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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]Who Might Direct Wolverine 2?[/link]
by Phil Pirrello

As Comic-Con ends, Wolverine 2 rumors begin, this time in regards to the two possible directors in the running to film Logan's sequel. [link=]Read Full Article[/link]


Feb 20, 2003
Well Bub, the first thing they gotta do in the opening scene of Wolverine 2 is have Logan wake up from a dream where he sees Wade Wilson standing near him smiling as DEADPOOL! Not that bastardized whatever the F it was in Wolverine... he's far too cool of a character to do THAT to him. Make that a clone of the real Wade they did that too or something...

Other than that, don't do anything that stupid in this movie and it should be good. I never thought I would like Hugh Jackman as Logan, but he is LOGAN TO ME NOW. I figured he was way too tall and not thick enough, but he's the man now.



Almost Not a Noob
Oct 22, 2006
I thought they were rebooting Deadpool's Origin, AND the X Men (Academy)...that would mean Wolverine will be rebooted?


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 2, 2009
all have to say is that no one ever mention the word reboot around this franchise.cause i will be the first to say Hugh jack-man is the one casting job this studio has done right. to mess the w/ the casting of this character would be a disservice to the fans of this comic book. aside from all my loony babel. can't wait for this next movie.
Nov 11, 2009
Unless they completely change everything and go the R-rated route I wont expect much of this. I've seen enough sensitive Wolverine. Let's see him finally tear some people up!


Jan 19, 2010
dey better have cyber, daken, romolus, winter solder, black widow, omega red, lady deathstrike, silver samerai, fuck it throw in the hulk, a segment that foreshadows x-23 and the real deadpool, or else im boycottin
Jun 4, 2007
Clover-field sucked But man on fire was one of the best movies with Denzel. I would Love to see tony scott Direct the wolverine 2 or I'm going to go in a beserker rage


Sep 25, 2009
Please Stop!!!!! Wolverine 1 sucked balls and i don't see a sequel doing any better. Cloverfield and Man on fire were both great, but i don't think a different director will save a crappy movie if it has a crappy story.
Oct 22, 2008
I really want Wolverine to have the awesome film the character deserves. Tony Scott as director could be pretty neat.


Original poster
I'll get excited if First Class is any good, which im not expecting it to be.


Feb 20, 2003
LMAO!!! You people complaining about bad story... have no idea how ridiculous you sound do you? This comes from comic books... very basely written comic books... the movie had far more depth than the comic books.

I READ the comics and I really enjoy them for what they are and that is not DEEP nor compelling. Just cool.


Dec 17, 2006

Well, while I'll be inclined to agree that most comics are from from first rate literature, I can't believe a person that actually reads comics would argue that the story in Xmen orgins was better than anything the comics have come up with.

The original Origins story from Marvel trumped anything that they wrote in that film. Films seem to refuse to really find the heart of the story when it comes to X Men films. In four films we've had only one solid film (x2) because we get films made by people that think like you. While I understand changes must be made when adapting this material, there is no reason that anyone has to make bad ones.h



Dec 17, 2006

Well, while I'll be inclined to agree that most comics are from from first rate literature, I can't believe a person that actually reads comics would argue that the story in Xmen orgins was better than anything the comics have come up with.

The original Origins story from Marvel trumped anything that they wrote in that film. Films seem to refuse to really find the heart of the story when it comes to X Men films. In four films we've had only one solid film (x2) because we get films made by people that think like you. While I understand changes must be made when adapting this material, there is no reason that anyone has to make bad ones.



Dec 17, 2006

Well, while I'll be inclined to agree that most comics are from from first rate literature, I can't believe a person that actually reads comics would argue that the story in Xmen orgins was better than anything the comics have come up with.

The original Origins story from Marvel trumped anything that they wrote in that film. Films seem to refuse to really find the heart of the story when it comes to X Men films. In four films we've had only one solid film (x2) because we get films made by people that think like you. While I understand changes must be made when adapting this material, there is no reason that anyone has to make bad ones.



Dec 17, 2006
Sorry for the multi post... I see first hand how easy it is to spam IGN... But I apologize, was not on purpose.... It's this damn iPad.


Sep 18, 2009
Bub, I just hope this movie shows the most kickass and badass wolverine showing lots of rage and motilating everything!
Oct 30, 2007
The only origin I remember from that movie was the origin of Wolvies jacket. Just cut your losses with this franchise. Aren't they rebooting the Xmen series anyway? Or is that first class movie apart of this mess too?


Jul 3, 2009
The X-Men film series is a mess. I don't even know what's going on at this point, and they're still adding to it...


Feb 20, 2003

Nice name there. Very original... paranoid much? yeesh

What you whiners are is very simple to describe... you are all part of the "Cult of status quo". I know you don't know what that is... try looking it up. You whine because something isn't what YOU want it to be... because your ego comes from that subject... and in fact who you are to yourself does... so you defend YOUR version of it. It's really rather pathetic and it is "Cult of status quo". You think you are "someone" because you make it point to find this oboscure thing and be an "Expert" on it... and you try and measure your epeen based on that... it's really sad actually.

