
No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
I do. I believe protagonists CAN be sexy it's just that then developers stop treating her as a character but the more like a sexy icon. I really hope that if there are sequel games and Lara is an adult that she has large breasts similar to her early games. She shrank from a lovely G cup to a C cup! That made me sad. You can be athletic and busty with a decent sports bra haha.


Older than most, smarter than the average bear
Apr 23, 2004
Yes and no. Yes, woman can be athletic and have large breasts. It's not like they have much control over it.

But it's the gaming world, and that means "bewbs!" and CD has done everything they can in the past to make sure people think "bewbs!" since they took over the franchise.

Am I suppose to be grateful they finally learned they don't have to dress Lara for the street corner? I mean, it only took THREE GAMES. [face_rolling_eyes]


Prime Member
Sep 2, 2010
I don't. True an athletic woman can be big chested, but there are SO MANY GAMES where all the females are just ridiculous. Why shouldn't all body types be represented in gaming? If you miss busty Laura, there's the old games to play, and if you just want busty protagonists/females in general, well... there's a field of them to gaze upon.


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
I don't miss it and I've always been a sucker for big boobs. [face_tongue] The reason I don't is that I don't think that Lara should be defined by her chest size, let's move on from that and make her credible.

It's not like her chest in this new game is that small, at the point where she falls into the water I'd say she looks close to a D cup. Isn't that enough? [face_tongue]


Jul 3, 2003
The pubescent inside me misses her :(

Seriously, at the time it was a big WOW for me, but now I see Lara with different eyes, I do like the old cutscenes but I'd rather have the approach they're taking now.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
I like creating my own character when I draw and as a fan of anime (as an example) I hate that other body shapes aren't represented at all. I've created a chubbier woman as well as a woman with a pair-shape. I've yet to see a game with a woman with these figures. Not everyone drools over an hourglass figure.


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
Dante86dmc said:
I don't miss it and I've always been a sucker for big boobs. [face_tongue] The reason I don't is that I don't think that Lara should be defined by her chest size, let's move on from that and make her credible.

It's not like her chest in this new game is that small, at the point where she falls into the water I'd say she looks close to a D cup. Isn't that enough? [face_tongue]

I'd say she's a C at the most but I think it's this blind argument that a woman is believable when she's made to look "normal". I think it's less about realism and more about they want her to be taken seriously. At the same time it's a good move, this game and others need to be brought to light about what do they say about busty women? Are they only for sex appeal?

The characters I create are all have very large breasts yet I try to make them credible too. Can't we have both?


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Well somebody had to ask this question. ;)

Well let me see here. TR1,2,3,4 and so on, Lara’s image was very cartoony. And that was okay for her to have exaggerated endowments. But since they seem to be trying for a more realistic looking game well a more natural appearance for Lara is just fine with me. It has never been about the boobs anyway. There is plenty of that in games. But I like looking at Lara much better than Duke for example. DD cup down to C or B cup I have no issues. I really think for this trailer that just came out, all looks good. Hey, she even has her blue tank top back. :D


Mod Trigger
Mar 25, 2009
Red Grave City
Asikokami said:
Dante86dmc said:
I don't miss it and I've always been a sucker for big boobs. [face_tongue] The reason I don't is that I don't think that Lara should be defined by her chest size, let's move on from that and make her credible.

It's not like her chest in this new game is that small, at the point where she falls into the water I'd say she looks close to a D cup. Isn't that enough? [face_tongue]

I'd say she's a C at the most but I think it's this blind argument that a woman is believable when she's made to look "normal". I think it's less about realism and more about they want her to be taken seriously. At the same time it's a good move, this game and others need to be brought to light about what do they say about busty women? Are they only for sex appeal?

The characters I create are all have very large breasts yet I try to make them credible too. Can't we have both?

Oh, that wasn't the point I was trying to make. I believe that characters can have large breasts and be credible too. The point I was trying to make is that Lara has become known purely for her 'assets.' I think that this new approach will certainly help make the character credible again after the reputation that has been built for her over the years.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
Dante86dmc said:
I think that this new approach will certainly help make the character credible again after the reputation that has been built for her over the years.

