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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men Origins: Wolverine Review[/link]
by Jim Vejvoda

Fleshing out a backstory that had only been glimpsed in cryptic flashbacks in X-Men and X2: X-Men United, X-Men Origins: Wolverine explores the days before Logan (Hugh Jackman) joined the X-Men. Chronicling his mid-19th century youth and sibling rivalry with half-brother Victor Creed (Liev Schreiber), Wolverine charts Logan and Victor's years as mercenaries fighting in every American war from the Civil War to Vietnam, where they are given a way out of jail by Col. William Stryker (Danny Huston). And that's just the first ten minutes. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Prime Member
Mar 12, 2009
Its a travesty what I heard they did to Deadpool in the film. My bestfriend won't go because he thinks it will ruin the movie. (Deadpool is both of our favorite Marvel characters.)
Jun 17, 2006
Pretty much all that I figured. I've read many a review, and most are consistant with this one. Too many characters with little screen time, and too many cliches. Maybe if they had restricted this movie to Wolverine, Sabertoothe, and a few select members of weapon X, it could have been a more focused outing. Even for Gambit fans, ten minutes as a forgetable character is not cool by any means.
Jul 12, 2008
While understand not wanting to go and see this movie...I would urge everyone to go anyway. Pour out criticism galore, but do not miss this movie. If it doesn't make money, then there may not be a chance for another to be made, good or bad. Now, i would say that it would be justified to sit back and not go...but then we could very well miss out on a deadpool movie, which the reviewers are saying reynalds kicked ass as. We could also miss out on another wolverine movie, the one where he goes to tokyo that jackman was talking about. So yes, wether this is a bad movie or not, i think we owe it to ourselves to sit through it...endure, so that we can have another, better movie in the future. Shout out your feelings for the movie, the need for a better director, etc...whatever it is..but watch the movie.


Jun 4, 2003
I hope this serves as a wakeup call to marvel and any other studio making comic movies. What makes a great series great is drama. Character interaction and development. This is the largest reason why Star Trek is as big as it is and other series like Stargate, Firefly, Babalon and so fourth. Star Trek is a story about people first and laser shoot outs second.

We want to know about the people were watching on screen and feel their anger and pain not just sit and watch them go through the paces.

Studios need to spend more time on character development and save a big battle for the end. It's worth extending the movie for because the climactic battle will be that much more meaningful.

And for god sake, strings shouldn't be in movies as a special effect anymore. This isnt the early 1900's.


Oct 12, 2001
riseofthemike if we go by your logic we will never see a good marvel character movie coming out of fox, they will just release a long string of disappointing movies. The best thing to happen is for it to financially bomb so if they even consider making a new movie they give marvel full control or sell them back the rights at a lower price then what they would have charged if it was a successful franchise.
Jul 31, 2008
ahh too bad. I expected more (maybe i shouldnt have) and i was hoping the story would remain pretty consistent to the origin comics but i guess not.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
i expected as much. the x-men movies where trash because they focused to much on wolverine. now we have a movie just about wolverine, sounds like crap. im glad ign thought so to.
Sep 2, 2005
mobobby, definitely dont go...they totally butchered deadpool, even though hes only in the movie for like 5 minutes...hopefully we'll see a badass cable/deadpool movie in the future...though I highly doubt it.


Dec 10, 2008
Wolverine should get AIDS. He should have it already. He stabs enough people with his claws, and I never see him wiping them off before retracting them. And, if he got AIDS, it might actually kill him, since his immune system would be fighting itself, he might not be able to heal. I might pick up a comic with this kind of storyline.


Nov 10, 2008
i think the movie will be fine. I didn't put my hopes way above radar like everyone else whose whinning about this film did so im sure it will be an okay movie. Come on it's fox. Remember the past cutesy x-men movies? Did you exspect something differant? Definatly going to see this


Apr 30, 2009
Personally am a fan and so is my friends of both wolverine and Dragon Ballz yes it sucks when they move away from the source material but how badly. Most of my friends saw the wolverine movie and said it was awesome and better than the xmen movies and most saw Dragon Ball Evolution and walked out 20 mins into the movie and ign gave them both the same rating ! I just want everyone to let that settle even my friends who are not fans said Dragon ball was the worst movie they ever seen and loved wolverine face it people ign should stick to rating games


Feb 16, 2007
Gavin Hood would have made a great movie if it weren't for those meddling Fox executives and there dog too. The most surprising thing I have read from this review is on the opinion of Liev Schreiber. He almost always gives a great performance and is one of my favorite actors. Nevertheless, I will still be seeing a midnight showing tonight and I'm interested to see if I'll view this as just some mediocre comic-book film as well.


