
Almost Not a Noob
Jun 4, 2010
So far, so awesome. This game is so great to play on the PS4; I'm loving the changes made to the combat, Predator and movement skills, of course it hard to remember sometime to use the up button for Detective Mode. And the story is great so far, in part to excellent; the only sour note to me is when Batman decided to put on a new Batsuit while some Milita goons are a person hostage a few feet away. That and the video chats makes it seems like he's less concern about people finding out he's Bruce Wanye. Oh and the side stories are starting out great, spoiler alert for those who haven't gotten the game, you will be scared by Man-bat Introduction.


Oct 11, 2011

Hey everyone,

This week’s featured board is the Batman board and today I’ll like for everyone to discuss the recent release of Batman: Arkham Knight. What are your first impressions of the game? Also, which game is your favorite Arkham game?

Personally, I plan to make this game one of my first current-gen purchases and I’d love to hear others thoughts on it. The first Arkham game that I played was Batman: Arkham City, and it restored my interest in superhero based video games. Its combat, story, and the scope of the city itself impressed me.

So, if you’re a fan of Batman and the Arkham series of video games gather around in this thread and the Batman board.
Game is Great there are some unnecessary car points but nothing that drastically breaks the flow of the game, there were actually some moments that jumped me.
May 6, 2015
not that bad of a shadow of mordor clone
What are you talking about? Shadow of Mordor came out years after the first Arkham game so really Shadow of Mordor is the clone here. Arkham Knight is the last game in a franchise that originated years before so in no way is it the clone
Nov 25, 2014
Great game so far with my only issues with the Batmobile. Awesome at first making some good use of puzzles, but it does feel outta place at times. It also feels kinda forced too much and I actually prefer not to use it. Overall great so far, but AC is still my favourite of the series right now.


Mar 2, 2010
So far I am enjoying the game. Wanted Batmobile now already a little sick of it. Only a couple hours in and there is alot to do.
Jun 2, 2015
How is it a shadow of mordor clone when this games concept style was thought of and introduced in 2009 w/ arkham asylum WAY before shadow of mordor was made, and shadow of mordor is a "clone" of assassins creed with a dull story line I beat it in 4hrs
Shadow of Mordor is a great game the copied the play style of arkham city. Shadow of Mordor in 4 hours means you didn't do shit in the game except for the main story. The game is easily 40 hours if played properly.
He didn't do it in 4 hrs if he even played it at all.

He probably just sat there, killing orcs, and was like "Screw this" I platinumed Shadow Of Morder and it at least took me 60-80 hours. So that guys full of shit lol.
May 20, 2010
Arkham Knight was one of my candidates for GOTY, alongside The Witcher 3, Metal Gear V and Fallout 4. After the awful PC release, it's no need to say that it's no longer part of that list. It also seems that they got the batmobile wrong, so there's also that.

What I shame, because I really enjoyed the previous ones, but here I'll probably wait till it goes on sale. I'm too busy enjoying The Witcher 3 now.


Almost Not a Noob
Aug 11, 2006
You're not funny, it's just stupid and a waste of time. You might get a rise out of a couple people, but it's ultimately a waste of your life.

Well he definitely got a rise out of you.

I unfortunately have the game on PC, so my first impressions were "hey why is batman moving so slowly, oh that looks like my desktop wallpaper, it is my desktop wallpaper, come back Batman"

I've played about 10% of the game so far, and it's pretty good, absolutely hate the Bat mobile sections though, really wish there was a way to basically skip anything requiring me to use it, the rest of the game is fun but the tedium of the Bat mobile somewhat ruins it a bit.


Nov 11, 2013
I think the game's great. I love the way they've used The Joker in this game and his random encounters are what hold the game together in my opinion. I'm not madly fond of the Batmobile, I keep thinking the Little Trigger is the Brake / Reverse and entering Tank Mode, that's really my only gripe with it.


Sep 1, 2011
I am definitely liking it. It's not as fantastic as I would hope it to be. However, it's still really great. I think the IGN score was fare. For me, I still think Asylum is the best in the series. I know I am the minority in this, but I feel the story is definitely served better under a linear setting as opposed to an open world. To be clear, I loved Arkham City and this one is well on it's way to being that good too. I just preferred Asylum over the rest.
Apr 8, 2012
Great addition to the Arkham series even though fatigue had started to set in after Arkham Origins. Everything feels smoother and for the most part seamless. Not only is it the most refined Arkham, it naturally evolves the system we have become so familiar with over the last 3 games. Be prepared to spend some time reprogramming your brain. The controls though familiar, are mapped differently than previous installments. But the additional complexity doesn't feel tacked on or superfluous. I don't share the same opinion as most people regarding the bat mobile. Yes it is forced upon you at every point, but I always use it as an opportunity to get better at using it in battle mode. Though I will admit reaching for the brake does prove to be some what irritating because you will undoubtedly transform into battle mode for the first few hours. I think this is hands down the closest to a Batman experience you are going to get. All the characters are well articulated, and the addition of the Joker as a troll was well executed. The reveal of who the Arkham Knight is and his overall narrative fell flat but that is just my personal opinion. With that said, my favorite Arkham game is still Arkham City.

