
電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I do. I believe protagonists CAN be sexy it's just that then developers stop treating her as a character but the more like a sexy icon. I really hope that if there are sequel games and Lara is an adult that she has large breasts similar to her early games. She shrank from a lovely G cup to a C cup! That made me sad. You can be athletic and busty with a decent sports bra haha.
me the smaller breasted lara looks better looking than old lara.big breast just don`t look right on her to me.
Bro, your icon

tells me you enjoyed


Aug 22, 2012
I do. I believe protagonists CAN be sexy it's just that then developers stop treating her as a character but the more like a sexy icon. I really hope that if there are sequel games and Lara is an adult that she has large breasts similar to her early games. She shrank from a lovely G cup to a C cup! That made me sad. You can be athletic and busty with a decent sports bra haha.
me the smaller breasted lara looks better looking than old lara.big breast just don`t look right on her to me.
Bro, your icon

tells me you enjoyed

It only proves i like resident evil.
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Dec 10, 2012
I never was a fan of the brown haired 'barbie' that earlier editions gave us. The current Lara is still WAY to hot to be really believable. She may no longer be sporting a pair of 44DD's but she sure as heck is not 'flat' by any means - realistic measurements for a unrealistic hero.


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Damn dudes, you guys need to chill with the strereo-type of every guy that likes video game women to be attractive is a loser. I have a girlfriend, a job, a truck, and have my own home. I am not a loser and yet I enjoy a game with an attractive woman lead... would you rather have an ugly ass old hag looking bitch or something? Some of the people on these boards are so stupid. Get over your selves.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
Damn dudes, you guys need to chill with the strereo-type of every guy that likes video game women to be attractive is a loser. I have a girlfriend, a job, a truck, and have my own home. I am not a loser and yet I enjoy a game with an attractive woman lead... would you rather have an ugly ass old hag looking bitch or something? Some of the people on these boards are so stupid. Get over your selves.


Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
:^O I can't believe people are seriously having this discussion. Personally, I definitely like the Lara's look in the new game better.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
:^O I can't believe people are seriously having this discussion. Personally, I definitely like the Lara's look in the new game better.
You do know this thread originated over 2 years ago, right?
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
This thread started after they released the initial trailer when they showed the first trailer, right? Doesn't matter, I still think it's silly that people are discussing this now or 2 yrs ago.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
This thread started after they released the initial trailer when they showed the first trailer, right? Doesn't matter, I still think it's silly that people are discussing this now or 2 yrs ago.
Agreed and yeah, this thread started because of the first trailer.


Oct 4, 2010
Okay, first of all, no, I don't miss it. The main reason I could never get into the old school TR games was that they didn't seem like real adventure games, they seemed like boob games with some adventure in them (much like how Dead or Alive is a boob game with some fighting). Yes, people CAN be busty and still do a lot of this stuff... but why should they have to be? As a reboot, they can tweek whatever they like, and I think much of what they aimed for was based on realism, which is why the whole look is so different, there's more effect of dirt and blood on Lara, etc. and a woman with tits the size of her head, while it does happen, is rather uncommon. It's more REALISTIC that she seem a bit more normal.

Now, that being said, one of the most common moves I've seen in the bit of the game I've played is jumping across a gap, with her chest practically smashing into a rock face. That's gotta be rediculous enough with a C cup. If you've got what the original poster referred to as "a lovely g cup" I'm sorry, but you're not getting your weight anywhere near close enough to that rock, and you're falling to your death. I think a smaller, more svelt look for Lara makes much of what she does more feasible.

And I dunno, call me crazy, but I play a game for the quality of the game, not to see big boobs. That's what strip clubs, porn, nightclubs, etc. are for. What I want from a game, first and foremost, is to be fun to play.... part of that is immersing me in the experience and making me believe the story, and a more "real" looking Lara did a lot to help that.

Not only do I NOT miss old Lara... I vastly prefer new Lara.


Oct 4, 2010
laura croft is an icon, larger than life globe trotting badass treasure hunter. I dont want to play "vulnerable" Lara any more than i want to a ptsd duke nukem or a wheelchair bound masterchief.

