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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men: First Class Set Visit[/link]
by Chris Tilly

A brief on-set report plus a preview of our interviews with Matthew Vaughn, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and the rest of the X-Men cast. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Apr 19, 2010
"I'm not saying it's going to be as good as Batman Begins" lol! Talk about selling your film short. They should keep Vaughn away from advertising responsibilities XD


Feb 17, 2010

Yea I thought the same thing at first, but think about it. If Vaughn had said something like "it's going to be as good (or better) than Batman Begins", then everyone would be complaining in the comments here about why he said that and how it's wrong.

So, basically, I think he's just trying to say at this point that the tone of this movie is different from the other movies. Very similar to the way Batman Begins was a different tone from the 90s Batman films.

That being said, I think Vaughn and Singer will do this new movie justice, and bring back the fans that they lost after The Last Stand. I'm not going to put my expectations up so high as I am for the new Spider-Man (cuz I'll be a spidey fan 'til the day I die), but I am pretty excited for this movie.
Nov 24, 2010
Hey...this is weird. I just looked at my comics collection and all my X-men books have been shit upon by Bryan Singer. Strange.


Oct 14, 2009
The realism of this movie "in my opinion" will rival that of the Nolan bat films. In relation to the last paragraph, from what ive seen with the settings and incredible cast i feel that this movie will blow out any other comic book movies coming out this year, maybe not in the box office because marvel is focusing on their big avengers franchise, but in ratings and appraisal.


Prime Member
Oct 29, 2009
You know, with as many "superhero" movies coming out this summer, I'm happy that every single one of them has a unique angle and should be able to stand apart from the rest. Whether its the 60's time period, or WWII, fantasy or sci-fi. Should be fun summer for geeks! (That said, I'm still most looking forward to Cowboys & Aliens)


Aug 14, 2009
If the plan is to launch First Class as very much a standalone film, why so many references to the previous trilogy in trailer and posters?


Oct 21, 2007
This movie should be burned and the ashes buried before everyone sees how badly Fox has handled the X-men once again. These idiots really need to hire some of the writers from the actual comics to knock their heads together every time they even mention something wildly out of continuity. There is no chance I'm paying to see this movie with the way they're treating the source material.


Feb 21, 2011
at .42 seconds Magneto has a gun in his hand- BADASS this looks better than Thor and Cap sorry IGN nerds


Jan 29, 2011
I hope that this movie is so much better than the one that they made for Wolverine, that was pretty much a fail


Jan 29, 2011
I hope that this movie is so much better than the one that they made for Wolverine, that was pretty much a fail


Aug 4, 2010
Did he just say "I'm not saying it's going to be as good as Batman Begins, but it's the same sort of attitude."?



Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
"smothered in cool," "the most exciting ensemble of 2011." etc. Jeez, Chris Tilly sounds bought off.

I'm not liking what I heard about Prof X (esp the ego, and 'sexed-up'). It's like: "Everything you know about Xavier? We're doing none of that."
Jul 27, 2008
Xavier seems sexless??no offense but hes in a f'n wheelchair!!!But to fox's blind as a bat face value they couldnt see that deep down hes an flippin telepatic pimp!!he has moira as his babymama(legion) and the flippin queen of shi'ar lilandra,the person who missed X3,the man had temptations of jean but locked it away in his own head to pursue his "dream" dont belive me check the onslaught saga x-men issue 53
Aug 16, 2010
to anyone that is intending on trolling stfu cuz thiz shhiz looks awesome idgaf about ur opinion u might be entitle to one but keep it to your self cause this movie will be beast


Oct 23, 2002
I'm sorry ladies and germs but I'm gonna blow up on this hard time. Because they're really messing with the original cast, for those of you that have read the comics would know that Beast was part of the Original X-men as was Ice Man, Cyclopes and Jean Grey AKA Marvel Girl. I saw the trailer and low and behold I saw Scott Summers AKA Cyclops younger brother Alex Summer AKA Havoc in there, what the heck! Come on all you true believers are we going to allow these so called directors to make a total FUBAR like they did with the first 3 X-men Movies, I'm sure Stan lee isn't sanctioning this for real? I'll stick to reading the comics at least I know where I stand X-men first class will go the same way as its predecessor, nuff said...


