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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]X-Clusive: The White Queen Speaks[/link]
by Jim Vejvoda

January Jones is no stranger to playing ice queens, having portrayed the cold Betty Draper on Mad Men for four seasons now. But this summer, Jones will portray her most chilling role yet as Emma Frost in X-Men: First Class. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Hip Hop Shinobi
Jun 9, 2003
Good interview. I am looking more forward to this film as more details come out.


Dec 27, 2003
Oh. My God. Is she Emma Frost Las Vegas Show Girl? What is with that outfit? What's with any of their outfits? Are they about to go parachute jumping? Seeing them all together for the first time... teenage Mystique, Havok, Beast (who looks like an old man), and Angel... I'm even more sure this movie is going to be another X-turkey.
Jan 19, 2011
The Cast looks really horrible and cheesy and not even close to the comics.....
This movie is gonna be f***ing stupid and gonna bomb like shit like X-men origins wolverine


Nov 16, 2010
Cheesy costumes. Frost looks like she stepped out of some low-budget 70's or 80's exploitation flick with that big hair and sparkly suit. January Jones is not hot enough to play her either. Poor cast, story sounds dumb, and what the hell is up with Beast? He looks like the lovechild of Screech Powers and Nightcrawler. I'll definately be avoiding this one as well as Spiderman(that looks just as bad as this or worse) and probably the Avengers(Whedon sucks, he put the final nail in the coffin of the Alien franchise, Alien 3 was a troubled production from the start, Resurrection had no excuse). Marvel or Disney better step back and look at the garbage they are shoveling on us before it is too late.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 12, 2007
I hate judging a movie before seeing it but I'm not feeling this so far. I know these comic book movies stray for different reasons from the source material, but when you stray from it as much as this movie does it isn't good. So they place the movie in 1962 right? So if they come out with like 2 or three sequels, what time period are they gonna be set, the 70's? And why can't they have the original X-men. What's up with this roster? Angel? not the original Angel we know and love but they chick from the with the fly wings from a couple of years back who wasn't even popular. I hope this movie fails so that somebody can finally make an X-men movie that's actually good (with the exception of X-men 2 that was ok).


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Ok, January Jones isn't nearly attractive enough to play White Queen. I don't think I've ever seen her looking particularly attractive in anything. Anyway, aside from that that cast photo looks terrible, everything about it looks bad. This movie looks to be worse than X3 and with some of the actors in this cast I'm a little shocked how bad it already looks.


Oct 21, 2007
They must never do any market research when they do movies. Just about any fan would projectile vomit on those costumes before choosing them. This movie is shaping up to be the worst X-men movie yet and that's really saying something.

How about getting a little kid to do the next movie. I'm betting any teenager could do better than this garbage.

Though the marketing guys at least know that the attention getter here is January Jones and skimpy outfits. So, they're pushing her hard as the face of this movie. Then they dressed her up like a dallas cowboy cheerleader from the 60's. I know it's set in the 60's but take some creative license. Jeez


Oct 3, 2005
This is just another rushed attempt to keep the franchise going. Now that Marvel is getting stronger, FOX will likely toss out an X-men related movie every year until (hopefully) people stop seeing this trash. Ms. Jones stated that the production team is editing as they shoot? How many times have these X-men movies been plagued by that already?


Jan 19, 2011
Im not an x men comic book fanatic but even to me those costumes and make up look really cheesy...unless thats how theyre supposed to look in the comics? but even still, Im hesitant about this movie.
Jan 17, 2009
for F**k's sake, what's with these idiot fan boys hating on a film THEY HAVN'T even seen yet...

It's Matthew Vaughn, Jane Goldman, and BRYAN SINGER (remember him?)... this film is in good hands, their combined track record with superheros isn't too bad from what i gather.

just wait and see the damn movie THEN hate on it.


Aug 19, 2008
I think Bryan Singer is overrated when it comes to the Xmen. X2 was good, best of the trilogy but not great and the first movie was ok. Back then when those movies just came out, they were better because the superhero genre was making a comeback and Xmen were one of the ones that started it but looking back from today, those movies weren't that great.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009

Did you see the cast photo up there? You're telling me you've never seen a trailer or other promotion for a movie and decided not to see it? Or did you go to the movie even if it looked bad just so you could form your opinion afterward? You're telling everyone that can't have an opinion unless they sit through every movie? Geez, you must watch a lot of bad movies.
Aug 2, 2010
I'm looking forward to this I enjoyed the first 3 movies, "Wolverine" was not for me the other movies sort of felt like watching the animated series again.


