
Super Star
Feb 13, 2012
Here. On a board. With you.
Kept meaning to post this and forgot about it over and over. But a big one.


I always thought he was way overpushed in WWE, and thought he was a wasted effort to make a megastar.

When he was on top in TNA/Impact, I thought that he was dull and they were just doing their typical bit of pushing WWE rejects.

The pairing with MVP during the pandemic flipped me hard, though. The Hurt Business basically carried RAW and Lashley shined in all of the ways he needed to. When he walked into and out of Wrestlemania as a world champion, it felt 100% like the right move.


Legend status, fuck a Noob
Jun 17, 2003
The pairing of MVP/Lashley in TNA was great too though and was the reason most of us wanted it in WWE.


Definition of jackass
Aug 18, 2008
So I wouldn't say this necessarily about anyone in particular, but in the early-mid 2010's when I was fascinated with the wrestlers that fall into a grouping of "kickpad wrestlers," and thinking "man if they ever went to WWE/TNA, they'd be the best! Undoubtedly world champ!"

Over the past couple years I've realized and accepted that just being a good wrestler isn't enough to be a star. MJF, Ricky Starks, they can wrestle well, sometimes great, but they just have the presence.

Conversely, and this might be controversial to some, it was great to see him show up for a one-off, but I'd probably be okay never seeing Timothy Thatcher on television again. I'll watch him wrestle (and love it), I'll catch him in NOAH or PWG, or maybe a random TNT title shot, but he just doesn't translate to a weekly tv promotion.


Sep 18, 2008
Between Garcia and Yuta I bet on the wrong horse for sure. Yuta still has potential, but I was sure he'd go farther quicker than Garcia. Instead he's just his faction's jobber of choice, while Garcia got a stupid little dance over on top of his already stellar wrestling skills.


Feb 2, 2011
The Danger Zone
Between Garcia and Yuta I bet on the wrong horse for sure. Yuta still has potential, but I was sure he'd go farther quicker than Garcia. Instead he's just his faction's jobber of choice, while Garcia got a stupid little dance over on top of his already stellar wrestling skills.
I still don't see it in either guy tbh. Yuta as this underground tough black market fighter is laughable to me, and Garcia's biggest trait is the aforementioned stupid little dance. They both can wrestle, but they're terribly one dimensional as characters right now.