Prime Member
Oct 7, 2008
I completely understand what you are saying DMO68 but the problem is that Iceman, Angel, Cyclops, Jean etc. have been already used whilst Beast was, comparitively not been used. He was older in X3 and so could be used here, Jean/Scott wouldn't have been born yet in this timeline and Angel/Iceman are too young in the originals let alone this one. So even though it is a reboot they are trying to keep it in line with the first 3.
Jan 19, 2010
I'm familiar with the X-Men through the first 3 movies, X-Men TAS, Wolverine and the X-Men and the X-Men Legends video games. The only X-Men book I've read is God Loves, Man Kills. As long as this is an entertaining two hours I could care less if it's completely, 100% in line with the comics history.

I see the movies as a different "universe" where things get changed like the difference between the normal universe and the Ultimate universe. The movies need to appeal to a wider audience than the books and if changing a few things in the continuity gets the job done, so be it.

I can't wait to see all the Marvel movies this summer - they all sound great in their own way.
Sep 30, 2010
Sorry bud, but if they are trying to keep it in the timeline of the first 3 crappy X-men movies then why is Scott Summers YOUNGER brother in it? And the director said that it is a reboot, to get away from the other 3.

And really to anyone thinking that changing the plot and character assembly from the comics is okay, then they clearly have never read the comics. Besides why change something just to try something new. It is the original stories which brought about the fan base of today why not stay true to the stories. The audience who does not know any different will still enjoy it.

Whatever I will still watch it but I don't have my hopes up. It really just pisses me off when they screw with a history that is already established.
Oct 13, 2010
@Red-Jackel: You just proved your racism right there. What's wrong with it being a one race movie anyway? Have you ever seen a Tyler Perry movie? They're racist as S**! And retarded as well.

I hope this is a good movie, they need one after The Last Stand. I'm not expecting a whole lot, but it could highlight another disappointing looking summer season.
Aug 16, 2010
Haha, the great Tyler Perry; what a joke, you just gotta love it, he's so f***** weird and so are his films - good God what sentimental crap! This guy makes five movies a year and everyone of them sucks donkey slchlong


Sep 30, 2005
wait, lemme get this straight, you are clowning on Tyler Perry for being ONE black director who is popular making a FEW all black movies and not focussing on the SLEW of ALL WHITE SHOWS,SERIES,MOVIES,DOCUDRAMAS out there!!!!???? shows/movies where the only black chars. (if any) are given stereotypical roles as criminals or the 'help"?

Feb 23, 2010
I am looking forward to this reboot since I was horribly disappointed with Ratner’s X-3. However, Fox needs to take some credit for that mess. That being said I think Chris is wrong in stating that The Last Stand was a commercial disappointment as it broke 2 box office records on its first day and grossed well over $450 MILLION worldwide. Crappy movie that continues to be Fox’s highest grossing film to date. Thanks Bryan Singer for all your hard work!!
Aug 16, 2010
@ PRICKLE: I don't think Tyler Perrys being clowned for making all-black movies, he's being clowned because his movies suck. Seriously, you don't have to defend him, he doesn't care, Tyler Perrys just another tasteless act by selling his plastic propaganda to the masses. One of the many, just plain talentless regardless of his color. You know who made an incredible movie with an all-black-cast? The JEWISH Steven Spielberg with The Color Purple. Now that was a good movie! GIMME A BREAK! Were not talking about race, were talking about talent and Perry's movies aren't good. =
Dec 18, 2010
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I don't think Tyler Perrys being clowned for making all-black movies, he's being clowned because his movies suck. Seriously, you don't have to defend him, he doesn't care, Tyler Perrys just another tasteless act by selling his plastic propaganda to the masses. One of the many, just plain talentless regardless of his color. You know who made an incredible movie with an all-black-cast? The JEWISH Steven Spielberg with The Color Purple. Now that was a good movie! GIMME A BREAK! Were not talking about race, were talking about talent and Perry's movies aren't good.