I may have to agree.

I liked Duke Nukem. I loved the thrill and spills. When Lara showed up on the scene it was a parallel to the Duke, yet a lovely pixelated wonderfully endowed chick. Who had the adventure level of the Duke.

Poor pixels = exaggeration.

So, graphics have certainly improved since TR1. So................... shouldn't the thrills and spills also evolve?

I loved the adventure and danger Lara found herself in. Plus it was a well engineered game.

I really think that as the technology has improved, the story telling and story line should have also improved. But I find myself terribly disappointed with the last 15 years or so with the advancement of video games. They all seem so retarded. Excuse the choice of words expression. No Offense meant.

Come on!!! Grow Up!!!

I'm a grandpa now. I raised my kids with video games. Sh!t I even played the very first rendition of PONG.

Well.............................................. [face_whistling]

Genuine creativity is just that. What we have nowadays is a lot of wantabees and greed trying to duplicate what once worked.

Just my opinion. Remember I am a grandpa and have seen a lot. ;)
Nov 4, 2010
Anybody play the new Mortal Kombat? Have you seen how the women look in that game? Not just the women from Outworld, but women from Earth. Sonya Blade is supposed to be a cop but she looks like a porn star running around in a vest that barely covers up her GG sized breasts.

Is that what you want for Lara?

People are right when they say the reason why Lara had large breasts in TR1 is because of the technical limitations of the graphics of the time. The reason why Mario has a big nose is because if they didn't give him one in Donkey Kong you never would have been able to tell that he has a nose. Mario still has a big nose today because Mario has always stayed cartoonish. But Lara has been more towards realism. Therefore her breast size has gotten smaller.

But it's not like she has tiny breasts now. Her breast size is fine. If you want game girls that look like porn stars, play Mortal Kombat.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
DoctorCCNU said:
Lots of virgins in this thread.

LOL!!! :^O

Okay for those sorts, here is how guys learn cup sizes.

A cup = Aw shucks
B cup = Better
C cup = Cool!
D cup = Dang!!
DD cup = Double Dang!!!



Almost Not a Noob
Jun 8, 2008
The only people who would "miss the busty Lara" are the people who don't get to see real breast IN REAL LIFE. So they need to turn to a video game to quench their sexual urges. Pretty sad.
Dec 17, 2010
SoberDarkness said:
The only people who would "miss the busty Lara" are the people who don't get to see real breast IN REAL LIFE. So they need to turn to a video game to quench their sexual urges. Pretty sad.

It's called an observation, jackass. Just because we notice something doesn't mean we obsess over it. If they changed her ethnicity and people commented on that, would that be "pretty sad"?

I don't have any problem with how a character is presented initially, no matter how they look. It's when that character's look is changed for the sole purpose of pleasing others is when I have a problem.

It also works the other way too. Look at the initial meltdown everyone had at the thought that Cole McGrath would actually have longer hair in Infamous 2. Then they had to immediately shove out new screenshots as if to say, "See! See! He still looks exactly the same! Please buy our game!" That reaction pissed me off, and I don't own a PS3 or have had any real interest to play either Infamous game.
Dec 17, 2010
Trixsy said:
I don't. True an athletic woman can be big chested, but there are SO MANY GAMES where all the females are just ridiculous. Why shouldn't all body types be represented in gaming? If you miss busty Laura, there's the old games to play, and if you just want busty protagonists/females in general, well... there's a field of them to gaze upon.

Okay, so by your own argument, why try and exclude one body type to promote others? That's called "reverse discrimination" because you're not erasing a stereotype, you're replacing it with another. And does that really help?
Nov 4, 2010
Lara still has big breasts. They're just not unrealistically huge. I think if this realistic looking Lara had breasts any bigger she would look odd.


Jan 4, 2011
[face_plain] Someone really asked this? Really? And we wonder why the Tomb Raider franchise has been going downhill. The reboot will fix the franchise and put story first.


