May 8, 2009
legendofmetal777 said:
wow, at that price tag, only die-hard skaters are gonna buy this one. (if its even any good) no free review copy does seem real fishy.

Die hard skaters are gonna spend $120 on an actual skateboard.


Jan 19, 2004
tho i havent tried it out (and it could really be crap) i would be willing to bet that the reason that most game reviewers gave it such a low score is because most of them are fat and/or uncoordinated and simply CANT SKATE FOR S@$@# IN REAL how the f@#$ do you expect them to fairly review a f@#$@# game that requires you to be atleast a little in shape and well balanced ???


Jan 19, 2004
i mean that pic of greg miller trying out tony hawk ride is the one of most F@#$@ funny things ive seen in awhile...he b#$%@# like a little school girl just over having to play wii you REALLY think he could play something like tony hawk ride??? im surprised he didnt fall down and break hes f@$@# a@#$ within 2 secs of getting on the f@#$@ thing and run in a comer crying and clutching a taylor swift cd to hes man boobs while slobbering "help me taylor heal your fat prince"


Almost Not a Noob
Dec 20, 2003
hlsaylor said:
the reason that most game reviewers gave it such a low score is because most of them are fat and/or uncoordinated and simply CANT SKATE FOR S@$@# IN REAL how the f@#$ do you expect them to fairly review a f@#$@# game that requires you to be atleast a little in shape and well balanced ???

Yo dummy, what does being fat have to do with Skateboarding?
Maybe the game does suck, or maybe your just a Tony Hawk stan.
My uncle's fat & has great balanced as he took ballet.
But back to my first point, this is just the first time I seen this big dude downtown.

So it's a Sunday morning, & I'm going to work. Waiting outside for my bus, I see this Latin dude on a board. I'm thinking damn, this dude gives big guys a good name in skateboarding. Just to see him riding down the street pretty fast as hell was a surprise in itself. Then out of the blue, he does a Inward Heelflip. When I saw that, I went bananas. In the back of my mind I was like: GOT DAMN! how the **** did he do that with that weight. I wanted to give him a shout out of props but then I told myself: I would just look like a dumbass. I only guessing maybe he was small at one time & never lost his touch. After that moment I said to myself, there's no limit on how big a person can be to do something.

Well unless that person is 500+ pounds lol (Sumo, Wrestling, Weightlifting & American Football does not count.)


Jan 17, 2010
aye everyone if u wanna buy tony hawk ride im selling it for like 50-60 rite now plz bid really need the money