
Feb 20, 2009
Family Guy.

South Park should have ended YEARS ago. It had a nice run a long time ago. Time to move on already.


Jul 26, 2011
I like both shows here but SP is better I say this for a few reasons.
1. Family Guy has such a bad plot that they have to cut to irrelevant flashbacks that are stupid.
2. I like how SP directly mocks things that we think of every day, and we carry those laughs
day to day. And sometimes they have a good joke that brakes media. EX. Kanye West being a gay fish and this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kx4l3dbcd60&feature=fvwrel

That is why I think SP is better than FG



Sep 12, 2011
Family Guy is better, cause of many reasons. Better contemporary jokes, better drawned out characters, better dialogues, better plot.
May 22, 2011
Family Guy is definitely better than South Park. I don't even watch South Park anymore. But now that Beavis & Butthead is back it's got them both beat.


Jan 1, 2012
As I am an attention whore and didn't get the attention I crave so much :^O, let me repost from a similar thread:

Simpsons is the cartoon that opened the door for South Park and Family Guy.
They are all good in their own way.
South Park last 2 seasons have some stinkers, some serious stinkers while family guy are all on par.
Simpsons changed their writers around season 15 if I am not mistaking and you can really tell their style changed as they started to adapt Family Guy type of jokes to the Simpsons.
American Dad first 4 seasons are simply brilliant the fifth not so much.
Cleavland finally developped their characters and is starting to grow on me.
Jan 10, 2012
While it's not as clever as it thinks it is, I gotta give it to South Park. I like both shows, but I think South Park has been far more consistent in quality in the long run than Family Guy has.


Apr 19, 2014
i think all u guys are wrong. i dont get it why u guys say that family guy is way awesome its garbage. south park made my day and its wayy funnier than that PIECE OF SHIT FAMILY GUY!!!!!! pls shut the fuck up and keep your opinions to yourself family guy looks like a baby show with bad language and sex. i watched family guy long time and i hated a character name brian the dog cause brian is acting like human not a real dog and for me he is annoying
Apr 17, 2015
South park used to be the best from 1998-2009. It used to be offensive and now it's just satire and tries to be all smart and stuff and have character development. The characters were honestly better when it DIDN'T have that much character development. But also Family Guy is now not that good. I would say the Stewie and Brian moments are the best moments in Family Guy and better than any south park moment. But as a show, South Park is better overall.