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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men's Havok, Cyclops Not Brothers[/link]
by Jim Vejvoda

X-Men: First Class producer Bryan Singer has revealed that Cyclops and Havok, two characters who were brothers in the Marvel comics, will not be related in the movies' continuity. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Sep 25, 2008
I f'ing hate this guy! He has a reputation of thinking his interpretations of super heroes are better than the originals. His initials say it all: -- His work is TOTAL B.S. You shouldn't change what has made these stories great, nor should you fix what isn't broken. Don't have a problem with improving on a great story though, but B.S. spits on the creator's face(s).
Feb 11, 2011
Rexquandom, the movies are not surpose to copy the comics exactly in story line or apperance what would be the point of that. He states that the film isn't a based on the first class comic but just has the same name so chill and stop being a bit of a c$%k


May 16, 2008
Epic Fail! I will state that it was probably good the MV walked from the third X-Men cause everything I have seen with this film states that it sucks. So X-Men Fans will have to wait one more year to get the story they want. The Wolverine. DUN DUN DUN.


Feb 11, 2009
I like both of Singers X-Men flicks, but I dont know about this decision. Some things just should stay how they are. So if the 2 Summers ever met will they still be immune to each others powers? I wonder if they will still have the same last name????
Mar 20, 2008
Ughh, so you follow up an awesome trailer that gave me hope for the film with this news. Ughh, come on. Alright now tell me how you explain an adult emma frost in this film, when she was a teenager in the wolverine movie(since they seem to be so uptight with continuity... ughh) and it better not be some "well that was emma frost II in wolverine who happens to have the exact same powers as her mom." Come on Singer, the trailer looked promising, but all other info coming out just sounds awful.


Sep 2, 2008
Epic fail is the correct term to use because why the hell would he go and screw around with the actually story. further more this movie should have been title something else if he was going to stick to the first class comics. I seen the trailer and to me is just not all that grand. I want a director on the Xmen film that is just going to blow our minds! I cannot stand this guy


Oct 13, 2008
Once again, heres living proof of why Bryan Singer need not be involved with anything to do with a comic book movie. He has a TOTAL lack of respect for the source material and he's proud of that fact.


Hit me.
Mar 28, 2009
Pacific Northwest
On one hand, it's a minor thing. On the other hand, it's so minor, why bother? Maybe it's just me, but I can't offhand think of how not being related could add anything to the movie.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
Mike_799393 said:
Rexquandom, the movies are not surpose to copy the comics exactly in story line or apperance what would be the point of that. He states that the film isn't a based on the first class comic but just has the same name so chill and stop being a bit of a c$%k

Then wat is the point of basing it off a comic book? Im not sayin base it off the comic book first class (cuz ive heard that series sucked) but base it on the original xmen for christs sake. This isnt even close to the comics. I never had hope for this when is Marvel gonna get the rights to their properties back so fans will stop being alienated?


Feb 11, 2011
Do understand why Fox chose Singer for these movies in the first place. He completely lacks respect for all the relationships forged within the Marvel Universe. And they can forget about continuity in the Franchise. And Superman Returns sucked!
Jun 17, 2009
THIS IS PURE everything i grew up knowing within the comics is a LIE???Has anyone seen the fucking (RED) Nightcrawler yet??God damn all these terrorists.


Original poster
I love all the fanboy bitching about following the comics exactly. So they aren't brothers-- who cares? Who the hell even cares about Havok anyway? What matters is if the movie and the story is good, not if they do everything "just like the comics." Capturing the essence of the comics and characters is important-- literally copying comic book storylines is not.


Original poster
elexorcismo1: That red Nightcrawler is Azazel, Nightcrawler's father (who is a character from the comics). And I don't understand your other comment: what lie? These are the movies-- they aren't part of the comic series. Did you get mad at the nineties cartoon because they retold comic stories with different characters?
May 8, 2009
another reason why i could give two craps about this flick.

and about Marvel comics now.

all they do is sell their souls, bastardize their own Canon, just for money.

more money, Effe our lore. we are whoring ourselves out like fat chicks in harlem.

goodbye marvel.
one black Kingpin, one black Nick Fury, and now siblings who don't know each other?

