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Mar 28, 2001
Article Comments for [link=]What's Next for The Wolverine?[/link]
by Jesse Schedeen & Phil Pirrello

Wolverine's new movie has fallen on hard times. The question is: What does Fox need to do get The Wolverine back on track? [link=]Read Full Article[/link]
May 15, 2008
Personally, I thought X-3 was worse than X-Men Origins: Wolverine but that's just me. It's in no way better than the first two but it's much more enjoyable for me than the third movie.


May 3, 2009
I say split the directing duties... how 'bout that guy that directed Donnie Darko [can't remember his name] or the guy that directed Moon [pretend Adjustment Bureau didn't happen] to be the main director in charge of the overall storytelling and character work.....THEN...
Get somebody that really know how to film bad-ass action sequences like James McTeigue, Stephen Norrington or Simon West......... or somebody from Hong Kong.
Oct 12, 2010
"That approach didn't work out so well for X-Men: The Last Stand, in which Matthew Vaughn was replaced at the last minute by Brett Ratner"
yoooooo IGN gotta step your game up. Matthew Vaughn really?
cmon guys


Aug 29, 2004
I say leave it be for a good 10 years or so, so the turd dries up rather than continue getting polished. Then we can plop out a brand new one!


Feb 1, 2011
I wouldn't mind a reboot of a X-Men movie, but not Wolverine, he's great, but maybe another charater, I'm thinking Cyclops, it would be great to see the accident of losing his ability to control the optic blasts from his eyes, who's with me?


Jan 17, 2011
w/e he wasn't that good of a director anyway, this is actulley good news to me. They will find someone better, hundreds of great directors would jump at the oppertunity to work on this film.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 28, 2007
@ pplhatr1

Why are we pretending Adjustment Bureau didn't happen?
What does that movie have to do with anyone you mentioned...

This movie is dead Aronofsky was the only thing about it that had people interested. Now he is gone for not wanting to leave his family for a year (or he saw the first one and thought he's to oscar for it)

They won't get another name like that attacthed it'll be some generic director who will make a second crapfest. Sad but true.

Sep 30, 2009
Damn. i just want to see this movie right away...personally i like Hugh Jackman as Wolvie... and i know he is ready to get it filmed... So FIND SOMEONE FAST!


May 3, 2009
@ Rebel_181

Didn't the guy that directed Moon direct Adjustment Bureau..... I admit to not being 100% certain [I'll check]..... and didn't Adjustment Bureau suck while Moon was awesome?

That's what I was thinking and the other stuff is what I was hoping...... the rest of you're comment you're probably right about.
Sep 30, 2010

NO NO NO. If any they should start dedicating these kind of movies to the comic book fans. I suggest they create a film about the future apocalyptic era starring Bishop. The story will be like the aftermath of the war on mutaunts(we should already know about mutuants and there present day struggles). The story should introduce Bishop and the XSE of the future. The villians in the film will be Nemrods or sentinals.

This movie will set up other films X films for the future, like X-factor, that you would not have to slow down for dummies because we viewers already have a clear picture of what is going on. I don't see why films tend to go backwards instead of forwards. The first films should be the prequels and intro's. I don't get First Class.


Feb 11, 2009
I honestly think this is a sign not to make a sequel. I mean I'm a big Xmen (Wolverine) fan and ive been so for a long time loved the cartoons and love the comics. The last movie however kinda sucked. Wolverine just isnt Wolverine in the movies its hard to explain what I mean but when directors start screwing with storylines like they did with the Xmen movies and then with the Wolverine movie I mean making him and Sabretooth brothers was sooooo dumb especially as they then linked this movie to the original trilogy and if I recall Sabretooth was a completely different character.
I think someone said it already but they should just leave it for a few years and do a Batman turnaround because thats how you save a franchise.


May 3, 2009
Whoops.......... I did get it wrong. Duncan Jones directed Moon, but not Adjustment Bureau.

He directed Source Code instead. Got 'em confused
'cause they both seemed pretty weak.
Aug 8, 2010
It's amazing how many people are already dismissing this movie because Aronofsky isn't going to direct this. At least it's not Ratner...
Sep 30, 2010
People that see these movies already know about mutuants and there history. If they don't know they need to read! With this, they should make an X-factor movie. Don't go in depth about introducing them, the audience should already know. No back story or anything. Just shoot a film about an epic saga they go through. Part 1,2,3, all rolled into 1 movie.


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 7, 2010
I don't know who I want to take over. Ign I think you should do another "who should direct" article, you guys usually come up with some good choices.
Aug 12, 2010
1st They need to not shoot anything X Men wise after this first class is released this summer cause they makin matter worse its self.

2nd Wait @ least a humble 7-10 years to just reboot the entire franchise the right way. The movies were good but failed from what they could have been if they just followed through with what makes X Men the best thing since slice bread.
There were no sentinels- Strike One
Juggernaut, Magneto, the Wolverine vs Saber-tooth thing, and costumes just were not right- Strike Two
I mean come on Juggernaut was hell of bigger, and was all about action when he was around. C'Mon he busted into the Mansion and wrecked shop. Magneto had a meteor & army to deal wit b4 any one could get close to him. Wolverine and Sabertooth hatred was bigger than they made it out to be. OH THE COSTUMES, Once I heard HALLY BERRY IN A STORM COSTUME, I nutted on my self. Then what they actually had her and everyone else in just more than disappointing.
Strike Three- just the weak sequels and reboots that just keep adding to the pile of crap already there!

Just condense & follow the old cartoon script or comics and not take away from what makes the X Men great. If its not gone be done right just don't do it!!