Nov 20, 2010
video games are for entertainment. Very few men want to see a non-sexy female video game character in their entertainment. If they made Lara look too plain, I would just pass on the game.

Why, in the world, does political correctness have to disrupt gaming just to please a few feminist and their pet cats?


Weekend Gamer
Mar 22, 2008
First of all, this is a YOUNGER Lara.

Second of all, it's not like she's got mosquito bites down there. She's still bringing strong but respectable representation in the world of boobage.

Yes, I went there. :)


Nov 7, 2003
I've always enjoyed TR for the gameplay and story. It's refreshing that they're making her more toned down. I'm tired of the unrealistic proportions of females in games myself. Go get a real girlfriend instead of looking at pixels. And game devs need to realize there are more people that play and enjoy games than hormonal men. [face_tongue]


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 8, 2008
goliath6711 said:
SoberDarkness said:
The only people who would "miss the busty Lara" are the people who don't get to see real breast IN REAL LIFE. So they need to turn to a video game to quench their sexual urges. Pretty sad.

It's called an observation, jackass. Just because we notice something doesn't mean we obsess over it. If they changed her ethnicity and people commented on that, would that be "pretty sad"?

If people are stuck on "observing" big chested women (in video games), and feel the need to post when they aren't big chested anymore. It's no longer an observation. Obviously they are obsessing over it. Otherwise they would just let it be.

If there was a game that had changed a characters ethnicity (and it really isn't noticable, or even noteworthy) yet people had to comment on it, yes it would be pretty sad. If master Chief took off his mask in a game, and he was white. There would probably be a ton of people asking "Why couldn't he be black?" Or if he was black, people would be sking "Why couldn't he be white?" Or they would say the same thing for any race. And they would probably get mad. And yes, that IS PRETTY SAD.


Sharingan User
Jul 31, 2012
Jurassic Park
Boobs are important for me. One of the defining attributes of a woman. Be it pixelated boobs or real. But now that I am older I tend to be less focused on it. Just a normal chest size would be great.


Sharingan User
Jul 31, 2012
Jurassic Park
Double post sorry, and Ign wouldn't let me edit my previous post. So I tried turning it into something worthwhile.

The only people who would "miss the busty Lara" are the people who don't get to see real breast IN REAL LIFE. So they need to turn to a video game to quench their sexual urges. Pretty sad.

Probably if one is 14 or 15 years of age. There is no excuse for people of our age group, who played the very first Tomb Raider to not have experienced touching a boob in real life. Aside from that, there's nothing wrong with well defined females in computer games. Lara just happens to be well endowed which is no problem for most. It's part of making her sexual attractive for the broader male audience. Although, Tomb Raider is also played by a lot of females. If you want a over sized sexual female look up Isabella valentine from Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. That is boob exaggeration at it's maximum. Now if you talked about her then I would align my opinion to your own.

But not Lara Croft, she's well endowed but still keeps the classy act going.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 29, 2007
Double post sorry, and Ign wouldn't let me edit my previous post. So I tried turning it into something worthwhile.

The only people who would "miss the busty Lara" are the people who don't get to see real breast IN REAL LIFE. So they need to turn to a video game to quench their sexual urges. Pretty sad.

Probably if one is 14 or 15 years of age. There is no excuse for people of our age group, who played the very first Tomb Raider to not have experienced touching a boob in real life. Aside from that, there's nothing wrong with well defined females in computer games. Lara just happens to be well endowed which is no problem for most. It's part of making her sexual attractive for the broader male audience. Although, Tomb Raider is also played by a lot of females. If you want a over sized sexual female look up Isabella valentine from Soul Edge and Soul Calibur. That is boob exaggeration at it's maximum. Now if you talked about her then I would align my opinion to your own.

But not Lara Croft, she's well endowed but still keeps the classy act going.

do you know how hard it would be to be as athletic as she is while being that "well endowed". I think the much more realilistic approach to her character design makes her much more attractive (that is weird to say about a grouping of polygons but you get my point haha)


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 19, 2012
No, the big boobed Lara Croft was a novelty, a way of hooking male gamers to buy the game and realise it plays well.