I couldn't disagree any more. Okay, maybe wheelchair bound Masterchief, but let's be fair - that's a horrendously stupid example, as that would drastically change the way the game played. But PTSD Duke Nukem? SIGN ME UP! Call me crazy, but I find a character far MORE "badass" when they DO have weaknesses. Am I supposed to get invested in a character who goes leaping around the jungle and never even gets dirty? Is that supposed to impress me? No. It takes me out of the experience, reminds me it's "just a game" (not that i don't know that, but I prefer it not be rubbed in my face) and ruins the experience. Now, a girl that has a stomach puncture bleeding through into her shirt and should have broken every bone in her body, but puts pressure on the wound, gets up, and keeps on truckin? THAT makes me care about the character, and is far more "badass" than any invulnerabile 2 dimmensional throw-together character could ever be.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I find a character far MORE "badass" when they DO have weaknesses.

Am I supposed to get invested in a character who goes leaping around the jungle and never even gets dirty?
Visual dirtiness =/= "bad-ass-ness"

Now, a girl that has a stomach puncture bleeding through into her shirt and should have broken every bone in her body, but puts pressure on the wound, gets up, and keeps on truckin? THAT makes me care about the character, and is far more "badass" than any character could ever be.
I believe once the adrenaline wears off is when the true pain starts [face_mischief]
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Prime Member
Jul 20, 2011
Okay, first of all, no, I don't miss it. The main reason I could never get into the old school TR games was that they didn't seem like real adventure games, they seemed like boob games with some adventure in them (much like how Dead or Alive is a boob game with some fighting). Yes, people CAN be busty and still do a lot of this stuff... but why should they have to be? As a reboot, they can tweek whatever they like, and I think much of what they aimed for was based on realism, which is why the whole look is so different, there's more effect of dirt and blood on Lara, etc. and a woman with tits the size of her head, while it does happen, is rather uncommon. It's more REALISTIC that she seem a bit more normal.

Now, that being said, one of the most common moves I've seen in the bit of the game I've played is jumping across a gap, with her chest practically smashing into a rock face. That's gotta be rediculous enough with a C cup. If you've got what the original poster referred to as "a lovely g cup" I'm sorry, but you're not getting your weight anywhere near close enough to that rock, and you're falling to your death. I think a smaller, more svelt look for Lara makes much of what she does more feasible.

And I dunno, call me crazy, but I play a game for the quality of the game, not to see big boobs. That's what strip clubs, porn, nightclubs, etc. are for. What I want from a game, first and foremost, is to be fun to play.... part of that is immersing me in the experience and making me believe the story, and a more "real" looking Lara did a lot to help that.

Not only do I NOT miss old Lara... I vastly prefer new Lara.

I agree 100% with this, and I haven't even started playing the game yet.


Oct 4, 2010
I find a character far MORE "badass" when they DO have weaknesses.

Am I supposed to get invested in a character who goes leaping around the jungle and never even gets dirty?
Visual dirtiness =/= "bad-ass-ness"

Now, a girl that has a stomach puncture bleeding through into her shirt and should have broken every bone in her body, but puts pressure on the wound, gets up, and keeps on truckin? THAT makes me care about the character, and is far more "badass" than any character could ever be.
I believe once the adrenaline wears off is when the true pain starts [face_mischief]

You sir have a brilliant skill for completely missing the actual point. Bravo.


Oct 4, 2010
Damn dudes, you guys need to chill with the strereo-type of every guy that likes video game women to be attractive is a loser. I have a girlfriend, a job, a truck, and have my own home. I am not a loser and yet I enjoy a game with an attractive woman lead... would you rather have an ugly ass old hag looking bitch or something? Some of the people on these boards are so stupid. Get over your selves.

There's a big difference between wanting them to be visually appealing and needing them to have tits the size of the great pumpkin. Personally I think the new Lara IS rather attractive (more so than the old one IMO, but that's beside the point). But we don't need her breasts to be hitting her in the face every time she runs. It's just rediculous that that's even an issue. If you can see a game this brilliant, but bitch that her tits are too small, yes, you're a loser because obviously you have incredibly fucked up priorities and sexual frustration that should really be let out some other way than via a videogame.


