
Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
Different Sides of the Tracks

Screeching tires and people screaming pierced the calm morning air as a truck careened through a student parking lot outside of Vanderbilt Catholic High School. The truck recklessly swung into an empty parking space and threw the gravel used to line the ground all over the place. Four students exited the truck all donning the trademark blue lettermen's jacket of the Terriers, however, the driver stood out. Not because his jacket was covered in patches, not because he was the youngest of the four, but because of the name that was embroidered into the back of the jacket...


"How the f*** did you manage to get your license, Caesar? You can't even keep the damn s*** straight. Hands down, the worst driving I ever seen?" one the boys said as they walked towards the school. "Or did you just use your name value to get things done like you normally do."

Caesar laughed as he took off a bulky diamond encrusted watch and slipped it into his pocket, "You hate too much, John. I understand that your doctor father doesn't exactly make as much as my All-Pro, Super Bowl Winning, Most Valuable Player, so God damn good that he makes the Hall of Fame want to induct him dad, but that doesn't mean you should hate me."

"It's just because you flaunt it too much," John said shoving Caesar as they entered the school. The other students in the school dressed in the same uniforms that they had on. "You don't have to rub it in everyone's face so much."

"Then he wouldn't have as much fun," another one of the boys chimed in.

"Ron's right. Caesar wouldn't be able to make us feel so inferior to him if he didn't tell everyone about it every damn day," the fourth boy added with a smirk.

"You know, if I didn't know better I'd think you three were pissed off at me or something like that. Good thing, I know you bitches know you need me to do anything Friday when we play those p****** from Terrebonne," Caesar interjected.

"Terrebonne f***ing sucks," Ron shot back. "I can throw on them all day, just because you are a God damn freak who's already at their adult height at sixteen doesn't make you any better than any of our other receivers."

"Excuse me, gentlemen. Defiling a Christian building early in the morning with those disrespectful slurs, are we?" an older man said walking up, a man of the cloth.

"Sorry, Father Rodriguez," the four boys apologized as the priest nodded and walked away with a look of disgust on his face.

Caesar looked around the corner to make sure he was gone before leaning in towards the group, "I hate that boy-touching motherf*****. Just like the rest of the damn priests in the archdiocese, either touching boys or using God to get their d*** wet from these hoes."

"Caesar, you use God to get your d*** wet from these girls," John said sarcastically. "Didn't you tell Stacy that you needed to have someone pray with you only to end up screwing her?"

"I didn't f*** that girl, man. At least, I didn't that day. I just put her being on her knees to good use," Caesar said with a smirk. "Speaking of which I think I see my prayer-partner over there now. I'll talk to you boys later."

Caesar casually strolled over to a group of girls down the hall from them, but only one turned her head to watch him. She was on the shorter side with blonde hair, but definitely had what every guy... and some girls were looking for at Vanderbilt.

"So, how are you today Stacy?" Caesar said leaning up against a row of lockers behind the group. "Oh and hello to the rest of you ladies."

"F*** you, Caesar. How..." Stacy stopped herself and lowered her voice and got closer to him. "How many people did you tell about the other day?"

Caesar shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, "I would never do such a thing, its just rumors that people are spreading because you are talking to the King of this f***ing s***hole. Do you want to be with me or do you want me to turn around and strike up something with one of your friends there."

"You promise that you didn't tell anyone?" she said meekly looking up at him.

"Cross my heart and hope to die and all that s***," he said with a smile. "What you doing later today?"

"Nothing, probably just homework," she replied.

"Good, I'm going to need to go over some scriptures after school. Bible Studies I is a tough class," Caesar said devilishly.

"Scriptures? Is that so?" Stacy shot back.

Caesar leaned closer to her, "Exactly."

Meanwhile down the road at Terrebonne High.

"GET IT, GET IT, GET IT, GET IT!" the coach of Terrebonne's football team shouted as the team ran drills. "THOSE RICH PUNKS FROM UP THE ROAD ARE COMING HERE TO KICK YOUR ASSES FRIDAY! YOU BETTER DO BETTER THAN THAT!"

"I'm gettin' tired, Coach," one of the players said stopping where he stood along with some of the players around him. "We haven't beat Vanderbilt in like four years and we definitely ain't goin' to beat them with that big bitch Caesar Jenkins runnin' around at receiver. His ass had like four hundred yards on us last year."

The coach threw down his clipboard and stormed over to the player, "So you are afraid of a sixteen year old spoon fed pansy? He doesn't take a s*** without someone wiping his ass for him and you are afraid of him? You are supposed to be the captain of this damn team, Tyrone!"

"I'm just saying coach," Tyrone said with a shrug. "Anyone else here don't really feel like playin' against that rich bitch Caesar this Friday?"

The coach and Tyrone looked around the field as slowly all of the players started to raise their hands, all of them except one who was standing near the back of the group.