I like the new look of Lara in this game, she's more realistic and beliveable.

Oh and AJ sucked as Lara in the movies, her Brit accent was awful, not Dick Van Dyke from Mary Poppins awful (BTW us Londoners still haven't forgiven Disney for that atrocity) but you can tell it was fake.

Would have been better to strap some fake tits onto Kiera Knightly and let her play the role.


Jan 29, 2013
I think Lara should stay at this point in terms of body. It was just a gimmick.
Female protagonist=Girls
Massive boobs=Boys
So there.


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
^ Codes are for retro junk - skins/textures on the PC is the way to go.

Lydia (Skyrim) with those skins. What has been seen...


Oct 17, 2012
I'll never understand the male fascination with huge sagging breasts. Lack of breastfeeding?

A firm and perky C cup size looks best on the average size female. Larger women like Terry Farrell from ST-DS9 do look better with D cup size breasts. It's all about proportions, oversized breats are just not attractive.
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Oct 20, 2010
Lots of virgins in this thread.
Yeah and you're one of them. And you're a moron also for flaming people for nothing.

On topic: yes, I always loved big and even huge breasts (Soul Calibur's Ivy is my most favorite female character ever), I would have preferred Lara to be back to original size. Well.. DD would be perfect. In fact I simply can't like or respect a female character if she has small/normal boobs. Lara for me is on the very edge of it. A tiny bit more and she'd be unattractive.
33 btw. Before some other idiot starts the "14 yo lol" talk.
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Almost Not a Noob
Mar 26, 2002
I'll never understand the male fascination with huge sagging breasts. Lack of breastfeeding?

A firm and perky C cup size looks best on the average size female. Larger women like Terry Farrell from ST-DS9 do look better with D cup size breasts. It's all about proportions, oversized breats are just not attractive.

Well I"m a male and it is not by choice. tits look so nice!!! It is a gender thing. Some times big is nice and some times slightly big looks nice. It is the boobs the woman has and not what you wish she had. They are beautifully wonderful either or. [face_cool]


Feb 19, 2013
laura croft is an icon, larger than life globe trotting badass treasure hunter. I dont want to play "vulnerable" Lara any more than i want to a ptsd duke nukem or a wheelchair bound masterchief.
Feb 18, 2013
No matter what size of breast, Lara is still the athletic and agile woman she is today. So, to answer the question, no, I don't miss her breasts. She's still the same! :*

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Nov 28, 2009
I certainly don't miss it- it's somewhat unrealistic for a female to be a size DD, jumping around, doing cartwheels & whatever else that involves jumping of the sort because usually the bigger chested a woman, all of those activities she will try to avoid due to the pain & uncomfortableness of it, even with extra padding- maybe I'm the only female who thinks of this; but it is really cartoonish & silly when you throw in a scantily dressed female with large breasts. Maybe for once make a game with an athletic looking man in skin-tight clothes with a large 'package', bouncing around, flipping, dodging bullets & the sort with minor to no protective padding - it'd be uncomfortable I'm certain. I'm loving lara's new look


電 子 遊 戲 師 傅
Aug 6, 2002
I certainly don't miss it- it's somewhat unrealistic for a female to be a size DD, jumping around, doing cartwheels & whatever else that involves jumping of the sort because usually the bigger chested a woman, all of those activities she will try to avoid due to the pain & uncomfortableness of it, even with extra padding-
Her bust size for 2013 isn't a DD-cup.


Aug 22, 2012
I do. I believe protagonists CAN be sexy it's just that then developers stop treating her as a character but the more like a sexy icon. I really hope that if there are sequel games and Lara is an adult that she has large breasts similar to her early games. She shrank from a lovely G cup to a C cup! That made me sad. You can be athletic and busty with a decent sports bra haha.
me the smaller breasted lara looks better looking than old lara.big breast just don`t look right on her to me.