FYI there is a huge distinction between a comic and graphic novel toolboy...

Anyways, comics are very poor material for the most part and no one has right to whine. They morph into something else constantly when the WRITERS change over time they take drastic changes.

Example Wolverine. The same wolverine that had the adamantium ripped from his body and he became nigh unstoppable... killing the numerous mutants no one else could etc... The same character that originally only had clawed gloves... blah blah blah

I'll give you a better example. Spider-man. Originally could barely lift a car and had super reflexes but who had NORMAL bones and could only take the damage of a normal person... later cosmic spiderman who could toss around almost anything... nearly indestructible. Their is absurd amount of "changes" to characters all the time in comics.

Not to mention killing people off, including ALL of the x-men... I still have my copy of Cyclops being stabbed through the heart someone and the X-Force #1, and of course the Death of Superman... then someone goes... oh wait... none of that happened here are your beloved characters... LMFAO!!!

As I said no one that reads comics can ever REALLY be upset about whatever happens in a video game or a movie... because in the comics themselves things are changed constantly. Marvel is the most notorious of all.

So, toolboy you need to stop talking, because you are rather ignorant and not very bright if you think comics have top notch writing or great stories in the first place... they don't. There cool and fun and light reading and that's why they are called COMICS you twit!

In the first movie I didn't mind they made up Sabertooth as his brother, that's fine by me. I don't appreciate how they totally changed Deadpool in the first one... that was just dumb. 4 ft swords coming out of 2ft forearms is just stupid.


Mar 26, 2010
I dont read comics, never have and never will, but I am an advent movie-watcher, ranging from the classics to the blockbusters. This is not only a hobby of mine but a second job, and I can say with great confidence, that the Xmen franchise is downright garbage from a cinematic perspective.

Wolverine being the worst of the series, this is not based on my opinion of the story and how it fits into the overall Xmen movie universe, but how poorly the movie was made. Anyone who disagrees needs to take a film class.
May 24, 2008
X-men Origins: Wolverine sucked so badly that i would never want to see another x-men movie ever again. Most of the X-men movies failed terribly especially the most recent ones. If Wolverine 2 doesn't do it for me, i'll never consider watching another x-men movie ever again.


Apr 1, 2010
@ oyoyoy2003

I find it amusing that you spend almost the entire length of your post berating people who would cite the negative aspects of the X-Men movies, only to then state your own negative opinion.

I think most everyone can agree, regardless of staying true to the stories in the comics or not, that the latest X-Men movies just haven't been very good movies in general. I thought X1 and X2 were great, but X3 and XO:Wovlerine were just very poor quality all together.

The last two were so poor in fact that I have a difficult time considering seeing anymore X-Men movies at all. In my opinion Fox should just sell the movie rights back to Marvel/Disney, where they can be done correctly, like the Avengers franchise.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 5, 2007
This storyline is a classic and if they screw it up I will lose any and all faith in Fox to deliver greatness from the X-Men franchise. X2 came out 7 years ago and everything X-related since then has been a disappointment. This film needs to wun back both hardcore fans and mainstream audiences.


Feb 20, 2003

Sorry Bub. What you just said rules you out of having any taste. Film students in generally have no taste... they have their "taste" and opinions crammed down their throats by their teachers and professors... young minds are easily influences by these people... and most don't want to see the truth of anything... they want to feel secure in what they believe based on what they were taught...

Self though is frowned on in most of the world... example... USA and it's 2 party system... so many people convinced their side is PERFECT and NEVER WRONG and the other people are evil... blind blind blind.

Wolverine is a very good movie because the #1 reason to talk, write, or film is to convey a message to the audience. It sets up the "emotional" scenes very well and does a good job of getting people to "care" about what is happening. Hugh Jackman does an excellent job in the roll.

As Arnie Freytag (the famed Playboy centerfold photographer) says to these young photographers... it's not about you, it's not about your set, it's about the girl. People buy the magazine to see the girl, you must make everything about the girl. The same goes for movies, it's about the characters. Granted doing everything else can help, but the main point... is the "message" you are trying to communicate with the audience. That's that's the whole point of media... communication and Wolverine does a great job of that.

Is it The Last Samurai in the other areas? Nope, but it does it's job. So, no it's not horrible... and it's not garbage. It's good enough in those areas. You want to know what garbage is? Twilight. Totally lacking in important dialogue(why do they care about each other again?, why is this teenage girl not totally creeped out that a dude over 115 years old wants to bone her?) etc... No valid reasons ever given...
Oct 6, 2008
I just pretend that they stopped making the X-Men films after Singer left the project post X2.