go F yourself.
Jan 16, 2011
get over not much in the X-men films is linked to the comics.But does it really matter just look at batman dark knight that isent based on the comics much,that isent the joker we see in the comics,Batman dosent have a pretty much tank fo a batmobile and wheres robin cause if you guys want something has small has this then you obviously want the bigger things like robin the batman film .As long has its entertaining and dosent do stuff which is stupid(like the new spider man costume what is the point) then im happy


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2009
The trailer looks very good, i'm not trying to flame on singer or anything... but if that's the case (and this is my problem that my film buddies just don't get) then why even use havok at all? if your not going to have the character of "havok" in your film be what "havok" is in the comics then why don't you just call him "something else"

i get that you have to take liberties with the source material, but now you're just arguing that the only justifiable reason to do so was because you liked the title of "first class"? lame. seriously lame. i'd rather you took some liberties and invented completely new characters while telling this particular story. i think this series more than any other allows for that. but no... you'd rather shit on existing ones...

i just don't get it.


Aug 12, 2003
Im getting a little tired of the liberties that Fox is taking with these movies. The only reason these movies sell is because of their comic history. Sure, take some more liberties. Maybe we should have Xavier throw fire, and take Magneto for a trip up Brokeback mountain while we're at it.
Jun 8, 2010
As long as they maintain the the spirit of the comics, and telling a solid, involving story, then I'm game. The comics have always been about providing a template that carries a setting and certain overarching themes and not a color by numbers painting.

You know why he's using characters outside of the lore that you wouldn't expect to be in the First Class... because some of them are going to die.


Sep 8, 2008
Emma frost is also in Wolverine, so how does that work? and I believe she was young in Wolverine. Are we to just ignore that movie and pretend that its not part of X-men universe?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 13, 2006
Everything should be kept exactly the same as the comics! Cyclops and Havok are brothers! Their parents got taken into space and their mom was killed and their dad became a space pirate and fell in love with an alien skunk lady! Jean died, but then Scott married a woman who looked a lot like her who was actually a clone! Then Jean came back! Cyclops' baby got taken into the future and he grew up there and became an old man and then came back to the present! Scott and Jean have a daughter from an alternate future and she is supposed to come back in time to their reality! Havok is supposed to go to an alternate reality where he's married to Jean's clone! Then he comes back and eventually goes into space with Scott's daughter from that other alternate timeline! Why can't they just get it RIGHT?! The comics have a very basic, easy course for them to follow!
Oct 11, 2008
@agodaboveyouall (because that name isn't presumptuous at all...) - You don't seem to know your 'lore' very well, if at all. You do realize that the Nick Fury in the movies is based off the Ultimate Universe version of Fury who *is* black right?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
@brixto82: Uh yea pretty much considering that movie was awful. The story was made up as the movie went along just so they could introduce some random characters here and there so I don't think anyone will mind if that movie is just ignored.


Oct 19, 2010
Guys. WHO THE FUCK CARES?! This is SO MINOR! You never complain when Nolan does his work on Batman! So why complain now? Theres a bunch of idiots in this comments section that take things too seriously. Someone actually said the movie was going to be "shitty" because of this. Fuck off.


Apr 18, 2009
While this is pretty retarded, I'm not too surprised. Remember, they decided against making Juggernaut and Professor X step brothers in X-Men 3. It's weird and no doubt something fans are going to point out, but I still going to be a good movie.
Nov 24, 2010

Minor? You consider that Minor?
Nolan actually respects the characters and the source material. Singer does not. Bryan Singer banned comic books from the set of his previous X-men movies. Nolan makes minor changes to adapt Batman to a more grounded reality. Singer just destroys characters at random. Some directors change things from comics to movies and it makes sense ie Nolan's Batman and some of Raimi's changes for Spider-Man, but all of Singer's changes are stupid changes that make no sense and do not benefit the characters.


Oct 21, 2007
So, he decided he liked the fanbase of X-men but he felt like taking a dump on the actual mythology of the X-men. Good idea. I'm sure that will go over swimmingly. I wouldn't go see this garbage if they paid me. I think I'm done with any X movie until Fox sells it to a studio who actually wants to do it justice.


Sep 8, 2008
Yeah no doubt that Wolverine is bad, but what ever happen to consistency? These movie are still related regardless who directs it. I'm just saying. Will I still watch it? of course I will, but I'm just saying Hollywood, be consistent!