Nov 24, 2010
I say good riddance to Aronofsky. I watched Black Swan and it was f'ing retarded. He tried so hard to make that movie make sense- but was a fail. I get the whole point of the movie, but I still thought it was stupid.


Sep 12, 2010
If it really is the family thing that's cool, but I bet he was getting cold feet about the studio involvement.
Jun 29, 2001
Paul McGuigan. The only movie he had problems with was Push and I honestly think it was script problems. The was not enough background or exposition to let you know what was going on or care. Wolverine shouldn't have as much of a problem because we all know his back story.
Dec 17, 2009
FOX = FAIL. Aronofsky was the only thing keeping Hugh Jackman's Wolverine alive. Now that he's gone, that slight bit of justice just disintegrated.

FOX ruined X-Men's movie franchise. As much as they wan't to start fresh with X-Men: First Class, they already fucked it up by not including the original characters. Why call it a reboot, when they are keeping character's from the other movies out to make it fit the timeline??? That makes no sense.

Either give the X-Men rights back to Marvel or start COMPLETELY fresh.
Feb 23, 2009
Really IGN? As bad as you may think Wolverine or X-MEN 3 were they were not down right awful films like Batman and Robin. Truth is the last two X-men films were typical Marvel films. Average, decent popcorn flicks. All the praise for Iron Man and its story was rather underdeveloped.

As for Aronofsky...Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Yes thats right because he makes a film about a ballet dancer he is now qualified for a comic book franchise. Let me guess its was his penchant for anything in tights that won him the job.

Oh and lets wait and see if we still feel that way about Nolan after Batman 3. Inception was 10 times better than Dark Knight and now we're getting a real world version of Batman with....BANE...OY!


Feb 27, 2011
I think it will fall apart. Not only for the loss of the director but due to the earthquake. True fans want to keep it in japan. Not a studio with made up scenes or filming in china, korea, Philippines, or any other place. And hopefully Marvel will agree. So it will keep getting pushed back and back till eventually they lose interest in it and give up. Kinda like talk about a Halo movie. The film industry keep promising and promising but there's always an excuse. No body will produce it, no director for it, no cast, jus fans hope for a movie. And I think thats all the Wolverine Sequel will become. I'm disappointed that Aronofsky will not be directing it, and I wish it would get produced but thats jus my opinion that will happen.


Dec 14, 2010
thats the first time I have ever scene a poll that had a zero percent under one of the categories, obviously Wolverine's got fans....


Prime Member
Oct 31, 2002
how about "none of the above"
wait for Fox to lose the license, let Marvel/Disney re-acquire it, and then do an infamous "reboot" so Wolverine can exist in the same movie continuity as Iron Man, Thor, Capt. America, and the Avengers.


Original poster
I agree with dponeil. Marvel and Disney need to find loopholes in these contracts that would allow the rights to revert back to them. Only when the licenses are back in Marvel's hands will a truly worthy X-Men franchise be made. Both Shellhead pictures and the Norton-ification of The Hulk were exceptional comic book films because of Marvel's complete control over all aspects of those films, and Thor and Cap look to continue that trend. This is also a reason that, I think, Nolan's Bat-films have done so well. Of course, the whole control issue was present with Superman Returns and we all know how that turned out. I blame that, though, on Singer's rabid adherence to the previously-established continuity of Donner's Superman pictures.


Nov 5, 2010
I think the Wolverine Origins movie was better than X-Men 3. The opening montage in Origins was quite interesting and Ryan Reynolds was good as Deadpool. Damning it with faint praise I know, but it's hard for me to think of ANYTHING I liked from X3.
Jan 15, 2011
sad that there not gonna make another one :( hopefully they do except no weird stuff like deathpool having all the powers just weird hes also the merc with the mouth and he doesnt talk at the end wtf?? except that awesome movie


Prime Member
Aug 1, 2008
I really don't want to see this movie without Aronofsky. Fox should do something to bring him back. Shoot some of the movie here in the US or something.

If not, Fox better find someone just as talented if they ever want my money again.
Jun 22, 2001
I'm crushed. While I liked Origins despite it's shortcomings, I was thrilled to hear all the positive feedback about The Wolverine. I feel as if Fox is going to drop the ball, bring in someone who really isn't going to care about this film, and make it a shitty sequel and a terrible rendition of the classic story. Fox really needs to listen to it's fans and SLOW this one down. I will see this movie 5 times in the theater if they actually spend some time and make it excellent.
Jul 22, 2009
Move production to the US, Canada or Alaska. Do whatever it takes to keep Darren Aronofsky onboard. This film will be trash without a stylish director. First Preacher now Wolvy, F-in whoreable


No Longer a Noob
Aug 30, 2002
Toledo, Ohio
No way Bryan Singer would come back. He's moved on- not going back to something he started 10 years ago.

There's been enough Wolverine in the theater in the past decade; concentrate on some other X-Man like Gambit.


No Longer a Noob
Jan 19, 2003
im not a big fan of jackman but i know that he wanted to play Wolvie as basically Jack Bauer with super healing and adamantium claws kinda ultimate bad ass and tactical genius with plans and twists that would make Joker from DK weep in the corner...
if i were Fox i'd ask Chris Nolan's bro to direct, he'd co written DK has some skills that one. Although i'd die to see Wolvie in Japan, i'd rather see Weapon X - Logan being a black ops agent in the 60's/70's with Sabretooth then going AWOL and ending up in Weapon X program against his will... of course R rated, with blood, guts and nudity... i know - impossible...