Apr 29, 2010
I love them both but I give the edge to Family Guy. South Park sometimes has whole episodes that suck even the worst episode of family guy has some laughs. I wish Family guy would show Mohammed's face and cement themselves as the edgiest cartoon on TV. I do have one beef with Family guy they took a bit I did in my comic . It's very possible that they just came up with it on their own but it was like 7 months after I had it on my site. Mine is a little more adult but it was the same joke.

NSFW spiderman humor


May 9, 2008
South Park is doing funnier, fresher stuff in Season 14 then FG is or has in the past 3 years. It's not even close.

Side Note: South Park showed Mahamad's face years again. It's been there, done that. FG edgier or more controvertial then South Park? Hasn't happened yet...don't ever see it


Feb 22, 2010
Here is the diffrence between south park and famly guy:
Family Guy sucks, ok, it's not funny at all, the plots are dumb, ths jokes are stupid, also the show is just plain stupid, i don't see how people like it, the Family Guy writers try so hard to make somthing stupid seem funny, but it never works, i guess it's true what South Park said, Family Guy may actualy be written by manties.
and South Park is my 2nd favoriye show after the Simpsons, South Park has many great smart funny episodes, allthoe the last three seasons where mediocre, i'd say South Park is a pritty good show.
So i end by saying South Park is a million times better than Family Guy


Apr 10, 2010
Family Guy. It may not be as controversial but , like some other guy said, every episode, no matter how bad it is, has some laughs. SP is IMO kinda stupid because it holds your attention but doesn't make you laugh sometimes. Family Guy forever, man, and they're Star Wars movies are great. The only really disappointing episode of FG is "Brian and Stewie" where they get locked in the bank.


Jun 21, 2010
Family Guy. Two low-brow shows, but SP fans will defend it's satire as being intelligient and clever when it's kinda not.


Jun 2, 2010
its easily family guy. family guy gives you a laugh basically every 5 minutes. a few episodes even have that EXTREME laugh. in south park theres only a minor laugh one time the whole show.and its very rare to have a crazy laugh.so family guy easily.Family guy also appeals more to the older community, because i used to b an only family guy person. but when i first saw an episode of south park i loved the better sotrylines.but family guy is still better


Jun 2, 2010
k.alrayes said:
Here is the diffrence between south park and famly guy:
Family Guy sucks, ok, it's not funny at all, the plots are dumb, ths jokes are stupid, also the show is just plain stupid, i don't see how people like it, the Family Guy writers try so hard to make somthing stupid seem funny, but it never works, i guess it's true what South Park said, Family Guy may actualy be written by manties.
and South Park is my 2nd favoriye show after the Simpsons, South Park has many great smart funny episodes, allthoe the last three seasons where mediocre, i'd say South Park is a pritty good show.
So i end by saying South Park is a million times better than Family Guy
simpsons is the most corny show i have ever seen in my whole entire life
Apr 8, 2006
Should be obvious...I'm on the Family Guy boards. If not, then yeah my answer is Family Guy.

South Park just annoys me.


Jul 20, 2010
Family Guy is better in my opinion, although South Park is good.  The probem with SP though is they sometimes do things more gross than funny.  FG just always makes me laugh.


No Longer a Noob
Jul 22, 2008
In all fairness when South Park did Cartoon Wars they were never going to give Family Guy a fair shake neither are other cartoonists.
They argue Family Guy is poorly written, so what? no one watches comedy for plots they watch these shows for the jokes and if Parker and Stone think for one second they are artistic storytellers (as I gathered from Cartmans rant in Cartoon Wars part One) they are deluding themselves.
Gag humour? no gag humour in South Park? no jokes irrelevent to the plot? how about Timmy, Towlie, Mr Hat, the recurring deaths of Kenny, the numerous times they show the boys watching a TV show or commercial, the number of B plots featuring side characters.

Family Guy makes no pretenses about anything it does it can be a bit preachy but big deal which show isn't.

IMO their both the same thing and equal, I like random gags both verbal and visual and they both excel at that.
Feb 6, 2005
omoecp3 said:
k.alrayes said:
Here is the diffrence between south park and famly guy:
Family Guy sucks, ok, it's not funny at all, the plots are dumb, ths jokes are stupid, also the show is just plain stupid, i don't see how people like it, the Family Guy writers try so hard to make somthing stupid seem funny, but it never works, i guess it's true what South Park said, Family Guy may actualy be written by manties.
and South Park is my 2nd favoriye show after the Simpsons, South Park has many great smart funny episodes, allthoe the last three seasons where mediocre, i'd say South Park is a pritty good show.
So i end by saying South Park is a million times better than Family Guy
simpsons is the most corny show i have ever seen in my whole entire life
I agree. I prefer South Park over The Simpsons.


Aug 19, 2010
South park all the way, i prefer plot. family guy was great at first but now im just bored with the characters, I will laugh during an episode but i wont really enjoy it, also fuck show tunes


Aug 30, 2010
According to me, Family guys and South Park both are amazing Cartoon show. I really love to watch it.


