
Oct 3, 2010
IGN can really suck sometimes! There was absolutely nothing wrong with XO:Wolverine. A few inconsistencies aside, it was a pretty good movie. Can you honestly name one comic book-to-movie adaptation that doesn't have a few inconsistencies? The Superman movies had about a million of them, as did all of the Batman movies, including the Dark Knight ones. My only gripe about XO:Wolverine was that it didn't come out first before the X-Men trilogy because Wolverine is the best Marvel superhero on the market; he simply overshadows all the rest due to his popularity. This is why "fans have been looking forward to its sequel, The Wolverine, with great interest", because who gives a rat's ass about who wrote the screenplay and some artsy-fartsy director? Oh yeah, IGN's weak-sauced liberal arts degree-carrying staff does.

Do yourselves a favor, go down to the local comic book store and hire the owner as an IGN staffer already. Get someone in here who actually knows a little bit about comic book heroes and movies. The guys you have covering it now suck at this.
Jun 8, 2009
@zelmo73-tk: If you go and hire a comic book shop owner as a staff writer he/she will say exactly the same as the artical writer. And as a comic book shop owner I can honestly say that X-Men origins: Wolverine was the biggest pile of shit ever to grace humanity... you want to know the people who give a rat's ass about who the writer is and who the director is? the fucking fans thats who, and if you were truly a fan you would see this. If you think you can do better at writing an artical like this, go ahead but dont go complaining when ass holes like you post comments saying that you can't do your job.
Feb 25, 2002
The original sucked hard just like X-Men 3. Take your time Fox. You've got three super hero movies coming out this year alone with inevitable sequels and The Avengers movie just around the corner. Take your time and do it right this time. Wolverine is too good a character to screw it up again.


Jul 28, 2010
I don t know that. S a jerk move from aronovsky ... I enjoy family as much as the next guy but come on
Oct 29, 2010
Take your time fox and if it means renewing your rights to the franchise its still worth it because wolverine has the popularity and the potential to be as good and big a film as the dark knight if done proper.On that note i think fox should consider waiting to Christopher Nolans schedule frees up and approach him although its doubtful he would want to take on another super hero franchise but hey we can dream right? Also when the film does get made i want the inevitible game tie in to be made by Rocksteady the makers of Arkham Asylum.
Jul 23, 2009
liev shrieber was the only positive of the first film, but even he didnt fit the role he was given. inconsistincies??? a few i'd say.. sabretooth lookin out for his kid brother jimmy, deadpool shooting lasers out of his eyes and not talking, creed not being able to handle the adamantium process even though he's been through it more times than logan... yeah a few...


No Longer a Noob
Nov 11, 2009
Last Stand and the first Wolverine movies were so bad I wish Hollywood would just leave these characters alone. Also, that First Class movie looks terrible especially since they can't even get the right X-Men First Class characters right.


Sep 8, 2010
It's probably gonna be rated "R" no matter what now since Darren is gone..... The "R" stands for retarded.


Mar 7, 2011
It sucks. No doubt, but that's life for you. Still, I'm sure the Japan disaster had a little influence on his decision. Quite unfortunate as Aronosky could've possibly made this one of the best comic-book hero movies yet. At this point, Fox really has to come up with someone big to excite fans again. I'd rather have them scrap the project.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 4, 2005
Vladimon said:
I don t know that. S a jerk move from aronovsky ... I enjoy family as much as the next guy but come on
Yeah! I mean how dare he not want to spend a YEAR away from his family when he should be spending that time in disaster-devastated Japan making a movie to appeal to nerds about shit that ultimately doesn't matter.

zelmo73-tk said:
IGN can really suck sometimes! There was absolutely nothing wrong with XO:Wolverine. A few inconsistencies aside, it was a pretty good movie. Can you honestly name one comic book-to-movie adaptation that doesn't have a few inconsistencies? The Superman movies had about a million of them, as did all of the Batman movies, including the Dark Knight ones. My only gripe about XO:Wolverine was that it didn't come out first before the X-Men trilogy because Wolverine is the best Marvel superhero on the market; he simply overshadows all the rest due to his popularity. This is why "fans have been looking forward to its sequel, The Wolverine, with great interest", because who gives a rat's ass about who wrote the screenplay and some artsy-fartsy director? Oh yeah, IGN's weak-sauced liberal arts degree-carrying staff does.

Do yourselves a favor, go down to the local comic book store and hire the owner as an IGN staffer already. Get someone in here who actually knows a little bit about comic book heroes and movies. The guys you have covering it now suck at this.
People don't hate Wolverine for its inconsistencies except for comic-book fans. People hate it because it was a terrible movie.

And people care about who wrote the screenplay, and what "artsy-fartsy director" is handling the project because people like seeing movies that AREN'T terrible. I get that you enjoy being a moron, but don't expect the rest of us to stoop to your level, thanks.