"King doesn't count, he's the one who's goin' to be Caesar's bitch Friday anyway," Tyrone said waving the kid off. "He's a p**** anyway."

After a few seconds of a staredown between Tyrone and the coach, he stormed off the field shouting, "You all can get your asses handed to you Friday, I'm sick of coaching a bunch of losers."

"Practice over boys! Party at my house! Get f***ed up Mondays!" Tyrone shouted as the rest of the team cheered and jogged off the field.

One of the players standing next to King stopped in front of him, "You goin' Deuce?"

"Don't call me that, my name is Devin," Devin said brushing past the guy.

"Come on, man. You know there hasn't been a Devin King called Devin since your great-grandpa every knows the damn stories. Why are you such a bitch? Your grandpa was a f***in' G," the kid said.

"Look Eric, I'm not going to any dumb party where everyone just wants to get drunk and get high. I'm actually trying to make something out of my life," Devin sneered and pushed past Eric again heading for the locker room.

"One day, you'll realize that bein' like your bitch ass pa isn't that good of a thing, Deuce."



So let's get f***in faded, lit up intoxicated
Jul 9, 2008
Oh well, as long as you update both of your rtgs 10 times a day, its all gravy hoe.

You know my feelings towards it lol


Jul 24, 2008
I cleared the whole main character situation with my first post, fools.

Update later tonight?


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
Home is Where You Make It

Devin pulled his keys out of his pocket and slowly opened the door, hoping that his parents were already fast asleep despite it only being six in the afternoon. This wasn't the best of days for the youngest of the Devin King lineage, because today was the day that report cards were delivered to parents... and with Devin King, III being one of the most prominent school board members, they just emailed his son's grades to him.

The younger Devin slowly closed the door before creeping through the living room and into his room, "Made it just in the nick of time," he thought to himself as he closed the door behind him. He walked over to his bed and buried his face in the pillows and coolness of the sheets.

It was another one of those days for him at school, struggling to stay awake in class after staying up all night ensuring that he had completed the prior night's homework. Only to find himself struggling through another hard day's work on the field during football practice.

He was just beginning to doze off into a well-deserved slumber, when his father burst into the room and smacked the bottom of his feet causing him to jump up from the bed, "What the f*** was that for?"

"Don't you dare swear at me!" the older King shouted grabbing his son's shirt and holding up the report card in his hand. "What the hell do you call this trash? You have a 'C' in English? I told you and your dumbass grandfather that this football bull wouldn't continue if you didn't keep your grades up."

"I'm keeping them up," Devin IV said meekly backing away from his father. "It's just hard trying to balance everything, I'll get it together eventually."

Devin III threw the report card down on the floor angrily, "It's ridiculous that you listen your f***ing grandfather. Let me tell you something, Devin King Jr. does not know what's good for anyone except himself. I don't know why your grandmother has stayed with him, probably because of the money."

"Why do you hate grandpa so much, you act like he didn't provide for you or something?!" the son shouted as he plopped down on the bed behind him.

"You are too young to understand," the older of the two said as he turned to walked out of the door. "Get those damn grades up or you can kiss your little football playing dreams goodbye."

Devin IV laid back in his bed, rubbing his eyes hoping to fall back asleep. He really wanted to know why his father and grandfather did not get along, but that quickly faded to back of his mind as he remembered that a certain someone had just gotten off from work.

He reached for his phone and quickly scrolled through his recent contact, smiling to himself when the called connected.

"Hello?" the voice said on the other end.

"Hey, Laura." Devin said with a huge grin on his face.

"Damn, dad. I didn't think you'd be home, you don't have any prospective clients you are looking at?" Caesar asked as he walked into his family's large mansion on the outskirts of Houma.

Deion put his hand on Caesar's neck, his Super Bowl rings glistening against the light, "Not this week kid, I'm going to watch you beat the s*** out of the school that decided they'd turn their back on me. I mean, who would turn their back on the damn Most Valuable Player?"

"I don't know, pops," Caesar laughed with his father as they walked into the living room finding their way to the sofa which was situated in front of a ridiculously large LCD projection screen hanging from the wall.

"Hey, Candice! How about you get me and my boy some food?" Deion shouted towards the kitchen. "I know we got a maid and all that, but I'd much rather my loving wife get it for me."

Candice walked in between Deion and the projection screen staring at him like he had just slapped her in her face, "Maybe ten-fifteen years ago, I would have waited on you, but I'm too rich for that s*** now. You can blame yourself."

Deion laughed and slightly shoved her out of the way so that his view of the screen was unobstructed. Candice left the two Jenkins men alone to talk amongst themselves, "So, son. How's the football going? I know Vanderbilt has gotten really good since the days I played for them."

"I'm still the best one on the team," Caesar said nonchalantly as he flipped between the channels on their satellite. "This week is going to be easier than any of the other ones. I mean that little dude Devin King they have going up against me is a bitch."

