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Jul 30, 2010
I have hope in this. Singer did the first two X movies and they were done pretty well, the 3rd one was trash but he wasnt involved. Other than very obvious continuity problems, I think the movie will be good


Oct 21, 2010
Bryan Singer is the worst thing to ever happen to the X-men and any comicbook/cartoon transfer to movies. He just needs to stop.

Stay away from the series we love and turning it into complete crap i wouldn't make into a baby's diaper with. If you haven't guessed I won't be going to see this first class mess. The character picked for first class if anyone knows anything about the history of the xmen are completely off.

It's horrible casting, and the outfits and plot are terrible.
Dec 19, 2006
I don't get all the Singer hate lol. He did a great job on the first X-men film, and made Nightcrawler into a believable character...this movie looks like its going to be great, and has tied in some of the best X-villians yet to be seen on film. I think he has a good vision for where these films need to go, he respects the material...I'm looking forward to this one.


Sep 9, 2005
The only reason I have for watching this movie is Emma Frost.

God damn she looks hot in the movie.


Nov 3, 2009
Yea... um this movie is gonna blow... HARD.

Ok, so why does marvel even allow these idiots to completely screw up their franchises? Yea, let's make a prequel, to the already terrible x-men movies.
This was their big chance to fix the x-men movies, by making a completely new storyline that's not connected to the previous x-men movies. Why would you make a movie about the first original team of x-men, when it's not even the original
x-men!? No cyclops, angel, iceman, or jean grey. GARBAGE.
Oct 12, 2010
this movie is really iffy,x men 1 was okay at the time..Part 2 got a bit dry..and well part 3 turned into Wolverine movie with a bunch of other assholes,I get the purpose of films is to make money and appeal to a larger audience with comic and game movies,BUt i wish hollywood would realize sometimes the Source material is fine within its self.i just hope this movie doesnt turn into a abortion on film..not too many decent movies coming out soon


Prime Member
Jun 7, 2002
As far as I know, Singer didn't do why so much hate? I bet it will catch the riff it's going for (60s era X-Men).
Aug 3, 2005
Yeah, all the complaining about Bryan Singer is kind of silly. He actually did a solid job with the first two X-Men movies, particularly #2. The first movie pretty much resurrected the superhero genre in movies, and we can pretty much credit it as the catalyst for all the solid superhero movies we've had over the last 11 years.


Apr 21, 2011
Why are there barely any "First Class" mutants in the the movie and why is Cyclops's Younger brother in this? I guess i can't complain, I'm not watching this steaming pile.
Apr 28, 2010
Why anybody keeps handing Bryan Singer the reigns to the X-Men franchise is beyond me. The X-Men are my favorite comic book heroes and the man just has no concept of how to get them on the screen in the right way. Granted, the first film did pave the way for the other comic book movies we've had since, but just because something makes money does not necessarily mean it's good.
Sep 2, 2008
I don't get how you can take a S*** on a movie that you haven't even see yet. Granted I can't claim it going to be the greatest comic film ever but I'm willing to give it a chance and see how it turns out. I actually have high hopes for the movie and hope it turns out to be so awesome that you fanboys will be forced to eat your words.


Feb 12, 2011
As soon as he mentioned it was something that Lauren Shuler Donner wanted, a giant Deadpool in Origins flag went up. It's official this movie will be horrible and alienate fans. By fans I mean those of us who supported the comics not just some flybynight movie goers.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 19, 2003
cyclops, jean grey, angel, iceman are not in the movie because in the 60's they're still a twinkle in their parents eyes... so thats sorted. im only really bummed out for the lack of Wolvie who should at least made a cameo as a some sort of black ops assassin/covert ninja superdude and claw someone's face off...


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
This is why the X-Men seem so disposable to me. Everyone feels the need to change or update the past 40 years of the comic and while it adds depth to the story, this is just too much depth and too much revision on what was already such a fragemented history that it has all but become something to be ignored. I think about all of those great story lines and I sadly realise that most kids will never know what the hell has happened to these characters.


Original poster
@ xXTheCurtisXx:

Because they don't care if the movie is good or not, they just want to see the comic translated exactly. They want the X-Men in multi-colored spandex fighting Apocalypse. And they enjoy bitching about things.

Seriously though, in what universe does Bryan Singer's X-Men films suck? They are actually pretty fantastic, especially X2. This movie looks really good as well.


Original poster
Warming to this movie more and more, also no Wolverine thrust centre stage into this movie like the other three is a plus.


Apr 21, 2011
If Cyclops wasn't around in the sixties then how is his younger brother? Logic and history both support the fact that Cyclops came first. Sorry, but I just think if you're going to finish ruining something at least ruin accurately. I'm not even a huge fanboy, I just want my childhood to stop getting crapped on.