Sep 17, 2008
This whole X-men/Wolverine continuity in kinda of a mess when you compare it to the source material (Cyclops dead in X3 come on!). So don't compare it directly to the comics, I'm going to see Wolverine to see a bad ass action movie and if it's good I'll be happy. To be honest the best portrayal of Punisher violence was warzone, it was like a poorly written Punisher Max book and nobody saw it. So if the got to make Wolverine a little different to draw the "average" movie goer and not just the rabid fans so be it. This whole franchise lost cred with me the minute they put on those black pleather X-suits in X1.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 6, 2006
I have preferred the ultimate comics to the movies, but to say this movie is bad, but better than The Last Stand, what are you saying?

The Last Stand was awesome. My favorite of the X-Men movies.
May 26, 2008
I've seen the movie do not read this review guys. I watched it last night and it's freakin awesome. It's probably in my top 3 comic book movies of all time.


Feb 11, 2009
@FCxStud, how old are you! For you to think that this movie is good you must be in high school. Those are the only people who would think this is good. Yes I am sorry people, the reviews are out and has been said for weeks, the movie sucks. And please done go see it. Feeding money in this movie will give fox the impression that the fans liked the movie and they will make a sequel to this garbage. Help get the rights away from fox and don't support the movie. Jackman sucks, there, I said it.


Nov 4, 2008
I saw the movie already and I thought it was a B movie (with a C- score) with a convincing actor as the main lead.

As a guy that grew up with a dad that read him comics instead of bedtime stories and owns an edition of Incredible Hulk #180, 181 & 182 AND all the weapon X comics *in comic book man voice* mint condition...

I have to admit as a fan of the characters... I was really disappointed.

Don't waste your money to sit down through some painful stuff that will have you leaving the theater in a bad mood.
*** The movie sucks
*** There is no fan service
*** The action shots are teh lamezorz
*** The "origin" portions are not memorable



Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This review is crazy.

This is a website that has a DEVOTED COMICS section yet you give a movie that craps all over it't comics canon a decent review.

Would Spiderman 3 have still been good if Venom not only didn't have the black suit but instead carried a laser rifle, wore a top hat with tuxedo and did "kungfu"? I think you probably would have a had a problem with that? This movie did WORSE TO DEADPOOL! You neglected to mention that Ryan Reynolds won't be in any future movies because DEADPOOL DOESN'T least not the one from the comics.

This movie is crap. If your a comic book head ....prepare to feel way worse disappointment than Spiderman 3.


Nov 25, 2008
Who was expecting this tobe a disaster? The trailer looked awesome. The only problem I had with it from what I saw and read was them forcing in Gambit and Cyclops. Other than that, I'm really exited to see it tomorrow.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
whoever leaked this movie did FOX a favor. now they can blame the horrific box office this movie deserves on that and not the fact that it wasn't even as good as a medicore comic book. i love jackman and i do hope a sequel gets made becuase i could watch wolverine movies all day. good! why havent they figured out how to recreate that?


Apr 25, 2008
Ummm 95% of the world was/is expecting it and knows that it IS a disaster. Lets beat a dead horse called the x-men series. Well done Marvel, well done


Jan 30, 2009
So Geterman30, that was a very ignorant statement about highschool students. Someone who cant even take the time to check his own comment doesnt deserve to make that statement. Also who are you to critisize Jackman? Are you a trained actor? Do you make millions acting, because I dont know why people would be willing to pay money to have him in thier movies if he sucked.