"Devin King?" Deion asked finally taking his eyes off the screen. "You know your grandpa and him... well King, Jr. got into a few scuffles when they were in the league together? Dad hates him."

"I could imagine," Caesar chimed in. "From what I heard after the kid's grandfather, the one you were talking about, the family line got real p****-like, real fast. I should make short work of him."

Deion shrugged his shoulders, "That depends."

"On what?"

"Whether he just started playing football to piss off his c*** of a father or did his grandpa actually teach him a thing or two about the game."

"Doesn't matter, I'll smash him," Caesar said confidentially.



Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
maybe its cause its late, but that was kinda confusing. and obviously, devin is bout to whip out some new skills at some point.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
The way their personalities are so different makes this even better.

Devin IV - More quiet and less player like

Ceasar - Loud mouth and a player

Love it. [face_applause]


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
southernBucknut said:

Still found a couple typos though, but who cares, right?

I try to keep them to a minimum since I don't look through them too hard just some light skimming.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
Vandy Candy

Caesar sat in the back of Bible Studies I, his first class of the day, listening to the drone of the teacher’s voice as he drifted in and out of sleep. He had figured out early in his career at Vanderbilt that sleep was viewed as damn near a sin, especially in its religion based classes. However, Caesar being the negotiator that he was had already worked his magic on his eight teachers this year and figured to be on smooth waves from here on out.

The teacher wasn’t having any of his bulls*** today, though, “Mr. Jenkins, I wouldn’t be boring you with the intricacies of the Bible, now would I?” the woman said walking towards the back of the class. “You seem to be the only one who can’t seem to keep their eyes open.”

“How wrong you are Mrs. Winthrop?” Caesar said with a self-pleased smile plastered on his face. “You think that I am sleeping, but the real reason that I can’t keep my eyes open is because I just can’t help but be overcome by your amazing interpretation of the Lord’s book.”

There was a wave of snickering that over took the class, but a glare from Mrs. Winthrop quickly quieted the other students, “Mr. Jenkins, you know it might as well be blasphemous to use the Lord’s word in one of your smartass remarks. Stay awake in my class or I’ll be letting Coach Thomas know that his star player won’t be making the grades to continue playing for him.”

Mrs. Winthrop didn’t wait for a rebuttal from him and quickly returned to the front of the class to restart her lesson. Caesar complied with her request to stay awake for the rest of the class, but that didn’t mean he caught the day’s teachings of the many books of the Old Testament.

His mind was instead of his free period following the class…

“Morning, Stacy,” Caesar said slyly as he walked up behind her putting his hands on her hips. “Terribly sorry I was busy last night; my dad paid us a surprise visit.”

The short blonde slowly turned around and looked up at him, “I called you a few times you didn’t even answer. Are you positive that you were with your dad and not some other bitch? My cousin over at Houma Christian said she saw you a few days ago at one of their soccer games flirting with some girl.”

“Your cousin is a liar,” he replied lowly. Truth was he was in fact on the other side of town a few days ago attending a Houma Christian High School soccer game, and he was in fact attempting to add another girl to his list of conquests. “You know I only have eyes for you. Besides, I don’t want to be around them posers over there.”

“I don’t really believe you, it’s not like no one knows what you look like… just about everyone in this damn city knows your face better than their parents’. But, I am going to let you slide this one time,” Stacy said hitting him in his chest. “Don’t let it happen again.”

He leaned down and gave her a kiss on her forehead, “Never. Anyway, that hag’s class is kicking my ass. I never thought there were so many ways to describe Noah building a damn boat to put people and animals on, but she has found a f***ing way to do it.”

“And that means what to me? You should have taken Bible Studies I freshman year like all the normal people, now the only one you can blame is yourself,” Stacy stated matter-of-factly. “Winthrop probably hates you more than most of the kids because you’re her only sophomore student.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I didn’t tell you that to hear you criticize me. I don’t see the point of them making us take that class anyway,” Caesar with a hint of annoyance in his voice. “So, since you took it last year like… all the normal kids… that’s even more reason for you to come to the library right now and explain this s*** to me.”

Stacy knew that Caesar really wasn’t looking for help In his class, instead looking for something else from her but she did agree to go to a quiet corner of Vanderbilt’s library with him because she knew that being with Caesar Jenkins was better than not being with him.

The rest of the school day was uneventful for Caesar, and he quickly found himself sitting in his sanctuary… the school’s football locker room. His home away from home, if he ever had one. In fact, there were times when he was more comfortable here than anywhere else.

“Who’s ready to get snagged on?” Caesar announced as he walked towards his locker while the other players were preparing for another grueling practice. However, the young sophomore was strangely relaxed knowing that Friday would be an easy game for the Terriers.

“Don’t you ever shut the f*** up?” Ron joked as he sat down on the bench next to Caesar’s locker, adjusting the elaborate playcard that was attached to his wrist band. “You know Thomas will kick your ass for being cocky.”

