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May 3, 2009
Yeah, this is looking pretty bad: shooting, editing, effects... at the same time.
Mathew Vaughn must be going out of his mind. This is probably why he passed on an earlier x-film.
Still, with Kick-ass having been so good, I maintain a sliver of hope.
I definately would like to see a trailer ASAP.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 28, 2003
I'm just laughing at everyone's comments. Just about every post is negative and for good reason. To anyone thinking anything positive about this movie ... are you actually looking at the same pictures we are? 1960's? X-Men? No thanks.

You have the entire X-Men franchise, deep in characters and in story, to work with here. Hell. All you have to do is recreate a live action movie of an already existing X-Men story arc and it would be a blockbuster - assuming you could cast right (which judging from this picture, these guys cannot). But instead they decide to go back to the 1960s, get some oddball cast of X-Men together that don't fit the storyline at all (nor fit the storyline of their other movies), poorly cast them and wallah - we have this shit storm.

I honestly wonder how Hollywood gets by half the time. It's almost like they never have a game plan.

Hollywood: "Okay. We had 3 X-Men movies and launched the franchise onto the silver screen. One was okay. One was good. One was awful. Now lets just ignore those movies entirely and do Wolverine: Origins. Now lets ignore both of those and do X-Men: First Class. And ten 4 years later we can ignore ALL of those and do some new reboot of the X-Men franchise"

Everyone else on board: "Yeah. Sounds great. Lets do that. Good idea."

Hollywood: "Here's 300 million as usual. Go make a disaster that will still make us a profit because idiots in America don't even know what's good/bad any more. They like whatever we throw at them because we know they just like entertainment in any form - from bad movies to music to video games. Regardless of how poor it is they'll buy it. They all do."

Everyone: "Yes. Sounds good. Lets do that."

Fuck this stupid movie.


Jul 8, 2005
XMEN FIRST CLASS - Jean Grey, Cyclops, Angel, Beast, Iceman. PERIOD.

Kevin Bacon as Sebastian Shaw? Has anyone involved in this film ever read the XMEN books?






Mar 7, 2007
people please stop saying x-men restarted the super hero flick cause it didn't BLADE did, after blade thats when all those other super hero movies started coming out of the woodwork. yeah and this movie looks like tubs of far.


Apr 29, 2007
I've seen independent films with better costume and make up.

I'm actually very excited to see this movie come out....and flop more horribly than anything in recent years; it should be hysterical.
Sep 4, 2007
Wait a minute. I hadn't seen these publicity stills yet. Those are costumes from the actual movie?

Hell, for a moment there, I thought I was looking at a bad photoshop of the actors announced to be appearing in it.
Jun 18, 2009
lol not a good picture, but one picture doesnt really mean the movies going to suck, they might look better in action...
This is taking place in the 60s right? might explain the kinda dorky look...


Nov 3, 2009
This movie is going to suck.
Also, why not get an actress that is actually drop dead gorgeous for Emma Frost's role. This chick is gifted in the chest area, but that's it. She's ok, but nothing like I would picture Emma Frost..


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
How sad. Thank Heaven Thor looks really good. This should be the end of the X-Men movies for a while though and no one should be complaining about that.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 3, 2003
I can't believe how bad that looks. I'm a life long x-men fan so I expect something at least decent. This looks like total garbage.


Aug 22, 2001
I hate being mean, however Emma Frost is one of the single sexiest characters in the Marvel universe. The woman they picked to play her, is not sexy. I'm not gonna be mean but lets just say she's no Emma Frost.


Almost Not a Noob
Sep 8, 2008
alright, this looks really bad, but this is not enough to decide if the movie will suck at least wait until the trailer.I know I will see it anyway movie theaters are really cheap here in Ecuador like $4 and $6 for 3d


Sep 9, 2009
Where is cyclops and why is mystique an x-men? Does fox know mystique is a villain? Who the heck is the red guy in the background? I wonder if the asian girl is psylock.


Prime Member
Jan 20, 2011
I'd like to point out that as of this morning, is reporting that that image is not an approved image. The producer doesn't know where it came from as Fox didn't release it.

Here's the link to the artical and a few extra images:


Jan 13, 2002
Well, I hate to be the black sheep. The black sheep being the person who "doesn't see anything wrong with this movie" weirdly enough. Anyway.

For starters January Jones is sexy, you may not think so but the general consensus say she is. Unfortunately they don't make movies for individuals they do it for the mass population. Take it or leave it, more people think yay then nay that this lady is easy on the eyes.

Secondly this IS a prequel folks, which would explain some things that may be troubling you.

Mystique DID work with the X-men before and she has partnered up with them from time to time on other occasions.

As for it looking bad I am not sure how or where that is coming from, it's a photo. Not really much to go on as far as how well the film will be.

Also, if you are comparing this to a comic book realize it is not one. A lot of people tend to compare different mediums along side one another and it doesn't work. It's like comparing cars and trains, ya they do they same thing but in very different ways.