Almost Not a Noob
Jul 5, 2001
How about David Fincher? That would be a genius director to tackle this subject matter and the supposedly great script.
Jul 15, 2009
Seriously, people liked X-Men Origins: Wolverine? I mean sure I'll put it above Batman & Robin but it's in the same league as X-Men 3, Blade 3, Superman 3 and Fantastic Four (either of them).

It's not a good film.

And yes, Zelmo73-tk, some of us do care about who wrote the screenplay and which "artsy-fartsy" director is handling the project. We want quality on the films we watch and we want quality films that match or heighten the legacy of the character source material, Wolverine is one of the most recognisable characters in Comic Books. We'd like someone very good to be the director, someone with vision.

If this goes to Ratner or McG, I'm not watching it.


Oct 3, 2010
@ Sweet_daddy_c: Kiss my ass before you go calling me an asshole. If you are a comic book store owner, which I seriously doubt (some punk-assed IGN file clerk who got tasked with logging in here to defend the honor of these bozos is more likely) then you would understand the difference between screen adaptations and comic book renderings. There is no possible way to fit the entire Wolverine story into a 2-hour movie when the comic book story itself keeps changing on the whims of whatever writer comes along in that comic book series. Any "true fucking fan" would know this, and you've just outed yourself as a fraud here, buddy!

I guess if you were any good at your job as a "comic book store owner" then you could explain to the rest of the class about the many alternate versions and realities of Marvel comics titles. Like the What If? series that has been around since before you were born, for instance. XO: Wolverine is along the lines of one of those What If? stories, which is why Sabretooth can't handle the adamantium process in the movie, why Deadpool shoots laser beams out of his eyes, why Silver Fox (do you even know who she is?) isn't a member of Hydra in the film, etc. The film itself is loosely based on the Origin miniseries from 10 years ago. I highly doubt you know that either. Welcome to Hollywood!


No Longer a Noob
Oct 11, 2009
The short answer to this topic is: Be dropped by FOX.

X-men origins wan't that bad though.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 15, 2001
"is there still hope for this Wolverine sequel?"

Christ, no. As if there ever was.

Kill this "franchise".


Oct 21, 2007
Fox + X-men franchise = Fail

I'm not going to see an X movie until they sell the rights back to Marvel studios.
Mar 10, 2011
X Men Origins was quality I enjoyed it more than the spiderman flicks everyone seems to love which spent 3/4 of the trilogy focused on a love story arc.

Hugh Jackmans not missed a step as Wolverine he's been the bright spot in the entire Marvel movie scene with us now having Robert Downey also on his level

I was expecting the sequal to this to come this year n was mos def looking forward to it more than Thor and Captain America based on the trailers ive seen for them and Thor is my favourite Marvel hero.

The whole Wolverine in Tokyo plot with ninjas n stuff in it jus sounds like it would be awesome visually and as I said Hugh Jackman is quality as Wolverine.



Apr 4, 2009
uh...Xmen Origins WAS bad. It made Wolverine pretty much a punk in my mind. The closest the film version of Wolvie have come to the actual essense of the character was the 1st half of Xmen and most of X2 (which has been, BY FAR, the best of the Xmen films to date, imo). In Xmen Origins, too many things were just off. Logan had claws since he was a child, and knew how to use them from decades of battle, yet they put adamantium on then and he's all of a sudden chopping up sinks in a bathroom? I guess it was for comedic effect, but I just thought it was dumb. Wade Wilson/Deadpool was all wrong and a complete waste. Liev Shrieber as Sabertooth was OK, a little short, but he did fine. Agent 0 was pretty much useless. Silver Fox, Blob and Will.I.Am's character (forgot his name) were all kinda just there...same for Gambit who just didnt really belong, again, the actor did a solid job on the character, he just felt tacked on. And the whole making him forget his past with a adamantium bullet to the head was just rediculous. So much promise, so little delivered is how I felt about that movie. Sad to see Aronofsky off the project, because that guy is a very talented director.


Jun 9, 2001
I love how all the idiots out there think the faults of X-Men 3 were Ratner's. Its well documented the production problems that X3 had prior to Ratner even joining the project. He came in at the last hour, had little time to prep nor develop the story to his style, was given even less time to shoot and for post-production, and we still ended up with a somewhat credible movie. After all the crap that he had to go through, the man should be considered a god by comic book fanboys, especially after they sat through the wreck that was the first Wolverine movie. The worst part about X3 is that because of the unwarranted backlash Ratner gets, people give him crap about that when they should be focusing on his even bigger turds, such as Rush Hour 2 and 3.