Apr 21, 2011
If Cyclops wasn't around in the sixties then how is his younger brother? Logic and history both support the fact that Cyclops came first. Sorry, but I just think if you're going to finish ruining something at least ruin accurately. I'm not even a huge fanboy, I just want my childhood to stop getting crapped on.


Apr 21, 2011
If Cyclops wasn't around in the sixties then how is his younger brother? Logic and history both support the fact that Cyclops came first. Sorry, but I just think if you're going to finish ruining something at least ruin accurately. I'm not even a huge fanboy, I just want my childhood to stop getting crapped on.
May 8, 2009
I'd like to take the time to thank Bryan Singer to go out of his way to rape what is left of the already unbelievably violated corpse that is the X-men film franchise. Really why did they have to pick my favorite comic book series to piss on. Bryan Singer I hope your D**K falls off and you get raped just half as bad as you raped the X-men. Go back to raping Superman you home wrecker.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 22, 2008
the whole Cyclops/Havok thing jus really screws up ANY kind of tie to other films...and not having any version of Logan is a dumb idea regardless.


Feb 15, 2008
Does it really matter that Havoc is in this? He did say they took a few liberties with characters. Why does it have to follow the comic exactly? What is really wrong with the writers changing a few things around? I've seen a film stay faithful to the comic book (watchmen) and i'd rather a film threw in a few changes and surprises.


Original poster
@ jobee1981:

One thing I've learned from message boards (especially at IGN or Aintitcoolnews) is that there is always a bunch of fanboys who are haters on everything. There will be NOTHING EVER RELEASED that won't have some fanboys saying it will suck and wishing death or whatever on it's creators. There's a reason that "ignore the internet" is common advice for people that are tackling projects like this.
May 8, 2009
jobee1981 bro the Watchmen was awesome and in no way can you compare that film to the X-men films. As far as "liberties" thats all they have done, the only thing they stayed "true" to in the X-men films are the names. Im at the point now where i don't care if they stay true to the comics, just don't put out another movie that makes no F**king sense, just don't put out another stupid movie with the X-men name on it b/c god knows Hollywood has make and remake anything that was ever good.
Aug 18, 2010
@ jobee1981
I agree, although I wouldn't say Watchman was faithful, I'd say it missed the point of the comic and was really badly done. Zack Snyder can't direct, everything he does is just the surface layer.
Jan 30, 2011
how can you say watchmen wasnt faithful? Ive read that comic dozens of times and the film is a very faithful adaptation bar the exclusion of the giant exploding alien. There were some bits that mite have bin missed out but that was to avoid a nine hour film. Id even go as far to say that watchmen is the most faithful comic to film adaptation out there.
May 8, 2009
Mr_Jellyfish really, "Zack Snyder can't direct" you are mental, Snyder is easily the one of the most creative director of the modern era when it comes to filming scenes. I would want him to do every comic book movie if he could b/c he actually reads the comic book he does a film about.
Jul 20, 2008
Yes, watchmen was faithful, but only on the surface level, as Mr_Jellyfish said. The acting was varied across the board and that was a VERY big problem for an adaptation of a book that is SO character based. How am I supposed to believe Silk Spectre when malin akerman can't portray the character with the complexity she has? How am I supposed to buy into Ozymandias' good nature and friendly attitude, when he has a ridiculous evil Euro-bond accent and is being played with such an over the top nature by Matthew Goode? The ultimate problem is that, while I do believe that Zack Snyder is a capable director, he ultimately was too paralyzed by his slavish devotion tot he comics to bring to the story, its main driving force that always kept it moving forward and always kept it interesting: the tension. Every second I was reading that book, every time the image of that clock getting closer to 12 with blood dripping down, every time we saw the lives of everyday people being affected, the tension would rise higher and higher. I seriously thought that the world was on the verge of blowing up and its the recreation of that Cold War tension, coupled with the dense character work, and the superhero backdrop that truly makes Watchmen what it is. Unfortunately, Snyder had to deal with two less than adequate actors and a huge amount of mythology that he felt he couldn't sacrifice. Admittedly, I haven't watched the full uncut version, with the Black Rock in place, so I can't say for sure if he didn't accomplish what was necessary, but ultimately the true goal of an adaptation is to do 3 things:
1) capture the tone of the work
2) capture the themes of the work
3) recreate the characters of the work
So if every fanboy could stop bitching, that would be wonderful :)


Mar 15, 2011
Seriously...why is everyone so excited? Please explain at my X-Men blog
Jan 7, 2008
IGN: So is the plot inspired by any of the First Class story or is it something entirely original?

Singer: Oh, something I came up with just based on...

EPIC FAIL.......
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