Jul 26, 2008
i just want to start by saying if u expect this movie to be true to the comics you are an idiot. That is like expecting a video-game movie or movie-video game to be good. The first 3 were ok but fun adn entertaining. Enjoy it or shut the fuck up. This is a comment page not bitch about everything you didn't like. I don't like a bunch of cry babies. Stop butt loving comic books and watch the movie.


Oct 14, 2005
I saw it in a theater on wednesday and I enjoyed it. Deadpool and Gambit are meh but the Wolverine and Sabertooth origin is superior to the original origin from the comics IMHO. Jackman is good and Liev Schreiber is a very good sabertooth.

Too much negativity from people who haven't even seen the friggin movie (or atleast not the finished one), get a life.


Jul 8, 2008
you IGN batman nut riders will never learn will you

this movies is about wolverine

not deadpool

not gambit

or anybody els

huch naile his perfroemance wolverine

and so does sabretooth


Jan 8, 2008
Jim your a picky fuck, no offense. This movie was really good in my opinion. And before anyone starts bitching about how I saw a movie that has not been out on theaters yet I got a bootleg lent to me. It didn't have all the special FX but it was still pretty good.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 21, 2002
not the disaster I was expecting? I honestly don't know why I even consult this shit site anymore with mongoloids like yourself doing editorials.

if you're a fan of Wolverine and the X-Men, you'll like this movie, plain and simple.
Sep 3, 2008
I just came back from the advanced screening of the movie at my local theater and that it was great. Easily an 8.5. Better than both X2 and X3, but not as good as the first X-men movie.


Prime Member
Oct 23, 2005
Hey! I liked X3 a lot! And I liked it way more than X2!! So, I guess I'll enjoy this one a lot, too!!! SNIKT!!!
May 9, 2008
Let me preface this by saying that I have not seen this film yet. The following statement is more in reference to preceding comments as well as past experiences.

It seems to me that a growing trend these days is acceptance of mediocrity. Accepting that a game was just "okay". Treating a "semi-decent" film as good. We as a culture should strive for and demand quality. I really want to see a day come when a 7/10 isn't what film directors shoot for.

On a side note, being a huge fan of the comic books has made me wary of this film, especially from some of the previous comments. Deadpool is my favorite Marvel character, second only to Spiderman. I saw Spiderman 3. I don't think my heart can take another blow like that.


Prime Member
Oct 23, 2005
No offense, IGN guys, but I think you're getting too subjective with your reviews lately. I read your review on Resident Evil Gamecube remake yesterday and that was the kind of elegant, objective reviews you should (still) be making. Just my humble opinion...


Prime Member
Oct 23, 2005
HAHAHAHAHA yeah, maybe there is something wrong with me... But I have a great time watching movies and that's wat counts, isn't it? ;)
May 9, 2008
I think the opinion of X3 vs X2 depends on one big thing. Being a previous fan.

I don't understand how a fan of the comics could like X3. Mish-mashing two separate story arcs together, then changing the endings essentially. Also, they added a slew of new characters that apparently get less screen time than Gambit does.

X3 was a hodge-podge money grab that was far too rushed and Wolverine-centric. Also, they killed off Cyclops.


Prime Member
Oct 23, 2005
Mmm well, I stopped reading X-Men when they put on the black jackets, and picked it up again a little before Messiah Complex (wich was one big gory slugfest, don't you think?). So Maybe you could me right. I liked the portrayal of Beast, Kitty pissing off Juggernaut and the fact that, in this movie, the mutants use their powers a lot. Oh, and the emotive ending with Logan killing Jean (I liked that a lot). Anyway, It's just a movie, they can reboot the franchise later...


Jan 30, 2008
First of all, I thought the movie was really good.

Also, I didn't know people were expecting it to be a disaster, I thought most people thought it would be great.

But I am disappointed by Gambit and Deadpool. Ironically they are two of my favorite Marvel characters. Deadpool had a decent amount of a screen time with what I thought was a cool conclusion, but Gambit really got cheaped out. The actor's fine as him, but he was basically in three short scenes, and it just wasn't worth it.

Also, for anyone who's seen it, do you remember near the beginning Stryker says something like, "Wade, if you didn't have that mouth, you'd be the perfect soldier."
I thought that was kinda cool foreshadowing
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