“We are upholding Christian values here, Jesus would not like you taunting the players on the other side of the field,” Caesar mocked as he pulled his practice jersey out of his locker. “I’m planning to pull some crazy s*** if I get into the endzone, Friday.”

Ron shook his head, “You and the little agendas you always have. So, what’s the reason you got for wanting to get flashy on Terrebonne?”

Caesar reached into his locker and pulled down a news clipping of Devin King, IV intercepting a pass two weeks ago against Ellender Memorial High, “This bitch.”

“What he f***ed your girl or something? Not that you can be mad about that since you play around on all of their dumbasses,” Ron said.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Caesar said putting the clipping back on the hook that was holding it up in his locker. “Just know I’m going to be beating that ass Friday.”

“Whatever,” Ron shrugged.

Ten minutes later, the Terriers found themselves basking in the sweltering Louisiana sun as they strolled onto their newly, renovated 20,000 seat stadium, the biggest in the area possibly the state. Caesar was the last one on the field as usual holding his helmet in his hand.

“Alright, boys gather round over here. We are going to start with some warm-ups and then we will move on to some light scrimmaging, and I stress light,” Vanderbilt’s Coach Jack Thomas said as the team huddled around him.

“SEEET, HUT, HUT, HIKE!” Ron shouted receiving the snap from the center.

All eyes were on the left side of the field as Caesar worked his magic against Thomas Graham, a senior cornerback. Caesar had all the advantages over Thomas; height, speed, footwork, hell he even knew how to get away with pushing off the corner.

With the pocket breaking down, Ron floated the ball up to his favorite receiver who had just broke on his route and started across the field. Graham jumped first hoping to get to the ball first, but Caesar easily jumped over him and plucked the ball out of the air with his left hand. A spin and a stiff arm later, and he was all smiles as he jogged back to the offensive huddle.

“That was a nice try, Tommy,” Caesar smacking the back of Graham’s helmet as he passed by him. “Next time, don’t make yourself look as stupid by trying to get up with me. Just let me do me and then watch me run to the endzone.”

Thomas shoved Caesar in his back, “F*** you, bitch.”

“Yes, I did f*** your bitch,” Caesar said as he stumbled forward, laughing obnoxiously as he caught his balance. “I was just trying to give you some pointers so you don’t make yourself look stupid. Not my fault, my grandma plays corner better than you.”

“JENKINS!” Coach Thomas shouted before blowing his whistle. “Get over here, now!”

Caesar shook his head as he made his way over to where the coach was standing. He could almost sense the fury building in the old man’s eyes as he got closer to him, “What’s up, T? Like how I’m doing things and want to offer me an assistant job?”

“Shut up, boy. Why are you so cocky?” Thomas asked grabbing the collar of Caesar’s jersey. “You are talking trash to your own teammate, what sense that makes? If your family wouldn’t donate so much money to this school, I’d have half the mind to put you off my team.”

Caesar pulled his jersey out of the Coach’s hand with a smirk on his face, “No, that’s not it. You know without out me you would lose so many games that they would fire you just like they did that coach two years ago.”

“I ought to…” the coach began before Caesar raised his hand up to quiet him before turning and making his way back to the huddle of players who waiting for the coach’s next play.

Caesar continued to impress everyone with his play on the field while disgusting most with his antics following the plays. It seemed that the more the coach tried to quiet his superstar, the more he would say after making spectacular plays.

Following the conclusion of practice, Caesar and Ron made their way over to the nearby McDonald’s. After Ron made his order, there was a shift and a girl replaced the guy who had taken Ron’s order.

“Hi, can I take your order?” the girl asked with a forced smile, her black hair almost shielding her eyes from Caesar.

“Yeah, I need a number 4,” he answered leaning down on the counter so that he was eye level with the girl.

“Anything else?”

Caesar smiled, “Yeah, I need to know your name.”

“That’s not on the menu,” she said flatly punching the buttons on the computer screen in front of her. “You’re total is $8.54.”

“That works,” Caesar said pulling a fifty out of his wallet and sliding it across the counter. “You can keep the change, I don’t need it, but I still need to know your name.”

The girl scoffed and took the fifty off the counter, “I NEED CHANGE FOR A RIDICULOUS AMOUNT OF MONEY!” she yelled towards the back likely for a manager to break the bill for her. “And if it will make you go away, my name is Laura.”

“Laura, huh? Where do you go to school, Laura?” Caesar asked as he waited for the manager to bring the change for the bill he had given her.

“Oh my God, I can’t believe you. You know you gave me that fifty dollar bill to make me have to ask for chance,” Laura said begrudgingly. “I go to Terrebonne to answer your damn question, normally I’d ask you these same questions but I already know who you are.”

Caesar raised his eyebrow, “Really now?”

