
Dec 4, 2006
Does anyone know if there will be a sequel to Bully,
because although i liked Bully i thought it was,
disapointingly short.

If anyone knows or has heard anything about a Bully 2
could these please reply



Retired IGN Mod
Jun 17, 2004
We haven't heard if there will be a Bully II or not. The only thing we can do as of right now is wait.
Nov 26, 2006
I doubt it, it seems to me that they explained everything thoroughly not leaving enough space for a sequel. Unless say Jimmy became a prefect,a nd had different duties from there.


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
Gary could return in a sequal and turn Bullworth against him

How would that work everyone hates Gary and I think he'd be too afraid of Jimmy to try anything


Oh hai guyz
Jan 18, 2006
Sandman901 said:
Gary could return in a sequal and turn Bullworth against him
Wasn't this the whole plot of the first Bully?

Anyway, I think if there is a Bully 2, Jimmy should become a senior and be faced with more challenges and privileges.


Sep 17, 2005
People you havr to think. I always liked the idea that Gary is expelled from Bullworth so he is sent to another rival school. And now Gary is trying to end Jimmy, and Bullworh. And Jimmy has to end Gary in his last year in Bullworth and leave the rival school in ruins. And thats what I meant with the whole "Gary could turn Bullworth against him".


Old Account
Nov 10, 2011
^^^not a senior but a 16 year old who finally gets to drive but with an adult but if you wanna be bad you can drive without an adult and run from cops...this one will be rated M cuz your older and when you fight ppl they bleed and get black eyes.


Jan 21, 2006
If you're 16 you can drive without an adult...[face_plain]
And to the guy who said he should be a senior, he was only a freshman in Bully 1, so he should be a sophomore in Bully 2 (maybe they could make it span the rest of his 3 years). Also, the whole senior thing made me think, maybe when he is one he should pull a huge senior prank. That'd be awesome. Also, I think that they should have more nameless extras instead of having you encounter the same exact people in every hallway. Then, they could make it say what grade they are in when you lock on, and you could frosh all the freshmen when you are a senior: [face_nerd] [face_beatup] [face_batting] :o) [face_cry] .


Oh hai guyz
Jan 18, 2006
Sandman901 said:
People you havr to think. I always liked the idea that Gary is expelled from Bullworth so he is sent to another rival school. And now Gary is trying to end Jimmy, and Bullworh. And Jimmy has to end Gary in his last year in Bullworth and leave the rival school in ruins. And thats what I meant with the whole "Gary could turn Bullworth against him".
How can I think about a post that has very little information in it?


No Longer a Noob
Jan 8, 2006
If there was the story would be, New student means new click, new Gary, takes clicks one by one, win clicks back 1 by one, fight new gary....


Jan 21, 2006
People you havr to think. I always liked the idea that Gary is expelled from Bullworth so he is sent to another rival school. And now Gary is trying to end Jimmy, and Bullworh. And Jimmy has to end Gary in his last year in Bullworth and leave the rival school in ruins. And thats what I meant with the whole "Gary could turn Bullworth against him".

And you "havr" to learn to type. Besides, just because you like an idea, doesn't mean everyone will. In my opinion, they should make the next one for his last 3 years in high school, at Bullworth or elsewhere, then Bully 3 could be Jimmy in college since everyone seems to like that idea.


Sep 15, 2006
Why do people want to see another game with Jimmy? Another game with him would suck.

I want to have a new main character, all new characters, a different school and a different city.


Jan 21, 2006
Kaboom, I agree with everything you said except for a new main character. I want it to still be about Jimmy, but I want new characters, cliques, school, etc. That's just my opinion, of course. I would actually like it if you could create your own character...[face_thinking]
May 29, 2006
How about Jimmy gets angry and hits Crabblesnitch and he gets sent to the asylum where he meets the Korean Vet and some new characters and he breaks out and... (need help from there)
Jul 14, 2005

Here's my idea. Jimmy is still at Bullworth, but his mother dumps her new boyfriend, tells Jimmy to pack his bags, and they set of to England (where her new boyfriend who she met on the cruise lives.) So we have american Jimmy, dumped in an English school (St. Cunningham Private School) with the typical British Cliques. These would be:
Chavs: Obnoxious, foul-mouthed and cheap 'bling' wearers. They would hang around the bike sheds smoking.
Bullies: Sort of a Chav, only more violent. Appears prominently throughout school.
Goths: The dark people who hang around in dark places.
Emos: Search for this on Wikipedia. they would hang around in secluded corners of the school, whining about poetry.
Nerds: Same as bullworth, only with a British accent. they would help you communicate with your Buddies at Bullworth.
Jocks: Same as Bullworth, only obsessed with football and rugby.
Band People: Basically, members of the music community.
Preps: Like those at Bullworth, only with a genuine British accent.