Sep 19, 2010
i will go with South Park. I think that program has more of a "story" in the episodes.
In FG, some episodes they just walk around, fart, and sees peeter fight with the chicken in like 5 minutes. But i like them both


Apr 10, 2010
konakid717 said:
South Park. Has much better characters, plot, and continuity then family guy.

But Kenny can die every episode and then magically come back? Yeah, that's great continuity.
Sep 14, 2010
Absolutely South Park. Though I wasn't all about the parodies of last season, I still find it way funnier. I watch Family Guy and laugh, but, I don't know, it just doesn't click with me. It can also get very preachy and, geez, I'd dare say elitist sounding. But I love the jazzy songs! [face_dancing]


Jun 30, 2010
i love both shows but honestly sometimes the south park episodes are just stupid but to be fair family guy has to stop using refrences from the 80s but for me i give the slight edge to Family Guy
Jan 31, 2009
South Park, yeah the jokes may be nasty but its funny.

The ''You got served'', ''Jewbeliee'', and ''The World of Warcraft'' episodes make me laugh to this day.

And ''Micheal Johnson'' episode which mocked Michal Jackson

Family Guy-is awesome, I grew up with both, but South Park is more controversial and entertaining out of the two.
Jan 31, 2009
jakob997 said:
konakid717 said:
South Park. Has much better characters, plot, and continuity then family guy.

But Kenny can die every episode and then magically come back? Yeah, that's great continuity.

Kenny lived all the episode in two episodes from what I remember.

But you have a point, But thats the funny thing about South Park the weird ways Kenny dies.


Dec 29, 2010
<---------------- Look at my name.

But Family Guy is more awsome. Way more funnier and i laugh to there random jokes all the time. And i love the plot of it. Stewie and Brian are awsome. Peter is stupid. Meg is hated. Lois is a ex lesbo slut. Quagmire, well giggity he is awsome.
Hhahaha Bill Clinton, i burst out laughing everytime they make a joke of Bill Clinton.

South Park has some good episodes like that one with Satan and Sadamn Hussain, the movie.
And the Michael Jackson was pretty funny but there not as funny as Family Guy, and there animations suck. And as a Muslim i dont respect them showing Mohammed's face.

FG FTW. Im a familyguy fanatic.


Dec 17, 2005
jakob997 said:
konakid717 said:
South Park. Has much better characters, plot, and continuity then family guy.

But Kenny can die every episode and then magically come back? Yeah, that's great continuity.

um... yes. It has been explained.

South Park is easily best for me. I used to watch Family Guy. Had some great laughs until it came back from the last cancellation. Now when I watch it, getting 1 or 2 laughs is quite rare for me.
Jan 31, 2009
skater4lifeNY said:
jakob997 said:
konakid717 said:
South Park. Has much better characters, plot, and continuity then family guy.

But Kenny can die every episode and then magically come back? Yeah, that's great continuity.

Kenny died every episode except two episodes, from what I remember.

You have a point, But thats the funny thing about South Park the weird ways Kenny dies.
Feb 17, 2011
Family Guy, hands down. The fact that it doesn't need much of a story to make us laugh and keep us watching is a testament to its strong material and sheer charm. South Park although funny in places has become preachy in more recent years focusing more on story than actual humor. Don't get me wrong though, when the right episode comes on theres nothing close to how hilarious it is. However Family Guy stands and delivers everytime, when compared to South Parks more erratic performance of the past few seasons the victor is clear.
Apr 7, 2010
I love family guy tv show. Seth Macfarlane creation Family Guy is one TV show, which is unmistakably different from other genres of TV shows that one gets to see on the little screen. Set in Hard shell clam, a distant town of Rhode Island, [link=http://familyguy.download-tvshows.com/]Family Guy episodes[/link] very pellucidly draw the story of a dysfunctional family and how they deal with their everyday differences of opinion.
May 14, 2011
Family guy is mostly just topical humor. Any message and humor in the show is largely irrelevant to the actual plot which is usually deemphasized.

South Park is actually a fairly complicated and nuanced show. A number of philosophy professors at my old University used to watch it. Many of the characters are veiled references to various schools of philosophy, and in many ways the show does an incredible job of dissecting different ideologies and viewpoints.

South Park utilizes irony and hyperbole in very effective ways to deflate many of the "sacred cows" in our culture.

If you have heard one Family Guy joke you have heard them all.
May 14, 2011
Family guy made me laugh in the original season or so.

They made the right decision in canceling the show.

Ever since they brought it back, it has sucked royally.

I wouldn't go so far as to compare it to the demise of SNL (its never been as funny as the original SNL skits were), but it did have a similar trajector.
Jan 31, 2009
The new season of Family Guy this year actually has been funny and theres plot points to it. But still the original 3 or 4 seasons of Family guy are 1,0000000000000 times better.

Still South park is better.


May 8, 2011
As Cartmen states, South Parks humor is actually relevant to the plot.
Thats what makes it a better show, as the writing is a lot wittier.
Not just filled with random nonsense.

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