“Yes. You are that prick Caesar Jenkins,” she shot back as the manager returned with money to break the fifty. She quickly counted out the change and held it out to him. “There’s your change, you’re order will be out in a minute.”

“I’m not done talking to you, though; you know I only do that asshole thing from time to time. I usually a really nice person,” Caesar said with a smile. “So, how’s your relationship situation looking?”

Laura rolled her eyes, “I don’t think that my boyfriend would like me discussing that too much.”

“Your boyfriend is a lucky man, what’s his name? I might know him,” Caesar said still smiling despite technically being turned down.

“Devin, Devin King,” she answered.

Caesar’s smile quickly faded from his face before he snatched up his receipt and turned to join Ron at a table in the back of the store. Ron laughed as Caesar tossed his receipt on the table and sat down across from him.

“What’s wrong, she didn’t want any of your Jenkins magic?” Ron said still laughing at his friend. “Stick to the Vandy candy, dude, those public school girls aren’t worth it.”

Caesar remained silent deep in his thoughts of hate for the other family of athletes in the city of Houma.



Don't hate
Mar 1, 2003
Olympia, WA
Sorry BC, but I'm not a fan of you starting your '11 tale while your '10 one isn't even close to being finished. I feel like this will take away from your creative juices with Devin, and that one is blowing up into all kinds of awesome.

/My two cents.

Edit: And it is ruining a bit of the surprise elements about Devin.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
iscorewell said:
Sorry BC, but I'm not a fan of you starting your '11 tale while your '10 one isn't even close to being finished. I feel like this will take away from your creative juices with Devin, and that one is blowing up into all kinds of awesome.

/My two cents.

Edit: And it is ruining a bit of the surprise elements about Devin.

Well, I can't really comment on this since that would actually ruin all surprise about Devin. All you know from this is that he played in the NFL and had a son who in turn had a son. I don't expect to update this much more than once or twice a week until the '10 one is done.


Don't hate
Mar 1, 2003
Olympia, WA
I don't know, the way you were going on with him I figured he would die on the field after clinching the National Title, hence no heirs or NFL, so it is a bit of a let down for me. However, I do like the ideas of wedding your two greatest CL's into one epic monstrosity. Should be interesting down the road.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
Unequal Footing

Devin mulled over his father’s words while sitting in his Spanish class only a few days later, he could easily put more effort into his classwork and get his grades up to the required 3.2 GPA that his father was demanding for him to continue to play football but he was falling more in love with football by the day which was pushing school to the background.

For a kid who had only started playing organized football three years ago, he was good. In fact, he was easily one of the better cornerbacks in the area if not in all of South Louisiana. Most of this, however, could be contributed to his grandfather. While his father was preaching the importance of doing well in the classroom, Devin King Jr. quietly groomed his grandson into a football player by telling his stories of triumph on the gridiron.

However, he knew that the balance of power in the King house had shifted years ago when his father and grandfather got into a series heated argument that left the family estranged from the eldest King. Gone were the days of when his grandfather would randomly show up at their house to throw the football with him, and gone were the days of being a true family.

“Senor King would you like the join the rest of the class in actually paying attention?” the teacher said from the front of the class, everyone turning around to see what Devin was doing. “It is imperative that you pay attention to learn another language.”

“I’m sorry,” Devin mumbled as he opened his notebook to quickly jot down the notes that had been written on the board. At least, when he was actually participating in class, the time seemed to go by faster. And for Devin, time going by faster meant the school’s lunch hour was getting closer… his favorite time of the day.

“Hey Laura,” Devin said as he walked towards a table set up in the school’s ‘courtyard.’ He sat down next to the dark haired beauty giving her a hug before situating himself at the table. “I need to get my grades up and fast.”

“Mr. King’s on your case again?” Laura asked spinning an empty water bottle on the table in front of them. “You’d think he would understand about you wanting to play football.”

Devin shook his head, stopping the bottle from spinning with his finger, “How would he understand? He never played himself…”

“I thought just about every male in your family played football at some point in their life,” she said questioningly. “I mean wasn’t your grandpa like some big star up north?”

“There people go confusing us with the Jenkins, but that is true. All of the King men up until my dad played football, and if you here my dad tell it all of them except him were crazy. My great-uncle, Darin, actually died training for it,” Devin said with a shrug.

“That’s horrible,” Laura gasped. “I can see why your dad doesn’t want you to play.”

He looked around at the other students enjoying their time out of class in the Louisiana heat. As usual for September, it was a cool ninety-eight and there wasn’t a breeze for miles. The risks of football, while potentially fatal, seemed to be worth it to Devin. He wasn’t the brainiac that his father wanted him to be no matter how hard he tried, but when he was on the football field everything in his boring life could change… he just had to do it himself.

Not to mention, since his grandfather moved from Cincinnati to Houma after retiring from the NFL football had taken another step in the area. On one side of town, Marcus Jenkins was grooming a cocky, abrasive, full of himself son that would become Deion Jenkins, possibly the greatest football player Houma or the country had ever seen. At the same time, Devin King III expressed his wish to help people wanting to become a teacher rather than a football player.

