Mar 4, 2014
For me it was the very first one on the Xbox 360, I was really excited to play this game as at the time I didn't have many zombie games. I also looked online at all of the gameplay on the game, it just looked so awesome. I wasn't dissapointed, hours upon hours of gameplay, i completed it and got several of the different endings you can get. I got some hidden weapons and I was getting to the point of unlocking the MegaMan blaster. I was hooked on the series, then I heard that there was a Wii port of the game, where they used the resident evil 4 engine so the gameplay was a little different but it had the same idea. I don't own that game nor have i played it, but i plan to as it looks just as fun, although it does seem a lot easier. Then I heard about the 2nd one coming out, so i was even more pumped since Capcom released a stage before the main game. Once again i never played it, but once i bought the full game, i was having soo much fun and put even more hours into it. The fun has never run out in these games for me, the only thing that has annoyed me about this series, is that 3 is an exclusive. So which one did you play that introduced you to the series, and what did you like about them.


Feb 8, 2014
I also played the first game as well. I never finished it but I loved restarting over and over to see how long I could last in the fight scene.


Nov 23, 2001
The original Deadrising was my first as well. Played the hell out off that game, unlocked every achievement and did absolutely everything you could in the game until every square inch was covered. I bought Deadrising 2 and was incredibly disappointed as I just couldn't get into Chuck Green... but once Deadrising 2 OTR came out I was on that like stink on *you know*. IMO, Deadrising 3 sucks and has to be one of the most boring games I have ever played. I would love to see a remastered version of the original Deadrising, but anything other than that is a waste of time in my opinion.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 24, 2013
I knew about the Dead Rising games for a while but didn't play any of them until Dead Rising 2 was given to me through Xbox Live's Games With Gold program. DR2 initially had its hooks in me deep but the more I played, the more I found the game design choices frustrating. For one, I didn't plan on replaying it. I had my fill of Fortune City and had other games to get to. But this game demands more than one playthrough. This made it frustrating because I wanted to get as much as I could out of my one playthrough, but couldn't because I wasn't strong enough for psychopaths or the time limits were constantly breathing down my neck. That's the second thing...the goddamn time element. I think I would've enjoyed the game a lot more in the end if I didn't feel so rushed all the time. I wanted to spend time doing side quests, fuck around the mall, AND do the main quest. I know that's just the nature of the beast with these games, and I'm sure some people love it, but they're not for me.

HOWEVER, I did love the ability to change your costume and wear said costume during the cut scenes. That will never get old and it was much appreciated.
Aug 4, 2014
I played the first one first, I loved it but at the time I found it really difficult; especially the underground part with the bombs. When it came out I had never played a game quite like it, it was pretty much everything I was looking for in a game. Even playing it now it has a sense of uniqueness that is still fresh, it is not quite as hard as I remember though.


No Longer a Noob
Dec 18, 2004
# 1...One of my favorite 360 games. Full of memorable moments and characters.They outdid themselves in making that mall seem like a legit place. Saving people is rewarding as hell, even if they are stupid as shit.

# 2...Couldn't really get into, but plan on taking another crack at it. Case zero was cool.

# 3...I may never play unless I get a better computer.


Almost Not a Noob
Nov 7, 2009
The original Dead Rising was the FIRST game I got when I bought my 360! I was always a huge zombie fan and the original and remake of Dawn of The Dead were like my favorite movies! So of course a zombie game where your hold up in a mall had me drooling as soon as I heard about it! I absolutely loved the game, but I thought it was really hard. I remember my first play through I failed on the first mission to save that old guy and so none of the story could be played since I failed the first mission hahaha! But I simply stuck it out, killed a bunch of zombies for fun and then waited the time clock out to see the ending. Just the idea of completing a game and getting an ending without completing any story at all was so cool to me. And the opening scene on the helicopter showing the zombie apocalypse chaose was simply awesome! I eventually went back when DR2 was about to come out and completed the story. I actually didn't get my ending on the game, even though I DID EVERYTHING I was suppose to do, I had wasted too much time during the game, so that by the time I beat that final boss in the kitchen or whatever, I didn't have enough time to make it back to the safe house no matter which route I took! How messed up is that?! But it's all good, I know I beat it in my heart, and I just went online and watched the different ending cut scenes lol.

I enjoyed DR2 as well, got the collectors edition when it came out. I really loved the online multiplayer games, but unfortunately there wasn't that many people who got online to play. The controls were a bit better in DR2, so it was a lot easier to me. Beat that game and thoroughly enjoyed it, although I definitely like the original games story better. But the pre-game DLC case zero was really awesome! That was so cool that the developers gave us that to wet our appetites before the game came out.

I haven't played DR3 yet, but it's existence def pushed me in the xbox1 category... im expecting this game as a Christmas present. Looking forward to jumping into it... don't know how I feel about not being in a mall environment though....


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 31, 2013
My friend bought the first Dead Rising when it came out on 360. We played the ass off that game! I kinda stalled out on the story and got irritated with the timer and the constant chirping of the walkie mainly just ran around wearing shorty-shorts and finding different ways to kill zombies. Lots of fun, but I never did finish the story.

Bought Case Zero when it came out and 400g'd it. Lots of fun.

Didn't buy DR2, but got it back when it was free on GameswithGold on Xbox. Played about 3 hours and gave up. Just couldn't get into it.

Dead Rising 3 was my first game when I got my ONE and it is the best of the series, so much fun. I need to go back and finish up the achievements sometime!
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