So those are the cliques. The Town:
Cunninghamdale. Would feature typical British Cliches. Would feature a shopping centre and another few schools (One major compettitor, Cunninghamdale public school. One Primary school with little kids, Cunninghamdale primary.

The Nerd connection.
Basically, the Nerds would have connections to Bullworth. You must become friends with them in order to complete the game. (See Below)

FINALE Chapter/Mission.
"Return to Bullworth."
You are the new King at St. Cunninghamdale. All cliques have been controlled. However, the nerds have some disturbing news. Looks like the Bullworth Nerds, have been Blockaded in their own Observatory. Gary, taking advantage of Jimmy's absence, has gathered up the cliques again into his control under the guise of a new kid. The Nerds found out about this, Earnest has been taken hostage in the belltower, and the entire TOWN of Bullworth has plunged into Chaos. In order to get there, you must sneak some plane tickets from your mum's new boyfriend (Who reveals himself to be a Former Bullworth student). So you get an entire chapter of seeing Bullworth Town in chaos, the Industrial park (apart from Zoe's house) is in the process of being turned into a giant mall, New Coventry in Ruins and the Police struggling to defend the Preps from Gary's Reformed gang.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 8, 2006
Kaboom, I agree with everything you said except for a new main character. I want it to still be about Jimmy, but I want new characters, cliques, school, etc. That's just my opinion, of course. I would actually like it if you could create your own character...

Agree, much better.


Jan 21, 2006


No, I never really liked that idea anyway. I didn't even notice the spelling mistake until that other guy pointed it out. I actually like that British idea the guy a couple of posts above said. I really don't know what the sequel will be like, I'll just let R* work their magic on it like they have done with so many other games.

EDIT: My quote didn't work, but I'm sure you all know what I was trying to quote.


Nov 8, 2006
he should be a teacher n get 2 go home n round town on dates n go 2 places like fight clube .. hehe

plus we need 2 drive cars

maybe parents evening fight other autorities steal clothes n such other great things
Dec 25, 2006
well if we look at the history of rockstar theyd make a new game with a new character and new town. But an idea for a new bully would make a new main character only crazier like dont take shit kind of attitude and isnt out to help the little guy but is out for himself.

Well the new kid lets say just got out of juvi and was sent to bullworth he fights alot so is confronted by jimmy so problems start between the king of the school (Jimmy)and the new kid and now the new kid is out to be top dog againt Jimmy who has like the whole school behind him and the new kid who has like a 4 man crew. Oh and the new kid would be smarter than Jimmy just so hes not so easily manipulated.

This would take place like 2 years later with Jimmy as a JR. and the new kid a sophmore and he would do missions for favors and money and other crap. Oh i would take out alot of the dumb prank items and alot more violent. well thats all i would put in and maybe more fun stuff like maybe getting a little further with girls and obviously give it an M rating.
Oct 18, 2006
If there would be a Bully 2 it cannot be in Bullworth.
because that would make Bully 2 a GTA: liberty/vice stories type of game.
and those 2 games were very boring.
Dec 21, 2006
Honestly I think there should be a bully where Jimmy and everybody from Bullworth have another school built right by them and Jimmy and Bullworth goes against Gary and the other school.Plus they should have Bullworth v.s. this school in a football game and you actually play that football game.


Dec 27, 2006
I think it will start with jimmy graduating and going to college. Its going to by like bullsworth but now jimmy can drive and has rivalries with other schools. Then sports are going to be more detailed. Then getting more detailed with drugs and girls. He also might do some odd jobs such as drug dealing or being a pimp lol.
Dec 27, 2006
I think that bully 2 should take the role of someone else like pete or somthing cause he plays a small role in bully but in the end he becomes the head and then you could run the school how you wanted to. and you would you could fix the school up or make it worse and the main plot whould be keeping the school running as he fights against the city because they whant to shut the school down.


Dec 26, 2006
I think blisteringbully's idea was cool, they should have Gary way more involved too because he didn't appear enough in chapters 2, 3, and 4 in my opinion.
Jul 16, 2004
I kinda like Gils idea .. face it. in Bully Jimmy is pretty much a messanger boy; doing all the dirty work for other people to get on their good side. I personally would use brute force to conquer the school.
May 6, 2006
They wouldn't even need a Bully 3 or 4. They could have Bully 2 with the same characters, plus new characters, make it the same location, add in a couple new cliques, add in new classes and minigames, make the town and school bigger, and maybe some multiplayer. Have the game be about Jimmy starting sophmore (sp?) year. And they can give us the junior and senior years through episodic content (similar to the 360 version of Grand Theft Auto IV).


Oct 8, 2005
My Bully 2 Idea
by. manhunt913

Chapter I: Student Groups and Charactors

Bully 2 would take place about 3 years later when Jimmy's a senior. Jimmy would still be in Bullworth Academy but, there would be all new student groups...

