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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Men: First Class - Bryan Singer Interview[/link]
by Chris Tilly

The X-Men producer discusses volcanic clouds of ash, the Hellfire Club, and the potential for a 1970s-set sequel. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
Feb 16, 2011
Sounds good to me. Not as good as say captain A but better than green lantern. I hope its as good as the first 2 X-men. If its as bad as 3 I think im done with X-men on the big screen


Nov 20, 2008
i'm looking forward to the movie. i hope that this does very well and clears the way for another new X-Men team movie, taking place in the late 1960s with the social turmoil going on at that time. it could have a global palette-- Vietnam, china, middle east, the American south..
Apr 14, 2011
oh Bryan Singer what have you done to the x-men.... this movie just does not seem like it gonna work... oh well, this will definitely be worth a redbox rental


Dec 27, 2003
Considering how quickly this was made and that it's being shoe-horned in as a prequal I'm still going to assume it will suck and be pleasently surprised if it doesn't. When Singer said "I knew that there was exploration of doing a movie based on the First Class comic book, but I thought that to earn that or to get there, it would be interesting to go back to the origin of the X-Men," it just made me groan. The origin of the X-Men is the original five! If he wanted to do an Xavier/Magneto origin story than he should've just done that.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
"IGN: How much is the chronology of this film going to link up with the chronology of your previous films?

Singer: I think the chronology works - there are some liberties, but for the most part, it makes sense. The characters make sense. Which is why Beast and Mystique were the only two I could bring back because you don't really know how old they are."

Fine then so why was beast a human in the second movie if this is supposed to be before that? I hate when they don't pay attention to details like that.


Oct 20, 2003
if it is any where near as awesome as xmen origins: wolverine... i am going to skip it entirely and never even try to watch it when it comes on TV... i learned my lesson


Prime Member
Oct 29, 2009
A lot of superhero movies this summer, for sure, but they're all so different. Each one kind of has its own thing going.


No Longer a Noob
Jun 30, 2001

are you retarded? Beast WAS in human form in this movie, and he turns into the furry version of himself while trying to isolate the mutant gene and tests his formula on himself. it's even in the trailer for christ's sake. pay attention meathead.
Sep 30, 2010
I HATE Brian Singer, he has completely ruined the X-Men. I love the characters and still collect the comics. It blows me away that he said he even looked back at the comics as a reference but the continuity is effed up. Why make it a prequel and not a stand alone, then you wouldn't have to sacrifice the characters. He is an idiot IMO.
Sep 30, 2010

YOU are the retard. He said then why was beast in human form in the SECOND MOVIE (which personally I don't remember), but all the same if he was then again there goes Singer screwing things up again.. Learn how to read.


Oct 21, 2007
Way to throw the guy softballs IGN. Why don't you just confront the guy and ask him why he took a dump on every character's backstory that he decided to include in this movie? Why not point out how excited people are for the movies Marvel Studios actually produces where there's a consistent world? At this point you might as well stop covering this train wreck and just focus on Thor, Cap and Green Lantern. They're the only super hero movies worth seeing this summer.


May 19, 2010
This movie will be weak I really hope Marvel gets the rights back to the X Men movies.

Looking forward to Thor and Green Lantern. Not too excited about Captain America, the trailer was awful


Oct 7, 2009
I'm looking forward to this movie,the thing is it will never be as entertaining as this video of a kitten demolishing a big dog lmao


Feb 14, 2011
I'm just not sure if I should be excited for this movie but hearing Mr. Singer talk about it makes me think I should...


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
@Zeek81: Really? You've seen all four movies you just mentioned and know which ones are good and which suck? Wow that's impressive.
Oct 22, 2010
I wasn't excited at first, but when I saw that the guy who directed kick ass is directing it my hopes went up.

Although I'd still prefer singer to direct it himself...


Apr 10, 2010
I had no hope for this movie at first, but I'm starting to gain interest. I'm still very skeptical, but the whole Cuban Missile Crisis backdrop is actually a really cool idea.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 14, 2008
It bothers me that Singer simply "liked the title" of First Class, without really knowing anything about it. Or the Hellfire Club, apparently:
" incorporate them into an X-Men film, but we never quite found a way to do so."
...Um, X3 was about the PHOENIX! What plotline does the Hellfire Club directly tie to?

It also bothers me that they think they are doing right by continuity (Beast cameos in X2, and he is not yet furry). I think it's a cop-out answer. He just doesn't like Cyclops. X-men was set in a very unspecific "the not too distant future" anyway. He basically could have done and used whoever he wanted for this movie. Who would have complained about age?
I certainly don't want a series of these sequels stuck in the past, moseying along with the wrong damn characters.

Singer has done a lot for X-Men on the big screen, but comic book movies have changed a lot since the early 2000s. Fanboys can completely make or break these things now. Frankly, Bryan is sounding a lot like he did during pre-Superman Returns promotion. He's got some nice ideas, but I think what he wants and what we the fans want are two completely different things.


May 24, 2006
Just because the hellfire club was tied to the dark phoenix storyline doesn't mean it would have worked in one of the prior movie adaptions. X3 was already overstuffed and I think X2 was pretty much perfect the way it was.

As for the 'beast' cameo in X2, that barely counts as anything other than an easter egg. If you want to argue that, he also doesn't look like Kelsey Grammar.

Don't really care about the title. It's not like them naming it First Class resulted in a movie directly based on the comic First Class getting cancelled.
Sep 16, 2009
Singer is a liar. He barely came up with the story. Vaughn and Fassbender are the reasons why this is going to be good.