EDIT: The more I read about people being annoyed with the bat mobile... the more I am thankful for it. The more bat mobile they put in the game, the less ice raft sections I have to play. Those annoyed me waaaaay more than the bat mobile.
Last edited:
Mar 10, 2014
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol

Drive up the wall using the cable.
Mar 10, 2014
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol
use the cable to drive off the roof and up the wall


Prime Member
Oct 12, 2007
So far the Story is great and that's the main reason I play single player games at all.
Even if game play and graphics are just OK if the story is great I'll love it, and so far game play and story are fantastic.

However I wish I could see this game as intended...
I have two 760's and they are recommending to disable SLI? the F?

One 760 should be running the game on normal or at least low with no shudder or hick ups.
My CPU and Ram are on point....so is this just an optimization issue or something deeper?


Ambassador of Awesome
Sep 19, 2009
I'm absolutely loving it.

And I love how they worked Joker in, just commenting on everything that you're doing and is going on, brilliant. And hilarious. Mark Hamill = Best Joker

And to anyone who may be skipping side missions, you're missing out. Some awesome shit happens in almost all of those.
Jun 17, 2013
I played last night for hours, the game is LOADS of fun. The graphics are gorgeous, the game runs very well (Xbox One), and the best part is how the game structures gameplay mechanics. You don't just sit back and watch the cut scenes, you usually are involved in moving something, BURNING SOMEONE, and other things. It's a very "video game" experience that I hope other developers mimic more often.
As always, Rocksteady has given an interesting setting that looks to challenge Batman and the GCPD. The characters are all very well done, true to their comic book origin with some minor changes to make them unique. It's a very engaging setting and story and really pumps me for playing the missions because I feel like the city is counting on me (Batman) to save the day.
Oct 16, 2012

Hey everyone,

This week’s featured board is the Batman board and today I’ll like for everyone to discuss the recent release of Batman: Arkham Knight. What are your first impressions of the game? Also, which game is your favorite Arkham game?

Personally, I plan to make this game one of my first current-gen purchases and I’d love to hear others thoughts on it. The first Arkham game that I played was Batman: Arkham City, and it restored my interest in superhero based video games. Its combat, story, and the scope of the city itself impressed me.

So, if you’re a fan of Batman and the Arkham series of video games gather around in this thread and the Batman board.
It's damn near perfect in my book
Oct 16, 2012

Hey everyone,

This week’s featured board is the Batman board and today I’ll like for everyone to discuss the recent release of Batman: Arkham Knight. What are your first impressions of the game? Also, which game is your favorite Arkham game?

Personally, I plan to make this game one of my first current-gen purchases and I’d love to hear others thoughts on it. The first Arkham game that I played was Batman: Arkham City, and it restored my interest in superhero based video games. Its combat, story, and the scope of the city itself impressed me.

So, if you’re a fan of Batman and the Arkham series of video games gather around in this thread and the Batman board.
Game is Great there are some unnecessary car points but nothing that drastically breaks the flow of the game, there were actually some moments that jumped me.
It's damn near perfect in my book, They incorporated the Batmobile perfectly, using it in multiple ways, the twists in the story is genius, not to mention there were so genuine scary moments, I know some might think the tank fights are out of place in a Batman story but considering what's happening in the narrative it makes sense, I actually like the take fights more then I thought I would, congrats to Rocksteady for once again making a near perfect Batman game, This is the best one to date in my view.


Jun 4, 2013
Good game overall, I probably have played around 3 hours.. too much batmobile, the on foot combat is really good though
May 5, 2015
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol

Don't try to pull. Drive further over the rooftop and climb up. The rope carrys the weight of the batmobile.
'Been struggling there too, totill batman spoke to himself I should do it like that ;)


Apr 21, 2009
I not a fan of the Batmobile it drives like its on Ice & so far it seem like all I am doing is fighting tanks also the street are a little busy, too many burned out cars & trash also its dark even for a Batman game I haven't got to fight hardly any thugs which I miss, I sure it will get better its a new game so it takes time to get use too


Oct 24, 2012
The good:
- Awesome Graphics
- Original voice actors
- Batman is more badass than ever
- A GREAT storyline, that is also very dark thanks to the added M rating.
- Gadgets, upgrades, and abilities.
- The appearance of more superheroes and villians.
- Plenty of collectibles and things to do after completing the main story.
- A good line-up of DLC that seems really promising.
- The city is more varied and life-like compared to past Arkham games.

The bad:
- The PC port (while somewhat playable) is poorly optimized.
- Feels like there is too much going on in the story at times.

Mixed feelings:
- The addition of the Batmobile is awesome, but I feel like it forces you to use it WAY too often.
- The controls are almost 100%, but sometimes Batman will snap on to things that you didn't want him to, screwing things up such as stealth missions.