REALLY! So just because you don't like them they suck nah it doesn't work that way there are plenty of people out there who appreciates that man's work I only like his plays cause they are funnier than his movies, Although I'm not into his movies so much because I'm more of a action/horror/comedy/sci-fi junky when it comes to movies so I naturally tend to not watch movies with allot drama/suspense or is too sentimental. As for whether or not hes talented well 1st off a couple of his movies have topped the box office, I can see if it only happen once then the rest of his movies flopped after the 1st but that is not the case here his movies do very well in fact so whether you think he sucks & has no talent really doesn't matter cause he has millions of loyal fans who would say other wise.

Mar 10, 2011
I wish to god tht someone who knows comic books would direct these movies and stop hollywood from making these dumbass movies. every comic book fan knows marvel is based on real world ideology and concepts. marvel the people arent perfect they arent nice they are just like how they were in the eary 1900s with racism and all the only thing marvel added was a different factor and that was powers instead of color. there just thinking of adding real crisis and scenarios to the movie versions wow thats incredibly ingenious i mean where did this originality come from because i could have sworn this was already doing this in the comic books. buncha morons in hollywood.
Mar 10, 2011
i hate to double post but tyler perry's movies aren racist. what jackassery came up with this i dont know but I doubt his movies are any different from all those dumbass white love stories where there isnt a single black entity other than a background a background guy. I think some of you are racist though and probaby dont know a single black person.
May 23, 2010
Can't wait to this movie absolutely FAIL at the box office.

And IGN is clearly being paid by Singer to spout nonsense praises about this movie. Sorry but that interview/preview was cringe worthy.

This timeline is SCREWED.



Nov 15, 2010
@Southern_Lion86 - I also don't have a Mexican friend, does that mean I hate Mexicans? I don't have a German friend, does that mean I hate Germans?



Almost Not a Noob
Dec 8, 2009
I keep trying to maintain hope for this movie, but when he compares it to Batman Begins, I get nervous. Batman Begins was great, don't get me wrong, but I don't think that another movie will be able to successfully reboot a franchise like Begins did.


Sep 5, 2005
I hate to disagree with everyone (well at least the last several posts) but A: The statement was that the movie utilizes historical events as a backdrop for the film's story, which the previous movies did not do, as a means to make the film more grounded in reality. Saying that this isn't original because the comic series have done it before is... well you're basically arguing that an artistic choice made in a movie is the same as one made in a comic book, which is ridiculous. Comics cost 100K an issue to produce and can contain anything imaginable (and that's with top name talent and high production/printing/foil covers) and movies cost millions and are limited by studio marketing, budget, and time restrictions.
B: Hoping this movie fails is akin to saying you hate one guy in a pair of shorts, because you once saw another man in shorts abuse a puppy. The timeline is different from the Marvel baseline continuity, sure, but that gets re-evaluated every few years to make sure things are relevant anyway. Also, it's a movie, refer back to A if you're confused.
Matthew Vaughn is one of the few directors in Hollywood that actually seem to 'get' the properties they work on, Kick-Ass and Stardust were both pretty excellent movies, based on comic books. His comparison to Batman Begins seemed, to me, that he understands the need to make a realistically grounded film that both pays homage and expands the characters portrayed in naturalistic ways...Which is basically the main thing that makes Batman begins/ Dark Knight as good as they are.


Sep 5, 2005
One other thing... Southern_Lion86: Tyler Perry's movies/TV shows don't strike me as being particularly racist one way or another. They strike me as being completely terrible, unfunny wastes of time and money. The best thing that guy has EVER done was the 5 minutes he appeared in Star Trek '09.
Jul 30, 2010
Batman Begins was quite good... The Dark Knight utter crap. So if MV succed in is reboot, hopefully is sequels wont suck.
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