May 19, 2007
one of the voting options should be..."Dont make any film intill the rights go back to marvel"


Prime Member
Aug 1, 2001
I'd rather someone continue the story of another X-Men character other than Wolverine. Wolverine is cool and all but we are really just beating a dead horse here now.
Aug 3, 2010
I feel bad for ol' Wolverine, first, he's called "Jimmy" throughout all of his origin movie. Next, he looses a first-class director for his sequel. At least he lucked out and won't have Zack Snyder directing. lol


Jan 14, 2011
maybe if they would follow the comics just a little bit more and stop making up these wild stories then wolverine would be in a better position than it is right now.
Mar 18, 2011
I hope they get the movie on track. Call me crazy ;), but I like Wolverine: Origins. Critics expect too much and just can't relax and enjoy the show.
Jul 12, 2010
how much was okinawa effected by the quake/tsunami, because i believe most samurai movies are filmed in okinawa.

thats according to azumanga daioh anyway.

i really don't care for this movie anyway, sorry but it just feels wrong for anyone other than a japanese person to protray a samurai. so suck it tom cruise.


Oct 3, 2010
Wolverine is a samurai. Read his history [link=http://marvel.com/universe/Wolverine_(James_Howlett)]here[/link].
Dec 2, 2010
Too bad about Darren leaving. I got a question to him: when your so far away from your family, why not take them with you?
I know someone who could take over and make The Wolverine greatest film ever. Ready for this? James Cameron. You know, the director of "Avatar" and "Titanic".


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006

Ask a military brat what it's like to constantly have to move due to a parent's job. As for Cameron, sure, if you want to wait 10 years to watch a movie that's all CGI. Besides, we need a director who can actually develop characters, and Cameron has never been great at that. That's not a knock, by the way. With the exception of Titanic, that's just never been something his character needed.


May 16, 2008
@ vagabond007

wolverine learns the discipline of a samurai, well yeah I guess you could say he becomes a samurai thought I am not sure if that is likely in that time spand, much like TC (though he does suck) so it not like Prince of Persia where they have white people portraying a different race. They will most likely be Japanese Actors.


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 9, 2009
Seriously Fox should just shelve this for a year or two and hope they can get Aronofsky back. I really cant think of another director who would or could make a comparable film to what I think he would have made.


Feb 4, 2010
To be honest I'm kind of tired of Wolverine. He got the first three X-men movies, his own movie, and a cartoon. Its time to give someone else the spotlight.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
Bdobs said:
To be honest I'm kind of tired of Wolverine. He got the first three X-men movies, his own movie, and a cartoon. Its time to give someone else the spotlight.

I don't think it's Wolverine so much as it is Hugh Jackman. I mean, who else in the entire X-Men franchise has made a name for themselves? Anna Paquin is the only person I can think of, but she's too busy with True Blood. If you lose Jackman, you lose the franchise. Hopefully First Class will change that, and strangely enough, I'm actually hopeful after seeing the trailer. I don't even care if it's super-faithful to the comics, just make it a good movie. Hell, the comics get rebooted every five years anyways, so I'll just pretend it's an alternate universe.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 1, 2006
adelagarza1004 said:
Why is everyone ragging on Adjustment Bureau? It was a good movie!

Eh, if it had been anyone else starring, I'd agree with you. Damon can do better, though. Then again, it wasn't my type of movie to start with, so my opinion should be taken with a grain of salt.
Aug 21, 2010
I thought Origions: Wolverine was better then the X-men trilogy by far. I hope that a second would do the first one justice.
Dec 10, 2008
this is a good opportunity for disney and marvel to take the x-men franchise back from fox and make x-men movie called the uncanny x-men


Apr 3, 2010
Wolverine first of all needs a better director than the previous and the film should definitely hold off till a director capable enough to pull a, "Dark Knight" with Marvels Wolverine. Wolverine is a troubled character with a hugh and immense past. He has years of experience and would make an interesting character if done right. Honestly, I use to think Hugh Jackman as Wolverine was a good idea- however, he does not produce the ferocity of the Wolverine that we all know and love. Wolverine can be a very caring individual- but his rage makes him a beast and quite frankly the beast is the most horrendous part of him that makes us like him. He is a mutant that crosses the boundaries of just knocking out a bad guy and tieing him up for an arrest. No, Wolverine when necessary rips his opponents in pieces. Despite the fact that wolverine is now a part of Disney/Marvel- the next movie needs to be a hard Rated R film. These PG-13 films will not cut it. If they want success they must take a risk with the film. We need to get into the visceral carnage that Wolverine is so good at portraying from the comics. In addition, Wolverine needs someone that can fit the role better and provide the rageful Wolverine that we all know and love.


Mar 24, 2011
I really enjoyed Last Stand, John Powell made the film sound amazing with the score, I also like Origins, I guess the best thing to do is focus on storytelling over special f/x...
