE THE FUTURE"! and stops Bryan Singer's unholy rapage of the X-Men. "He's the ASSASSIN!" It's the the rapeAGE OF APOCALYPSE!!!


Dec 27, 2003
Watch. He's going to make Havok be Cyclop's father. $10 bucks on it. The majority of movie-goers don't read comics so they won't care. Doesn't change the fact that those of us who do know think this is the stupid.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 19, 2005
What we have here is one convoluted mess just pick up the comics read them and make them your skeleton. You can tell whatever story you want for the muscle and skin of the story but the comics should be your skeleton it worked for Iron Man, it worked for Batman. I dont see why Fox has such a hard time with adaptations. Its like they are trying to please everyone and you can't please everyone ... thats how you fail epically.


Sep 12, 2010
Our best bet isn't for First Class to bomb. We should instead hope that Marvel/Disney makes BILLIONS off of the upcoming 5 year slated; thus, making it possible to buy X-Men and Spider-man back.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
He said he wasn't bastardizing the film, but I am not really sure what that means anymore. Does that mean he went and changed the characters origins but because it's good it's not bastardized or because it's semi close to the comics it's not bastardized. I wish he explained further


Original poster
I don't care what he says, this is a straight up bastardization of the mythos. Not having Havok and Cyclops as brothers just completely and utterly killed any reason I would have had to watch this movie.

Not that the first movies (with the exception of the first) were all that good in the first place.

I don't know if Marvel reads IGN comments, but if they do, please, PLEASE take back X-Men and make a worthy movie!


Original poster
Addendum: Thank God they're going to make a GOOD Deadpool movie later on.


Jul 10, 2010
Wishful thinking would be the true fans unite to boycott this movie. I realize that won't happen.

Why can't he stop making Marvel Movies and move over to DC....oh yea that's right, he sucks and no one wants to see a gender confused superman or batman. Or Batman's side kick turn into a poodle.



May 28, 2011
I like seeing anything X-Men, regardless of what direction it takes. The new X-Men Anime is pretty awesome, although i could only find 8 episodes so far.

Anyway, Cyclops and Havoc can still be brothers, think about their dad-- where does he go when he disappears? He comes back from space years later. He could have Havok in the movie, go off into space for a few light years, come back a few decades later, and have another kid, boom Cyclops.

As for Emma, oh well, I like that I get to see her on screen at least. Anything could be considered though, she could be FROSTed for a couple decades and rewoken, go out to space, put in stasis, die and float around without a body for a few decades, and then take someone else's- anything is possible! Every X-Men universe is a little different, but it makes reinterpreting the story cool.
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