You have to go back a few years to see how this quiet family feud started, back to 2013 when Devin King, Jr. was the starting quarterback for the Cleveland Browns due to injury while Marcus Jenkins was a cornerback for the Baltimore Ravens.

The game was closer than some had expected, in fact the game was so close that tempers were flaring out of control. On one particular play, Jenkins caught King, Jr. out of bounds in a blatant cheap shot that led to a fight erupting between the two. From that point forth the two hated each other, getting in many altercations before they retired.

Like a family heirloom, they both passed their hatred for the other down to their sons… the only problem was that Devin’s son wanted nothing to do with it.

“So, do you work today?” Devin asked with a smirk. “I can probably get a couple hours away from the desk and all the homework.”

“Yeah, I do actually. What can I say McDonald’s needs me,” Laura sulked. “I wish they would give me a raise for all the work I do for them.”

“Like I know anything about working,” he said with a chuckle.

“Well, marry me Mr. King so I could not have to work anymore,” she shot back throwing her had up to her forehead. “It’s such a terrible life to have to do these things.”

He shrugged his shoulders, shaking his head,” I could imagine.”

“Imagine us married?” Laura asked with a raised eyebrow. They had been together most of junior high and of course all of high school thus far, and no one doubted that they would make it through graduation together. Basically, they were the couple who everyone hated for having the perfect relationship.

Perfect… even by the laws of biblical times, if you catch the drift.

The bell rang ending their short time together, but beginning another countdown for Devin. The countdown until the end of the school day and football practice, and with easy third and fourth periods it wasn’t going to take long.

“Hey bitch, you in my way,” Tyrone said to Devin as he walked to his locker. “I don’t know who you think you are but you must be forgetting that this is my team.”

Devin remained silent as he walked to his locker and sat down on the bench in front of it, he looked up at his white practice jersey and the red 20 that was falling off due to his jersey being one of the older ones on the team.

However, Devin didn’t care. Old or not, that was his jersey and he loved his jersey. He knew he would be buried on the depth chart after this game, but with the upcoming matchup with the Golden Child he would be the one matched up against him due to his speed and vertical.

“King! In my office, now,” the coach yelled from the door of his office.

Devin slowly got up and made his way into the office, softly closing the door behind him before sitting down in the chair in front of the coach’s desk, never raising his eyes from the floor.

“Yes, Coach Martin?” Devin mumbled rubbing his fingers together nervously.

“How’s your mindset going into this game, son? Caesar Jenkins is one hell of an athlete. If there would be a kid who could go from high school to the NFL, then Jenkins is him and I mean today, even as a sophomore,” the coach sighed sitting down in his chair.

Devin nodded slowly, “I know coach.”

“You’re nervous?” Martin asked leaning forward.

Devin nodded again, “I don’t want to let everyone down.”

The coach laughed thunderously and shook his head, “Hell, boy. There isn’t a cornerback on this team that I think could cover that son of a bitch one on one. The reason I put you there, is because I think that you can stay with him long enough to slow him down… and of course I know how much he hates your family. It’s all in the papers.”

“I know, sir,” Devin said quietly. “They are all really good football players.”

“So are the Kings from what I heard… except for your dad, no offense,” the coach said waving his hand at the last comment. “Hopefully, you are like the rest of them. Now get ready to practice hard because you can bet Jenkins is over there at Vanderbilt doing so.”

Devin nodded and quietly left the office. The ensuing practice was much like every other practice that Devin had participated in…

“Nice play, King! Way to knock that ball down!” Martin shouted from the sideline after Devin swatted a pass down intended for their star wideout Marcus Smith.

“You’re still a p****, bitch,” Marcus sneered as he walked back to the huddle. “Try that again so I can your bitch ass how that f** Jenkins is going to rape you on the field.”

Devin stared at Marcus from behind his visor as he lined up in his spot cover Marcus. He was sent on a flag route and Devin covered him step for step before Tyrone forced a pass to him, but Devin not only got his hand on it he caught it with one hand and pulled it down.

Angered, Marcus grabbed Devin and slammed him down to the turf before kicking him in his head for good measure.

“I don’t let you catch that one bitch. Just like that fine ass girlfriend of yours is goin’ to catch this d*** when she let a n**** hit. Maybe me and a few of my sons could run train on her ass,” Marcus snapped as he walked back to the huddle.

Devin rolled to his feet, shaking his head as he tossed the ball back to Tyronne. This was quickly becoming the story of his high school career, but he wasn’t one for violence or much hostility. His father had taught him to be above that.

“You gotta smack him next time, Deuce,” another defensive back said as they walked back to where the defense was lining up for another play.

“It means nothing, Daniel,” Devin mumbled. “And stop calling me that.”