Nov 16, 2010
@Lord_Turdsley, You don't need to see a movie to have an opinion of it, but it really helps for overall credibility if you do.

Anyways, I have never seen so much hatred for a movie sequel/prequel/etc. since Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Seriously, how bad can it possibly be, NO-ONE HAS EVEN SEEN IT YET! Hell, is there even a trailer out for this movie yet? Just calm down and don't judge a book by it's cover or, in this case, the movie by a few pictures.

IMO, a worst-case scenario is that the movie will be stupidly entertaining, but is that a really a bad thing? MAn, people expect WAAAY too much out of movies these days.
Jan 17, 2009
@ Lord_Turdsley

i kinda agree with what ur saying, but nothing reallllly has been released to promote XMFC. How can you know!!!!!

and, need i remind you all the "premeditated" hate for Kick Ass from all the parental and family groups over, what?, the word **** uttered by an 11 year old. Hadn't even seen the movie yet and BAM they decided it was all out bad and wrong.

that crap made the headlines and put alot of people OFF what turned out to be a great movie.

just wait and seeeeeeee
remember how ridiculus Heath Ledgers announcement as the joker was? how EXCITING hearing an ACADEMY AWARD WINNER was directing XMOW?

remember how wrong we were?

just wait... and see

Mar 8, 2010
cast looks stupid but whatever ive had low expectations for this since they said cyclops and jean werent gonna be making an appearence
Sep 29, 2008
Just wait and see? Isn't that what was said after each and every failed Fox attempt to make a good X-Men movie. Fox is 0 for 4 at the moment, so Fox has lost the privelege of the benefit of a doubt.

A wise man learns from other's mistakes, a fool learns from his own. Experience does not necessarily translate to credibility.


Nov 5, 2008
I'm still skeptical about this one. I need to see a trailer. Btw guys, that's not Angel. That's Alex Summers (Havok. Anybody know who that red-faced guy on Beast's left is?


Prime Member
Oct 29, 2009
It kind of worries me how they're rushing this along. I mean, they're still filming this sucker and it comes out in June? It just has sloppy written all over it. I'll give it a trailer to decide, but this isn't really on my radar for the summer.
Jan 19, 2011
First of all if this is a prequel the xmen movie series.
It's all wrong cause in the first x-men movie beast was still human cause he was seen in the news
And havok shouldn't be In this movie, he's younger than cyclops and cyclops was a teenager in x-men origins which was 20 years before the first x-men movie
And Emma frost shouldn't be in it either cuz she was also a teenager in x-men origins
And mistique shouldn't either cuz in x-men the last stand she still looked like she was in her mid 30's
Jan 17, 2009

Azazel... i think?


the first was ok
the second was good
the third was ... by the end i said, "reallllly?"
Wolverine is a walking justification for homicide

2 for 4 on my count.
we shall wait and seeeeeeee


Dec 27, 2003
Exactly, messiah_askansison. Nothing has been released because they know it's going to be bad.With Fox's track record I don't think you can fault anyone for being skeptical that this movie will any less of a stinker than X3 or Wolverine Origins. This is a rush job by Fox. The cast was being finalized practically hours before they started shooting. The whole thing is being shot, edited, razzle-dazzled with SFX and released in about 9 months. Shooting began at the end of August and it's being released June 3rd? It's being shoe-horned in as a prequel to a trilogy that only had one really strong outing (X2)and ended on complete crap (X3). The characters in the movie make absolutely no sense considering they're trying to sell this as a prequel and tie it to the existing trilogy. Then to top it off you have some really ugly looking costumes.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
@RobGrizzly: I agree that photo is looking Green Lantern level Bad. But as always I'm trying to reserve judgement on how bad/good a movie looks based on the trailer. I'm not saying this movie will be a failure but this extremely rushed production is worrying me.
Feb 3, 2010
Wait, I am completely blown can you try and argue that January Jones isn't hot enough to play Emma Frost? Say what you will about the image being hokey...but she is definitely hot enough and then some. Whether she can pull off the character - that's another story.


Almost Not a Noob
Jan 13, 2010
I am normally open minded about these films to at least the trailer, but BWAY GAWD this looks SO BAD! The costumes look low budget. So far this looks as bad as the original Captain America movie from way back when. This is such a rushed half-ass job and its showing. So far, the Spidey reboot looks 50x better then this crap.