Nov 26, 2003
The Beast situation is going to FAIL as BEAST was shown in the 2nd film as being HUMAN! WTF! Come on!
Mar 8, 2011
All those people complaining about the beast cameo in X2, that doesn't coun. And anyway, in the article singer said they took some liberties with the continuity.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 23, 2005
@magnaman614 o why doesn't it count lol? of course it counts, had it been planned ahead minor details like that wouldn't have been a problem, not that you can honestly blame him for it, but you can't go on how you use source material, and how much you studied the comics and the previous films then do stuff like that, thats like saying yeah this all ties in together its a prequel...just ignore this ...and this....and that.....andddd that, and don't pay attention to havock's age either..if they are even brothers for that matter
Mar 28, 2011
I'm hoping this movie does well. I was more for having an adaptation of Joss Whedons Astonishing X-men or something more gritty R-rated( Mutant Massacre) storyline. They also need some fight choreographers come in and make the action kick ass. Not like the last couple movies
Feb 5, 2011
I was actually thinking about the Hank McCoy cameo in X2 doesn't bug me that they include the character more than the fact that they ignore the previous work or had some oversight on something that was clearly so popular. I still think this movie will be good, I just wonder how they will account for this and any other possible oversights. Either way, still going to see it and will more than likely be entertained by the work. The cuban missile crisis is an interesting concept to revolve the story around, considering how the Russians were in league with the Germans early on in WWII, and seeing if that will influence Erik's attitude towards them in this incident. Even though the Reds eventually assisted in Hitler's downfall, we all know that Magneto is one to hold grudges.
Oct 3, 2005
DUMPSTER FIRE! I really have hopes for this movie. I want it to be good, but they make it hard sometimes(thats what she said) to believe in it. I mean mystiques make up in this day & age looks fan-filmish. Mystique was always strangely beautiful but deadly... she looks just poorly done up in this. Only hope this is a book vs cover thing & not a sign of things possibly to come.
Nov 1, 2006
Weak interview IGN...I was waiting for the question I think everyone wanted to ask... "HOW THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE AN X-MEN ORIGINS STORY WITHOUT CYCLOPS OR JEAN?"


Oct 21, 2010
It's a slap in the face for comic book fans like myself to have someone like Singer direct marvel movies, I mean he has no respect for fans of the books and i dont even think he respects the original material at all. Very sad situation for me.
May 11, 2010
This movie BLOWS DONKEY COCK like Singer does.
Marvel : reboot the x-men films or eventually they will be Singer´s vision of Batman Forever .
Yeah! , lets make a "first class" movie but without all the original characters except beast which sucks anyway! yeayyy!
How could this clown still get a job after what he did with Superman??


Sep 7, 2009
you all suck!

This is going to be great! Get the comic books out of your mind and see them just as great characters on a great story. They're not doing the comic books because there's no concrete story for that period and because even if it is, it won't translate well into a movie.

So just shut up and if you're a true X-men fan, go and see the movie. Or else we won't get anything else, neither good nor bad.


Nov 16, 2010
you all suck!

This is going to be great! Get the comic books out of your mind and see them just as great characters on a great story. They're not doing the comic books because there's no concrete story for that period and because even if it is, it won't translate well into a movie.

So just shut up and if you're a true X-men fan, go and see the movie. Or else we won't get anything else, neither good nor bad.

I'm pretty sure true X-Men fans would rather see nothing than watch these no-talent hacks desecrate another of their beloved tales. Fox has already crapped all over this franchise and many others, more than enough times. A true fan, that's what you call yourself? Hah! People like you are what is wrong with the movie industry today. You'll take any old crap they shovel your way just because they slapped a familiar name on it. You probably think X-Men Origins: Wolverine was the film equivalent of a Hemingway novel. Don't get angry and lash out at us because we have taste.


Mar 29, 2011
I want to see eric's jewish life in WII put in this move some how, but im afraid it will not be done right at all.
May 23, 2010
It really puzzles me just how hard IGN Is going to defend this SHIT movie.

This will totally bring the franchise to new lows.

But hey whatever it takes to make a quick buck is A OK for Hollywood right? And as long as IGN Is getting their cut of the pie they are fine with whatever trash these fools cook up.


Original poster
whiny fanboys who automatically hate everything amuse me.
Nov 4, 2010
seriously how is there not more pictures of emma frost on everything to do with this? surely that´s the biggest selling point right now!!! lol just kidding

could be interesting, this isn´t direct port of a comic story so it doesnt have all that schtick to worry about. if Brian Singer does as good a job with the charles/eric relationship as he did before this should be a winner.
Feb 8, 2008
who is the villain chick in the white dress? and why are people complaining, the movie looks awesome...but i liked x3 and people didnt, so i guess im biased


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The movie should not have been called X-Men: First Class because it has nothing to do with that storyline or team. After Singer's horrendous treatment of Superman and the fact that Emma Frost, Beast, and Havok are adults in the early 60's worries me.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
The movie should not have been called X-Men: First Class because it has nothing to do with that storyline or team. After Singer's horrendous treatment of Superman and the fact that Emma Frost, Beast, and Havok are adults in the early 60's worries me.


Mar 8, 2009

Beast IS human in the second X-men movie... You see him on the news.. he dosent make an appearance in person.. his name just shows up on the new as a caption while hes talking!

And Bryan Singer does suck! I think he should just leave the movie business and open a flower shop or something!
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