Nov 20, 2010
It struck me as an oddity, but as I played the new TR, her breast would be fairly large in some cut scenes and smaller in others. Perhaps different artist?

On a side note. Something from the science books. When a young woman is of child bearing age and has raging female hormones, her breast will tend to be of proper viewing size. During pregnancy the breast enlarge because they are preparing to nurse. This enlargement can last for years. But, as a woman nears menopause and she starts to not produce hormones, her breast size will diminish.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
It struck me as an oddity, but as I played the new TR, her breast would be fairly large in some cut scenes and smaller in others. Perhaps different artist?

On a side note. Something from the science books. When a young woman is of child bearing age and has raging female hormones, her breast will tend to be of proper viewing size. During pregnancy the breast enlarge because they are preparing to nurse. This enlargement can last for years. But, as a woman nears menopause and she starts to not produce hormones, her breast size will diminish.
TMI bro [face_plain]
Nov 19, 2010
Nope, I miss the handstand when pulling herself up..... And the swan dive into the water... Animated breasts never did anything for me.
Feb 12, 2013
I like creating my own character when I draw and as a fan of anime (as an example) I hate that other body shapes aren't represented at all. I've created a chubbier woman as well as a woman with a pair-shape. I've yet to see a game with a woman with these figures. Not everyone drools over an hourglass figure.
OMG! A character that is a real woman? (I am small in real life but at least my boobies match the rest!)
Mar 5, 2012
Anybody play the new Mortal Kombat? Have you seen how the women look in that game? Not just the women from Outworld, but women from Earth. Sonya Blade is supposed to be a cop but she looks like a porn star running around in a vest that barely covers up her GG sized breasts.

Is that what you want for Lara?

People are right when they say the reason why Lara had large breasts in TR1 is because of the technical limitations of the graphics of the time. The reason why Mario has a big nose is because if they didn't give him one in Donkey Kong you never would have been able to tell that he has a nose. Mario still has a big nose today because Mario has always stayed cartoonish. But Lara has been more towards realism. Therefore her breast size has gotten smaller.

But it's not like she has tiny breasts now. Her breast size is fine. If you want game girls that look like porn stars, play Mortal Kombat.

I 100% agree with Mortal Kombat. One of my favorite series but man I agree when the last game came out, it looked beyond silly. Sonya was my first thought as well. She is a police officer in a vest that barely holds back her boobs and she is in High Heels. Mileena looks to be in a 1 piece bathing suit that got trimmed down. And Kitana looks to be in over the top 2 piece swim suit The cosplay of these characters really showed the silliness.


Sexy but looks beyond ridiculous. And then I think back to the Mortal Kombat movie with Bridgette Wilson


No Silly looking costumes. just a tank top and ripped up pants. sexy yet simple.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ The MK9 models are cosplayers, and not straight representations of the new game [face_plain]


No Longer a Noob
Nov 2, 2005
Damn dudes, you guys need to chill with the strereo-type of every guy that likes video game women to be attractive is a loser. I have a girlfriend, a job, a truck, and have my own home. I am not a loser and yet I enjoy a game with an attractive woman lead... would you rather have an ugly ass old hag looking bitch or something? Some of the people on these boards are so stupid. Get over your selves.

There's a big difference between wanting them to be visually appealing and needing them to have tits the size of the great pumpkin. Personally I think the new Lara IS rather attractive (more so than the old one IMO, but that's beside the point). But we don't need her breasts to be hitting her in the face every time she runs. It's just rediculous that that's even an issue. If you can see a game this brilliant, but bitch that her tits are too small, yes, you're a loser because obviously you have incredibly fucked up priorities and sexual frustration that should really be let out some other way than via a videogame.

I know there is a difference and I agree, it is just irritating to me when people act like they're so much better than others on here because they stereo-type and bash them for liking video game chicks. I was just saying people should chill the hell out and quit worrying about other people's oppinions and quit being such judgementle assholes.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
I didn't know that this thread was still going. I own the game and enjoyed it but don't see myself replaying it. As for the character herself well, the "survivor" tag feels a bit forced to me since the gameplay didn't really compliment the tag much. As for Lara's looks, I think she's pleasing to the eyes but I retain the stance that they never should have reduced her breasts because it's sending a negative message and stigmatising large-breasted women.