Almost Not a Noob
Feb 7, 2004
Wats funny about this whole thing is that there are some really good actors that are in this movie. I dont een think theyll be enough to save it. SMroxs hit it on the head with the points that he made. Idk how they expect to say this is a prequel (besides having it set before the time of the trilogy) with the cast that theyve hired. Continuity is all mucked up. I really do believe that Fox didnt give a real crap about this franchise seeing wat the did wit X3 and Wolverine
Jan 19, 2011
Why does no one get that the costumes are supposed to look outdated.
The damn movie is set in 1962. If they look anachronistic to you now it's because it's probably deliberate.
My hope is that this is a reboot rather than a straight prequel because if it isn't you would have to suppose that Havok is gonna have to be cyclops' dad (rubbish)and that Moira MacTaggart has only aged about 10 years in the last 50.
I'm being optimistic, I love the property, I love the cast and I think the writer/ director team is awesome.
I am aware however that this is fox and so my faith is probably going to be abused horribly. Such is life.


Oct 19, 2010
Jeez, there's just NO winning with you people! First you complain that the old X-Men suits looked stupid, or "too leathery", or too black, or too different from the comics. Then, you complain that the costumes look "cheesy" when they're finally cartoonish? (Which is what you've been asking for the X-Men for YEARS) Make up your fucking minds people! I can't wait till this movie comes out so that it can BLOW YOU AWAY. Remember when all of this happened with Kick-Ass? No? How about Scott Pilgrim? Ring a bell? Okay, I'm sure you participated in this one...How about...HEATH MOTHERFUCKING LEDGER! HE KICKED ASS AS THE JOKER, AND YOU DOUBTED HIM! This is the same thing that will happen with the new Spider-Man. Same with Anne Hathaway as Catwoman. Wait and see. I bet you'll shut your mouthes up after that.
Aug 23, 2008
the leads are top notch and i've seen enough of vaughn's work to believe he can deliver a solid flick outside of kick-ass territory.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 2, 2004
the costumes do look pretty bad, which i can deal with because the costumes in the original were pretty bad as well. But where is Cyclops? He is the captain and why does xavier have hair? I thought he was bald when he founded the xmen. I really want to see Kevin Bacon as sebastian shaw though.
Dec 10, 2008
Havock who is the younger brother to cyclops and then Beast and Emma Frost are alive in the 1950s WOW that is amazing. The X-Men franchise is doomed Marvel needs to take it back fast and reboot with the uncanny X-Men story and poor Cyclops no opportunity to show his leadership.


Mar 2, 2010
no cyclops???? is this a joke??? wow I am not even going to watch this movie. Just when you thought Singer and Fox couldn't F#@$ cyclops anymore, they one uped themselves by completely removing him from an xmen origins movie when cyclops IS the original Xman! Not to mention he was in the wolverine origins movie already and taken by Prof X! What a bunch of losers!
Aug 24, 2010
you know what in my mind, I feel like that the movies have really gone retarded on this franchise, when the hell was mystique part of the X-men and the fact is if she ever was part of the X-men didn't she come part of the X-men later on in the franchise. It's simple for me I'll wait to rent this crap, I'll pay to see an X-men movie when they make one with the Sentinels then they'll have my attention again.


Sep 5, 2005
Officially done with marvel movies. In fact, besides Nolan's batman and Snyder's superman, I'm done with superhero adaptations.


Original poster
Why oh why couldn't they have just rebooted the franchise with the original 5 X-men? Continuity is no excuse, because with this cast they've mutilated their own continuity.
Jan 12, 2011
I AM BOMB, er I mean DOOM! That's what I see for this movie and the new spider-man! For heaven sake, they have decades of material to use! Why even hire writers? Read people, pick up a comic or two! They did ironman right, maybe Cap and Thor still on the fence for those.
Nov 9, 2010
I actually feel really bad for January. She's a great actress and no doubt will do Emma Frost justice...and yet she has no idea that this will be a steaming pile. I wanted it to be good, but I also wanted Origins: Wolverine to be good. And X-Men 3. But face it, Fox, you're literally only butchering our beloved X-Men for the money now. And we, the fans, can see right through your act.

I agree with Icecreamkilla that Fox needs to sell the rights to someone else and reboot the franchise with the original 5 members. Then advance from there.

OR just give the poor mutants a rest already! I love superhero movies, please don't give them an even worse name than they already have!
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