“Nothin’ until that n**** is balls deep in that girlfriend of yours,” Daniel shot back with a chuckle as he jogged back to the line.

“Whatever,” Devin said quietly as he walked back with his hands on his hips.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
based on the underlying theme from this update, virgin status will be something to look out for in the coming updates. and im expecting Devin to surprise quite a few people in the real game, probably with a similar acrobatic interception against his rival. we shall see though.


Jul 24, 2008
Woah, a character that tries to avoid conflict? Say it ain't so! [face_silly]

Nice update and I agree with some of Dave's points.


Mr. Elway: S.O.S.
Oct 25, 2006
High Class, No Class

“It’s the game that everyone in this city that knows anything about anything specifically football has been waiting all month for,” the announcer boomed over the loud speaker in Thomas B. Smith Stadium, home of Terrebonne’s Tigers. “Not because this is going to be a good game… because we all know that it won’t, but because the All-Everything wide receiver Caesar Jenkins will once again be taking the field!”

The sea of crimson on the home side of the stadium booed the announcer while their rivals decked in blue on the other side of the field were worked into a frenzy as their band began to play their fight song.

Vanderbilt’s team stormed onto the field, except for Caesar who casually strolled towards their designated sideline. He looked up into the stands acknowledging his more than substantial groupie section all wearing a replica of his #17 jersey.

“I hate you,” John said sarcastically to Caesar as the star waved to his adoring fans. “You’d think that you were the whole team.”

Caesar laughed and shoved John as he turned his attention to the field, “I am the whole damn team. One game, I’m going to sub myself in at safety just to prove it to you. Besides, it’s not like I haven’t f***ed all of those girls.”

John turned around, making a quick estimate of the number of girls wearing #17, “That’s like thirty girls…”

“I know, I’m probably off by three or four, some of them maybe just gave me some head,” Caesar laughed patting John on his shoulder. “One day, Johnny boy. One day.”

Meanwhile in the home team’s locker room, Terrebonne sat silently consumed in their own thoughts, all knowing that they were about to take on one of the best teams in the state who had one of the best receivers in the country on their team.

“We’re about to lose,” Tyronne said breaking the silence. “At least, we can go out like men, well most of us. We know little Devin over there doesn’t get any from that bitch of his.”

The team burst into laughter, before Marcus stood on the bench and quieted them down, “Hey! Hey! Don’t mess with him about that! Jenkins is goin’ to bend him over and take his ass anyway so he won’t have a v-card to give up.”

Another roar of laughter spread across the team before Coach Martin walked out of his office putting quick damper on the team’s mood, “Good thing all of you got a good laugh before the game, because from what I just heard there are some scouts in the stands to get an early look at Mr. Jenkins and we all know that he knows that so that means he is going to be at the top of his game. So, let’s get it over with.”

Without another word the team stood up and followed the coach out of the locker room and onto the field. Devin brought up the rear, hiding behind his visor. There was some mild clapping from Terrebonne’s fans, but nothing to stir the spirits.

They looked across the field at their wealthier, more talented, heavily favored opponents; confidence seemed to simply resonate from them as they started their warm up drills.

“Scared?” Daniel asked Devin as he sat at the end of the bench. “Caesar is a biiiiiig boy, think you can get up with him?”

Devin looked over to the other side of the field spotting his opponent, Vanderbilt’s #17. He watched, compared him to himself. Caesar was on the other side of the field lazily running through drills, laughing, chatting up the other players.

Deep down, that’s what Devin wanted to be. In his mind, Caesar Jenkins had the perfect life and was the perfect… everything and he wanted his life.

But for today, he had to settle for being the kid that Jenkins made look foolish in front of a packed Tom B.

Some time later, the referees blew their whistles to signal for the team captains to make their way to middle of the field for the coin toss.

“Hello bitches, ready for the beatdown tonight?” Caesar laughed as he shook Terrebonne’s captains’ hands. “Got any fine sluts over there for us to flip after the game? I only want the ones that don’t have STDs.”

“F*** you rich boy,” Tyronne snapped at Caesar as he smacked his hand away.

“Keep a lid on it. I don’t want to hear all of that s*** tonight,” the referee said pushing the players apart from each other and pulling a coin out of his pocket. “Vanderbilt, you’re the away team, call it in the air.”

“Heads,” Ron said as he watched the coin flip through the air. Huge smiles spreading across the three Vanderbilt players’ faces as the coin hit the turf.


“We taking it!” Caesar shouted cutting the referee off before they all jogged off the field not caring which side of the field they got the ball on.

“SEEET, GREEN 22, GREEN 22! HUUUUT, HUUUUT, HIKE!” Ron shouted out his cadence receiving the snap from the center and quickly went into his drop. Terrebonne’s defensive line couldn’t find any way to get through the line of scrimmage and the blitz was easily picked up by their runningback.