If they want to do right by all women then they should have kept Lara's proportions intact while making her real world because the opinion is still present that busty = unrealistic and small = realistic and natural. I'm not saying this a fan of large breasts either. It's not just in video games but in other media where a more "simple" figure is deemed realistic as in slight-no curves but in animated movies animators have no problem exaggerating shapes there to reinforce sexuality.

For once I'd like to play a game where the female protagonist has wide hips and large thighs. That there is diversity.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
Okay, first of all, no, I don't miss it. The main reason I could never get into the old school TR games was that they didn't seem like real adventure games, they seemed like boob games with some adventure in them (much like how Dead or Alive is a boob game with some fighting). Yes, people CAN be busty and still do a lot of this stuff... but why should they have to be? As a reboot, they can tweek whatever they like, and I think much of what they aimed for was based on realism, which is why the whole look is so different, there's more effect of dirt and blood on Lara, etc. and a woman with tits the size of her head, while it does happen, is rather uncommon. It's more REALISTIC that she seem a bit more normal.

Now, that being said, one of the most common moves I've seen in the bit of the game I've played is jumping across a gap, with her chest practically smashing into a rock face. That's gotta be rediculous enough with a C cup. If you've got what the original poster referred to as "a lovely g cup" I'm sorry, but you're not getting your weight anywhere near close enough to that rock, and you're falling to your death. I think a smaller, more svelt look for Lara makes much of what she does more feasible.

And I dunno, call me crazy, but I play a game for the quality of the game, not to see big boobs. That's what strip clubs, porn, nightclubs, etc. are for. What I want from a game, first and foremost, is to be fun to play.... part of that is immersing me in the experience and making me believe the story, and a more "real" looking Lara did a lot to help that.

Not only do I NOT miss old Lara... I vastly prefer new Lara.

Yes it's a reboot and they can do what they want, yes the game was very, very good but the issues I take with your post is that by the way you wrote it you saying that the character has to be built around the activity and that in itself isn't realistic. You can be busty and then choose to do what Lara does. Does that mean you need to have a reduction in order to do it? You don't have to be a pervert to have a positive opinion on a busty protagonist and it's not about me preferring large breasts over small breasts it's about me believing that they could have maintain that trait which made Lara popular while still striving for the realism that they wanted.

In fact, if they want to continue to make Lara realistic then they'd have to tone her up and perhaps even add some bulk seeing as she deals with climbing, pulling up her body weight and combat. But chances are that they won't do that because it may make her look unattractive.

The game wouldn't have been better if Lara were bustier nor would it have been worse. In the end, the way the character is portrayed is the most defining factor that aids me in judging how I feel about him or her.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Just thinking that maybe this is were it is all going wrong with Lara nowadays. Every body wants to make her human. I am not so sure that is a good idea. There is something lost in that. I think it is healthy to exercise and distinguish the difference between reality and folklore and imagination. Every where you turn people want reality. It is all around us every day sheesh! There is science fiction for those types and fantasy style games for others. Lara started off as good fun with out any sense of reality. This quest to make the perfect woman for all is destroying what Tomb Raider was ever intended to be. It is pure fantasy and fiction.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Lara was never the point of the game, and that's what I fear. Now Lara is the point.

I never felt the game would be better by making Lara more "realistic"--and by that, of course, one must mean scared, weak, and freaked out. Other than her obviously inhuman physical abilities (the five foot high jumps, the hanging by her fingers for as long as I desired), I never thought Lara was unrealistic. Unlikely, perhaps, to find an attractive, independently wealthy, titled, gymnast cum weapons expert with a predilection for wandering off into the unknown in search of the barely known, but I never thought she was unrealistic.

She needed better scripts, better stories. After the first game, the stories deteriorated substantially in both substance and execution. CD tries hard, but again, they are too interested in making Lara the point of the game.