Original poster
There's not much to gather from a single publicity still, but I'm more optimistic about the project than I was when the X-Men prequel films were first announced. Kick-Ass, Layer Cake and Stardust were all cool films, so I have faith in the director (who has also produced even more good movies like Snatch and Lock, Stock) to do the origin story justice and bring the best out of the actors.
Aug 27, 2004
It's because the prequels so far were much better than the last x-men movies. Wish they would make a fourth bring in apocalypse or mr. sinister. There's so much they can do with the movies, and help us forget magneto coming back for 3 movies.
Jul 17, 2006
ahahahaha....Professor X has hair. Every bit of this movie looks like a failure. Singer was the first problem with the X-men, and now he is back to shit on the source material some more. God I hope this movie bombs and Marvel can get back the rights to the X-men. Fox is a company full of failures.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
@TheNorseGod: What's so bad about Xavier having hair, he wasn't born bald :/ and even if he was, there are larger character traits for them to focus on getting right than his hair style.


Nov 3, 2009
I honestly don't know how anyone could be excited for this movie. This was their last chance at redemption for the X-Men movie franchise, and they are gonna screw this one up too. It's not even the original X-Men?? WTF. Why the hell is mystique in this?? the only person I see on the team from the originals, is Beast. I'm prrrretty sure the originals were Beast, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, and Angel. They should of just rebooted an entire X-Men franchise than come up with this crap. Why make a comic book movie, if it's not true to the comic book??
Calling this one a FAIL.
Sep 30, 2010
I'm a little skeptical, and a little confused about what the story is suppose to focus on. I know that the relationship between Prof. X and Magneto is one of the main focus' but I thought it was also suppose to be the building of the original X-Men. I mean, hell, that is the fraking title. But I haven't heard anything about Cyclops, Angel, Jean Grey, or Iceman being in this film. So...I'm not holding my breath.
Nov 27, 2010

"It's because the prequels so far were much better than the last x-men movies. Wish they would make a fourth bring in apocalypse or mr. sinister. There's so much they can do with the movies, and help us forget magneto coming back for 3 movies."

I dont know about you but i'm pretty sure that there has only been one prequel, and that was Xmen bloody Origins: Wolverine!! No matter how bad you think the originals were, wolverine was worse.

As for this movie, that pic of the characters looks pretty gash, but i'll wait until the trailer, nay, the actual film until I go round saying if this film is shit or not.


Jul 8, 2009
This like every Fox XMen movie seems to be looking worse and worse to me. I couldn't even sit through 5 minutes of wolverine. I wasn't sure how casting could be done worse...but new records are set every day it seems.


Nov 5, 2007
@Blaine_the_Train: My buddy posted these pics on facebook and that was the first thing I thought also. These look Haggard


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Wow... that photo looks first I thought IGN photoshopped all those actors in and made up their own picture...


Feb 4, 2010
...I seriously don't see what everyones problems with the costumes are, I mean the X-men always kind of have ridiculous costumes anyway, and these look like X-men costumes to me. Although I don't get the straps, they don't seem to serve any purpose.

I will say I do disagree with the cast though, if they're basing it on a comic series, they should use the characters from the comics. And I'm kind of pissed that they just completely took out Cyclops, he gets demoted to bit character in the first two X-men movies, makes a cameo in the third, all to make room for more Wolverine, and gets the shaft here. I mean its not like he helped START the X-men or anything...
Jul 25, 2008
I think rarely does a comic book costume translate well to the movies. This is a case of where they don't lol.

I don't even think they needed costumes for this movie, their personalities and mutant powers could have carried the characters just fine I think.

I'm kind of disappointed, especially since that dude playing Xavier is awesome in his movies.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
I sorry but that is a poorly designed costume (from what I can see.) And Ms Jones is.... alright I suppose.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
The costumes aren't bad. And now that I'm reminded it's 1969 makes me lenient. But Emma Frost's costumes is just REALLY bad.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
OMG are you serious? Is this direct to DVD? They look ridiculous. I can buy better costumes at Wal-Mart! Magneto looks so gay. They should have just re-booted the franchise with the original X-Men when they were young (Cyclops, Angel, Beast(no-fur), Jean-Grey, and Ice-man). I don't care if the story / direction is equal to The Godfather or Citizen Kane - those D-list actors and corny costumes will make this movie FLOP HARD.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 21, 2007
almost looks as bad as that Generation X made for TV movie way back in the 90's!

what a crapfest!


Almost Not a Noob
Oct 14, 2006
When are we finanlly going to get a Mystique that doesn't have scales for skin? They make the character look so whack.
May 23, 2010
Its hilarious how IGN is so intent on hyping up this movie when anyone with an iota of intelligence can see that this movie will be the biggest epic fail of 2011.

I mean really why delete comments that support this. The lineup of characters is auto fail. It screws with the timeline. Its just a horrible all around mess.

And this interview just CONFIRMS what I and lots of others have been saying. This movie is being RUSHED. They are banking on the X-Men brand name but that will only get them so far. After the disaster that was X-Men 3 and Origins you'd think that they would set things RIGHT and give it a good 3 years to get the crap done correctly. BUT NO.
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