Emos [face_cry]: They wear trip pants with rips in them. They would wear a black Bullworth vest, also with rips in it. They will have black hair with some red and they will have cuts on their wrists. Jimmy will be able to bully them until they run and cut themselves.

Gangsters: They would wear jeans and wear red Bullworth vests with bling. The Gangsters will also be Bullies.

I can't think of any more groups, but the Preps, Nerds, Greasers and Jocks will still be in Bully 2. All the charactors will be the same.

Chapter II: Rating and Weapons

The game would be rated T for Teen. The weapons would be..

Super Slingshot 2.0: The SS2.0 would should from a farther away distance and would add a triple damage.

Camera: The new camera would have colored photos and could zoom in from farther away.

Poisen Gun: Used to kill plants. This weapon is great for pissing off prefects, teachers, and cops.

Edna's Cooking: Use this disgusting peice of Edna's cooking to make your enemies run away.

Skateboard: Use this board to ride or bang over your enemies head.

I can't think of anymore.

Chapter III: Bullworth

In Bullworth town you would still be able to buy clothes, get a hair cut, buy food and items, and get to the carnival.

In Bully 2, you will pass out later (Maybe around 4:00AM), have the ability to make out with every girl you give flowers or chocolates to, and play some missions as Gary and Pete.

That is my idea [face_idea] for Bully 2.



No Longer a Noob
Oct 19, 2004
thunderraichu said:

Here's my idea. Jimmy is still at Bullworth, but his mother dumps her new boyfriend, tells Jimmy to pack his bags, and they set of to England (where her new boyfriend who she met on the cruise lives.) So we have american Jimmy, dumped in an English school (St. Cunningham Private School) with the typical British Cliques. These would be:
Chavs: Obnoxious, foul-mouthed and cheap 'bling' wearers. They would hang around the bike sheds smoking.
Bullies: Sort of a Chav, only more violent. Appears prominently throughout school.
Goths: The dark people who hang around in dark places.
Emos: Search for this on Wikipedia. they would hang around in secluded corners of the school, whining about poetry.
Nerds: Same as bullworth, only with a British accent. they would help you communicate with your Buddies at Bullworth.
Jocks: Same as Bullworth, only obsessed with football and rugby.
Band People: Basically, members of the music community.
Preps: Like those at Bullworth, only with a genuine British accent.

So those are the cliques. The Town:
Cunninghamdale. Would feature typical British Cliches. Would feature a shopping centre and another few schools (One major compettitor, Cunninghamdale public school. One Primary school with little kids, Cunninghamdale primary.

The Nerd connection.
Basically, the Nerds would have connections to Bullworth. You must become friends with them in order to complete the game. (See Below)

FINALE Chapter/Mission.
"Return to Bullworth."
You are the new King at St. Cunninghamdale. All cliques have been controlled. However, the nerds have some disturbing news. Looks like the Bullworth Nerds, have been Blockaded in their own Observatory. Gary, taking advantage of Jimmy's absence, has gathered up the cliques again into his control under the guise of a new kid. The Nerds found out about this, Earnest has been taken hostage in the belltower, and the entire TOWN of Bullworth has plunged into Chaos. In order to get there, you must sneak some plane tickets from your mum's new boyfriend (Who reveals himself to be a Former Bullworth student). So you get an entire chapter of seeing Bullworth Town in chaos, the Industrial park (apart from Zoe's house) is in the process of being turned into a giant mall, New Coventry in Ruins and the Police struggling to defend the Preps from Gary's Reformed gang.
Don't generalize the UK.
Jan 3, 2007
you guys have to think....how can there be a Bully 2 and not a bully 3,4,5 and any other 1...
remember when the last chapter said ENDLESS summer?
get it....ENDLESS? so doesnt endless summer mean endless bully????i mean i beat the game in 2 days it was pretty fun...but if they said endless summer doesnt that mean endless bully?you see they dont gotta have holidays anymore its just the game should go on till they dont have ideas for it anymore and nobuddy likes it anymore...



Dec 26, 2006
gamemaster, just so you know if you wanna post multiple messages like that you should probably just edit your messge instead of posting four in a row like that because some people here get really ticked of at people they think are spammers.
I'll go find out the shop thing for you by the way.
Jan 3, 2007
you know how on the last chapter on bully 1 were it said (ENDLESS SUMMER) doesnt that mean ENDLESS bully??? if so please reply
and yes i agree with the guy who said you should be able to custimize your own person in the game...i mean the game was dispointingly short cuz even though it was fun i beat it in 2 days im jiust trying to say if they make another 1 you should be able to make your own person like that 1 guy said and the game should be alot longer and a lil funer and you should be able to do odd jobs and have actuall sex in the game like sneak in girls dorm and sleep with your gf..lol i just think the game should be longer and funer


Jan 21, 2006
Please don't spam. Every single one of your 8 posts was in this thread, and 6 of them were in a row. By the way, funner isn't a word, and you spelled it wrong anyway.