Personal quirks:
- Please let me play as other superheroes outside of their missions in the story :(
Jun 12, 2006
My impressions for this game is Harley Quinn looking !HOT! and Arkham Knight character is a badass villain. The story and open-world are great too. The graphics and story is what keeping me playing this game.


No Longer a Noob
Sep 18, 2012
It's pretty close to perfect.

+The renowned Arkham combat system is back and MUCH better than ever thanks to new gameplay mechanics. First, Arkham Knight introduces the "Fear Takedown" system that allows Batman to surreptitiously assassinate up to three enemies without them landing a hit, but it is sort of a quick time event. Next, we have dual play. Dual play allows Batman to switch between Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman in the middle of a fight, depending on who you're with at that time. The players combo score carries over between each character, building up every hit that you remain untouched to unlock double team takedowns. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities to the player, and each character's unique mobeset solidifies Arkham Knight's title as the best gameplay of the franchise.

+The Batmobile is arguably the best addition to the game. The stealth missions, the head on, arcade-like battles with drones, and ESPECIALLY those Riddler race tracks were all phenomenal. Sure, the Batmobile is a little too-often-used, but it's oodles of fun nonetheless. It can race at extremely brisk speeds and the controls are surprisingly delightful. Also, the tank battles feel very arcade-like, and I really dug those. Rocksteady surprised me with how well they managed to pull this off.

+Probably the most entertaining Arkham campaign to date, thanks to all of the new features and the fact that Batman was tripping shit the entire time, seeing the Joker left and right. Also, this was my favorite Joker role. He just constantly cracked ruthless, cruel, and admittedly hilarious jokes.

-All of the bosses are side missions
(Note: I have yet to play them, and the campaign flowed surprisingly well without bosses, but it just didn't seem right.)

-The plot was extremely apparent to comic book readers. Arkham Knight's identity was obvious from the start.
Mar 6, 2014
I think it is great. The addition of the Batmobile awesome when it comes to using it when puzzle solving. The combat and visuals are also fantastic. My only problems with it are the Identity of the
Arkham Knight being extremly predictable and the DLC skins being everywhere


Almost Not a Noob
Mar 25, 2014
As far as the Batmobile goes: I prefer less Bat and more mobile. I like the comforting thought of laying in a crib, looking up at animals or colorful shapes spinning around (self-reported for stupid joke).
I'm having fun with all of it: Batmobile, corny criminals, open world, non-lethal Batman. Just don't take it too seriously....run over with the Batmobile: dead, full on Batpunch to the throat: dead, Batclaw gadget to the chest: dead...but they all live. If you take it seriously you won't have nearly the amount of fun you should have. It's a great game...if you don't like it "I'll break the other one". [emoji3]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


No Longer a Noob
May 26, 2013
I never played city but the little ive played of knight is much better. The combat does feel better in a way i can't put my finger on. The driving does add some variety even though i don't think its that fun. Still useful for traversing the map quickly.


Feb 17, 2015
I still haven't been able to have a good sit to play the game. Had an hour with it yesterday and it looks really good.

The combat feels really more fluid than the past games, really similar to the improvements Warner put on Shadow of Mordor. (Not trying to start that war again but I do feel the combat feels more like SoM and less like previous Batman games)

It does feel like the Batmobile will be over used as I only had a couple missions and 90% of my playtime was on it. I hope it's not that bad but from all the reviews it seems it gets worst.

As for the story, my favorite one in this saga was Arkham City so I hope it's as good and full of twists like that one.

Quick question, maybe I skipped it by accident or in hard mode it doesn't appear but did anyone feel that the tutorial for the batmobile was incomplete?
For example, the first batmobile challenge where you have to destroy tanks until you get the lv 2 missile attack. It took me longer than it should because I wasn't aware that you could strife the car while you held L2 to aim. Everytime someone took an aim at me I had to accelerate and dodge it by sliding out of the way. Again, maybe I missed the hint that taught that but I think they don't tell you.

LOL! That is funny as sh*t. I can just imagine you constantly having to exit and enter battle mode just to dodge bullets and missiles.
Mar 17, 2007
So far its been great.

+Great use of the Joker
+Story missions and the side quests have been a blast to play
+The tag team fights with your allies
+The story itself is top notch

+/- I like the batmobile but I also hate it. Sometimes I got the thing under control and others it drives like shite. Those giant tank battles are also very lame.

-Arkham Knight fights. All of them have been unimaginative, boring, tedious, and at times frustrating.
-Arkham Knight's identity. Booooring. Saw that ages ago.
-Arkham Knight's whiny personality and quips.

Overall, its a great game and the story is definitely keeping me engaged.


Sep 9, 2013
Im stuck on one of the first scarecrow missions where youre using the tow shot on the batmobile and you have to "use the cars weight" to break a wall or door, (not sure what it is) while on a roof. I was trying to figure it out for about 10 minutes before i said screw it and started looking for answers online. Nothing

if anyone can remember this first mission PLEASE HELP lol
You shoot the claw or whatever and drive off the roof in battle mode and up the wall.
Right after i asked the question i got it lol. Thanks anyway.