Prime Member
Nov 7, 2007
I don't really mind, since they are trying to keep the time line and world of the original movies. I would like to eventually see an actual true to the comics x-men movie, but not until the far future.



Oct 3, 2006
jeez people not a big deal, and you can't judge how this will work in the film and the x-men movie universe until you see it so it's ridiculous to say Singer is fucking up it up
Sep 29, 2009
so basically the average person is only going to care because of magneto and charles. even though the other characters are based on existing characters, they might as well have just made up new ones.


Prime Member
Apr 29, 2009
The movies don't have to adhere to the comics through characters. There are an infinite amount of parallel universes in the Marvelverse with many takes on the same name/ability.

Because of this, there can any number of stories told about the same character that can be contradictory.

What isn't excused is the bad story telling like Last Stand was.


Original poster
That's why I tell everybody that the average movie goer is going to get mindf**ked. The comic guys know wolverine was garbage and have already forgotten that movie ever existed.

But it does exist. And a sh*t ton of people remember it and think it`s still in the movie continuity. Things like the adult emma frost will confuse the sh*t outta people.
Feb 25, 2002
As long as it's an excellent movie and story I don't care if they mess with things a little bit. Heck, the comics are constantly reworking everything to give us an interesting take. Plus, the comics have been running on fumes for a decade now so some new life breathed into them is needed.

Now, if the movie sucks AND they rearrange things than I'm going to be ticked.


Original poster
@ Icecreamkilla:

Except, do you really think "average movie goer" is going to even know that Emma Frost was in Wolverine? I seriously doubt it. Only the comic fans like you or me would remember that and make the connection from Wolverine to First Class.


Original poster
By the way, I'd just like to add to Eric Goldman- Ign: BEST POST EVER. Bitchy fanboys are a bit too in love with the source material, and they don't understand the art of adapting this kind of stuff to films.


May 30, 2008
Sort of disappointing, but maybe the movie will still be good. If not, I will just dull my pain by drinking a pitcher of sangria while watching it at the Drafthouse.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
cant really say im dissapointed with this. I dont see why they would make the change since they first stated that this was a reboot and not a prequel. Any who, the first movie was so screwed up im sure this will blow it out of the water. though im not syked to see this, im sure i'll end up at the theater to see it.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
"I liked the title, so we kept it,"-
If only all filmmaking was this irresponsible! :(

Just after a trailer reinvigorates my feelings towards a film I was already teetering on, they strait up BURY my faith with this announcement. I was already mad enough about the Scott/Jean thing and now this? HOW DOES SINGER STILL MANAGE TO SCREW CYCLOPS?? And now poor bro Havok suffers? WHAT DOES BRYAN HAVE AGAINST THE SUMMERS?
Sep 7, 2007
@ Motorrizer95

Well if the your "average movie goer" watched Wolverine, then yes, they will should realize that it the same character. They should at least recognize the diamond form shown in Wolverine.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
There's gotta be a reason for this change. Maybe I'm reading too much into this, but he doesn't want to give anything away, some things will adhere that we'll get a kick out of, and they still have plans for the "future"...could he be hinting at- CABLE?


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 5, 2007
i don't get it. Why even include Havok at all? I figured that the reason he was in rather than Cyclops was due to the fact that Havok would disappear or die or something and Xavier would find out he had a much younger half brother or something. Maybe he's Scott's dad? IDK... there are plenty of people with siblings 10+ years their senior. It wouldn't have been that much of a stretch. I know some people see the deviation as not that big of a deal and in terms of the film they're making maybe it's not. To be honest though being Cyclops' brother is kind of a big part of Havok's appeal in the comics and feeds into a lot of what his caharacter's been about in many interpretations. If they take that away then I'd be wary that they're making him a completely different character with similar powers like what happened to Iceman in the first 3 movies. Bobby Drake was okay, but a bit bland to be honest without his humor and self-esteem issues. He was essentially an original character stuck in as Rogue's love interest in the wake of not having a Gambit and was given Iceman's powers and a bit of his background. I just hope something similar doesn't happen to Havok.
Aug 9, 2010
So Wolverine and Sabertooth are brothers (or at least they were until X-men Origins: Wolverine was removed from continuity), but Cyclops and Havoc aren't? So backwards...

When are they going to admit that their only concern is to show off cool mutant powers behind recognizable names? All this "movie continuity" stuff is an afterthought.
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