The real battle was downfield as Devin tried his best to keep Caesar within arm’s reach, despite Caesar’s every attempt to push him away. Even though, he hadn’t gotten a step on the smaller boy trying to defend him, Caesar put his hand up for the pass.

“I’m about snag on you, bitch,” Caesar said giving Devin another shove almost knocking him off balance. “Here it comes, p****.”

Ron stepped up and threw a long floater to Caesar, who slowed down to get under the ball but Devin was right there and got up first getting his hand on the ball. However, it was higher than he thought and Caesar jumped up over him and snatched it out the air.

Luckily for Terrebonne, he was only able to stumble back a few yards before losing his balance and falling down at the 21 yard line. He immediately popped up with his arms stretched out, nodding his head at Terrebonne’s sideline.

“Who the f*** next to step up?! Get this scrub off my f***ing field!” Caesar shouted throwing the ball at Devin who had already starting walking back to the huddle.

Coach Martin was livid, running behind the referee as he jogged up the field, “You are going to let him act like that? That’s at least three penalties right there and you aren’t doing a f***ing thing about it!”

“Calm down, coach or I will flag you for unsportsmanlike conduct!” the referee snapped back as he blew his whistle to resume play.

The next play saw the same jousting between Caesar and Devin on the outside as Caesar ran a flag route into the endzone, and once again Ron threw a floater to Caesar but this time Devin was in position to make a play on the ball.

With a quick glance around the field, Caesar grabbed Devin’s facemask and slung him out of the way to make a one hand, toe dragging catch in the back of the endzone. As the touchdown was signaled, Daniel and another Terrebonne defensive back, George Rainier, ran over to plead their case that there was offensive pass interference on the play.

“He f***in’ grabbed his facemask!” George shouted to the lines judge. “You had to see that s***, you were right f***in’ here.”

“For real, that s*** was blatant as hell!” Daniel added.

The lines judge blew his whistle, throwing his yellow flag onto the turf. He ran over to the referee to give him the call, “Unsportsmanlike conduct on red 22 and red 31.”

Terrebonne’s crowd erupted into boos as the penalty was administered on the ensuing kickoff which was fumbled by the Tigers giving the ball right back to Vanderbilt.

“Vanderbilt is up 35-0 here in the second quarter and God almighty, I’m thinking that the Terriers are going to break some records here if this game isn’t called off soon,” Terrebonne’s announcer said drawing more boos from the crowd that had thinned out considerably.

Caesar looked at Devin, who stood across from him with his hands on his hips, “Touchdown number three coming right here, bitch.”

Devin remained silent as he looked to the crowd where people were still slowly filing out, but as expected Laura was sitting in the front row. He smiled to himself, but it was quickly wiped away as Caesar blew by him.

He eventually caught up as Caesar slowed down to give Ron an easy target to throw to; Caesar stared at him as he got along side of him. Grabbing Devin’s jersey, Caesar pulled him to the ground as Ron threw him the ball for the easy touchdown.

Devin laid on the ground watching as his rival high stepped into the endzone before being dog piled by his teammates in the endzone.

Before the game was over, there were two more occasions when Caesar blatantly cheated to get the upper hand on Devin. Needless to say he finished the game with an astounding 214 yards and four touchdowns.

When the clock hit triple zero, Caesar ran to the home side of the field and into the near empty stands and began talking trash to the fans… especially a certain girl sitting in the front row with her head held in her hands.

“You like how bad your man is at this sport?” Caesar laughed as he sat down next to her. “You know, you could leave with me right now and I’ll show what it’s like to be with a star.”

“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving right about now?” Laura scoffed as she watched Devin walk off the field with his head hung low.

Caesar laughed as he leaned back putting his feet on the cement barricade in front of him, “Aw, you want me to leave? What? You’re going to sit here and wait for you wittle man over there to finish crying and come tell you how bad he feels?”

“Shut up,” Laura mumbled. “I really hate you.”

“That’s what they all say, until they get some of me then they are like putty in my damn hands,” Caesar chuckled as he stood up. “I’ll come to McDonald’s and give you my number, so whenever you want to experience the best feelings in your life you can call me up.”

Laura rolled her eyes as Caesar walked back to the visitor side of the field having a good laugh with his teammates as they gave him the game ball.


So let's get f***in faded, lit up intoxicated
Jul 9, 2008
Very nice update BC.

Ceasar is a little punk though, legit. Gonna mess up Devin's relationship eventually.


Almost Not a Noob
Jun 12, 2009
I respect how Devin just rolls with the punches. Although, his grandfather wouldn't have done the same thing.


Don't hate
Mar 1, 2003
Olympia, WA
Just wait until next year when Devin spends some legit time in the weight room. Maybe Jenkins won't be able to throw his b*** a** around like a rag doll.


Oh Hai
Jul 3, 2007
here i was thinking it was going to be domination one way or the other, didnt realize the superior man had to cheat. hah. and the seed.... has been planted.