It's a technique that's proving pretty successful for me...
Feb 18, 2002
Why does everyone HATE X-men Origins: Wolverine??? There was some dumb plot points and some bad acting here and there.... but Hugh Jackman ripping it up on screen is always fun to watch.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2009
The X-Men film franchise has to be one of the worst and most abused use of a film property since the first Batman series (not that its even remotely as bad as those films). The first two were great in their time, but I find that they barley hold up to today's standards for comic book films (post Batman Begins, or Iron Man for Marvel). No continuity what so ever, no reverence for the source material, cheesy dialogue, etc. I'm willing to give First Class a chance, but Wolverine 2, no way. I love Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, but these films are just cling ons to a franchise that needs to die and be reborn. Im not sure how serious Fox is taking First Class as a franchise reboot, or if they idiotically think they can shoehorn it in as part of their continuity mess of the original franchise. What I do know is that Marvel needs to get the X-Men back from Fox for more reason than just the current incarnations suck. A Marvel cinematic/television universe without mutants is not a Marvel universe at all. Wolverine himself is such a part of the Marvel Universe history, not having him is painful to this push towards amazing continuity


Feb 20, 2003

FYI I'm not going to adhere to English 101 writing a response to the sorts of you on the internet... yet another way you try and build your self esteem and self worth... rather sad. Don't like my condenses writing... too bad. Cry some more.

Of course some people's only purpose in life is to complain and depending on which country you live in, you can do that. When I say you don't have a right... I'm saying you are being ridiculous, because of the reasons I stated... I didn't figure you knew what "Cult of status quo" meant... most that are effected by it don't know it.

You can like whatever you like there chum, but only someone SERIOUSLY stricken with the "cult of status quo" would ever try and tell someone comic writing is deep... seriously now. That speaks volumes for your intelligence, regardless of what you perceive it to be... well to people not affected by the "Cult of status quo". Some people "grow" out of this stuff and realize how duped and silly they were... When they start being a person and stop thinking they are "insert" whatever term you want that defines their "life style". You obviously aren't there yet... if you can't see comics for what they are and what they are meant to be. You're trying to pretend they are more... because you're too close to them.

Movies have 1 and a half hours to get across a LOT of thing, including back ground. Origin does good job of covering a lot of material and it does so very well.

Oh and another thing you got wrong their chum... I regularly read LFG. It's funny most of the time, but it's no Shakespeare. Maybe some day you will grow enough to admit what comics are and what they aren't... things aren't looking good so far.

There are many things I just don't like and movies too, but it doesn't mean they suck. I don't like the subject matter, I avoid most of those in the first place. I suggest you do the same and if you are afflicted by the "Cult of status quo" I suggest you avoid all alternate material regarding the subject you are afflicted by... because most of the time you're not going to like it and feel the need to whine and defend it. When you can dis-join the 2 different source materials... that's when you know you aren't afflicted. Move Wolverine is an entirely different character than comic book wolverine, they are not the same and weren't meant to be the same... learn children. Then you won't get all offended.


Jul 26, 2010
Totally agree with oyoy. If a movie isn't exactly how these people want it then its automatically bad. Notice how they never give examples of whats actually bad about it, they are just stuck in their own little world and really need to grow up.
Mar 11, 2009
If this movie even happens, they should not call it Wolverine 2. They should just start all over again, and just call it Wolverine. Just pretend like Origins never happened.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 8, 2004
"Why does everyone HATE X-men Origins: Wolverine??? There was some dumb plot points and some bad acting here and there.... but Hugh Jackman ripping it up on screen is always fun to watch."

because it is the worst kind of trash. Trash that thinks it's being clever by making huge changes to characters yet does nothing right. I'd pick the guy that did Watchmen. Yeah, him.
Feb 16, 2010
ReeceJerk said:
If a movie isn't exactly how these people want it then its automatically bad. Notice how they never give examples of whats actually bad about it, they are just stuck in their own little world and really need to grow up.
It's true that folks do tend to be guilty of that, but sometimes there are legitimate reasons.
Anonymous said:
zero character development, hammy dialogue, and one unbelievable love story.
And I didn't have to mention the outdated special effects, but I will now. Reason why the effects look so damn cheap is because they outsourced the effects to seventeen different effects studios. I personally know some people from one of the studios which was made up of film school students. Just another reason why this movie is completely incompetent on even the most basic levels of entertainment. Should anyone have to explain to you why it was a waste of film?

However, I will admit I've been wasting my time arguing with yoyo brains. A guy who doesn't even understand you don't need to be Shakespeare to be compelling ...


Apr 10, 2010
@ Reecejerk

I disagree. Often times people have legitimate reasons to hate a movie. I've come across few comments that have said "Wolverine sucked because I said so" or something like that. My personal reasons of disliking the film are because the film had way too many characters, most of the actors were bad, the script sucked, they veered very far from the comics, and they totally screwed up Deadpool. I think those are legitimate reasons.
Feb 27, 2009
How about getting that director who directed the latest STREET FIGHTER MOVIE or the last 2 PUNISHER films.

THE MOVIE IS GOING TO SUCK NO MATTER WHO DIRECTS there is no respect for content when it comes to comic book movies!
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